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Home » 12 essential plugins to shape the future of chat GPT (2024)

12 essential plugins to shape the future of chat GPT (2024)

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As we move deeper into the era of Artificial Intelligence , AI Chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT are becoming indispensable tools for automating and facilitating our digital lives.

Recording more than 20 million interactions each week, ChatGPT has become a major player in this field.

However, to truly maximize the potential of these incredible technologies, we need to look at plugins.

The ability to integrate Plugins With ChatGPT Was Introduced In 2022 , in response to the growing demand to add additional features and increase the accuracy of responses generated by the chatbot.

Since then, ChatGPT’s plugin library has continued to grow, and as of June 2023, it has almost 200 plugins, with an average growth of 10 new plugins added each month.

These plugins add a variety of utilities and functions, making this AI even more powerful.

They range from simple third-party service integrations, like restaurant reservations through OpenTable, to more complex tools that enhance AI’s search and analysis capabilities, like Wolfram Alpha.

In this article, we’ll explore the best ChatGPT plugins of 2024, based on their popularity, usefulness, and ease of use. We’ll also give you some valuable tips on how to get the most out of it, whether you’re a casual user or not.

List of Best Plugins for ChatGPT

Let’s start this list of Best Plugins for ChatGPT:

1. Prompt Perfect

Prompt Perfect is a ChatGPT plugin that aims to improve the wording of questions or requests made to the AI. It helps users write more precise and detailed prompts to get more specific and informative responses from the AI.

The user only needs to enter a basic prompt, and the plugin internally rephrases to make it very verbose for ChatGPT. It does not need any further intervention and works as a plug-and-play tool.


  • Automatic rephrasing of prompts
  • Helps get more accurate and informative responses from ChatGPT
  • Plug-and-play functionality without any additional intervention


  • Allows you to get more detailed and accurate responses from ChatGPT
  • Easy to use, without any additional intervention


  • The user must add the word “perfect” before their prompt for the plugin to work.

Overall, Prompt Perfect is a useful tool that helps you get the most out of ChatGPT.

It simplifies the task of getting more accurate and detailed responses by automatically rephrasing your prompts. This is a great addition to your ChatGPT plugin arsenal.

2. Stories

Stories is a creative plugin from ChatGPT that allows users to generate their own stories. It generates a story based on the prompt provided by the user.

The user provides a basic prompt and the Stories plugin generates a story from that prompt. The story is then displayed in a vintage-style book, with AI-generated images accompanying the text.


  • Generating stories based on user prompts
  • Displaying stories in a vintage style book with AI images
  • Option to order a hardcover book of the generated story


  • Allows creation of unique stories based on user prompts
  • Presents the story attractively with vintage-style images and layout


Stories is a unique and creative plugin for ChatGPT that allows users to generate their own stories.

It offers an attractive way to visualize stories and engage the user with vintage-style images and layout.

Whether you’re an aspiring writer looking for inspiration or simply someone who loves great stories, Stories is a plugin worth trying.

3. Zapier 


Zapier is a plugin for ChatGPT that can help you manage and organize your work tasks efficiently.

Whether it’s pulling your schedule for the upcoming week from Google Calendar, or sending emails to your colleagues via Gmail, this plugin can do it.


  • Simplifies work organization tools.
  • Helps debug your Zapier workflow actions.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Benefits: Streamlines work organization tools and helps debug your Zapier workflow actions.
  • Cons: Getting actions to work exactly the way you want them to takes a lot of effort.

In summary, the Zapier plugin can be a little difficult to configure at first, but once you have everything set up well, you can use it endlessly.

It is a very useful tool that can simplify many work processes and save you valuable time. If you’re looking to reduce the amount of manual work you have to do, it’s worth a try.

4. Ask Your PDF

Ask Your PDF is an exceptional ChatGPT plugin that makes it easy to extract data from PDF files.


  • It helps you find specific data in a PDF file.
  • It reads a PDF to find the answers to your questions.
  • It allows you to manually upload a PDF to the AskYourPDF service and then get a document ID (doc_id) that you can use to extract information from the PDF with the plugin.


  • It works great to help you find data within a PDF file.


  • You must manually enter PDFs outside of ChatGPT before you can use them.

In conclusion, Ask Your PDF requires a little work, but the results are excellent.

It indicates precisely where the information in the document comes from. Whether you work with PDFs frequently or only occasionally, this plugin comes in handy.


Link Reader is a cutting-edge solution for searching information on the web directly from ChatGPT.


  • Search integration with other plugins.
  • Effectively summarizes search results.
  • Retrieves information for a specific page.
  • Uses search for more general topics, such as compiling articles on a given topic from specific websites.
  • Explore PDF, PPT, image, Word and other documents for the information you want.
  • Works well with other plugins, making it an even more useful tool.


  • Allows you to integrate search with other plugins and efficiently summarizes search results.


  • The need to use a plugin instead of having Bing search built-in.

To summarize, Link Reader is a powerful tool for searching information on the web.

It is effective for pulling information from a specific page and can also be used for more general topics.

Its integration with other plugins makes it a very versatile tool for ChatGPT users.

6. Ask the right question 

Prompt Perfect

Asking the right question is the plugin you need to improve your queries with ChatGPT.


  • Ease of use.
  • Able to rephrase your queries to get better results.


  • Simple to use.


  • It would be helpful if he explained how it works so you could learn more while using it.

“Asking the right question” is a great tool for those looking to improve the quality of their queries on ChatGPT.

It could be even more useful if it offered guidance on how to rephrase questions, but it remains a valuable tool for getting better results.

7. VoxScript 

VoxScript is the ideal plugin for those who want to quickly find information in YouTube video transcriptions.


  • Allows you to efficiently search YouTube video transcripts.
  • Quickly provides useful information from transcripts.


  • Works well for quickly finding information in YouTube video transcripts.


  • Only works on YouTube videos that already have transcriptions.

VoxScript is a valuable tool for those who prefer to learn from written text and want to exploit the learning potential of YouTube videos.

Despite its limitation of not being able to generate transcriptions for untranscribed YouTube videos, the future looks bright with YouTube’s upcoming integration with Aloud, Google’s AI-powered dubbing and translation service.

8. There’s an AI for That

“There’s an AI for That” is your ultimate guide to navigating the vast universe of AI programs, helping you find the tool that best suits your needs.


  • Comprehensive search for AI programs that match your needs.
  • Ease of use and abundant results.


  • The plugin is very complete, it scans the entire range of available AI programs.


  • Not every AI program it finds will be high quality.

The “There’s an AI for That” plugin is a great tool for those diving into the world of AI.

It can help you discover a multitude of AI programs, although the quality of these may vary.

9. What to Watch 

What to Watch

What to Watch is a ChatGPT plugin that can help you navigate through the maze of streaming services to find your favorite shows.


  • Find your favorite shows on almost any streaming service.
  • Answers specific questions about program availability.


  • Useful for finding your favorite shows across a wide range of streaming services.


  • Does not always provide accurate information.

What to Watch may not be perfect, but it’s good enough. It helps you avoid digging through one service after another to find your favorite obscure show.

Despite some occasional errors, it’s a valuable tool for anyone who enjoys watching TV.

10. Image Editor


  • Resizing Images: You can adjust the size of your images as needed.
  • Image cropping: this plugin allows you to cut a portion of your image.
  • Applying a blur effect: if you want to blur part or all of your image, this plugin allows it.
  • Rotate Images: You can rotate your images in any direction.
  • Image URL support: To edit an image, simply provide its URL.


  • Performs various basic editing functions, including resizing, cropping, blurring, or even rotating the image.


  • Requires you to provide the image URL to the tool so it can download it.
  • Its functionality is a bit limited.

The Image Editor plugin is an incredibly convenient and easy-to-use image editing tool, accessible directly from ChatGPT.

While it’s not a replacement for full-featured image editing software, it’s perfect for quick, basic edits like resizing, cropping, blurring, and rotating.

The fact that it works with a URL makes the editing process even smoother and faster.

Whether you need to edit an image for a social media post, blog, or presentation, this plugin can be a real time saver.

11. OpenTable

OpenTable is a ChatGPT plugin intended to make restaurant reservations easier. It provides a quick and effortless experience to reserve your favorite table in a restaurant.

You just need to provide ChatGPT with basic information, like date, time, location, and number of people.

The plugin then takes the information and automatically finds the specific restaurants.

The links provided by the plugin even lead to the booking details already pre-filled.


  • Fast and effortless restaurant reservations
  • Automatic restaurant search based on information provided
  • Pre-filling reservation details


  • Enables effortless restaurant reservations
  • Provides links to reservation details already pre-populated


  • Requires the user to provide all basic information for the plugin to work properly.

OpenTable is a handy plugin that simplifies the restaurant reservation process. It provides an effortless experience, allowing you to enjoy your meal without worrying about reservation details.

12. Expedia and KAYAK

Expedia ChatGPT Plugin

Expedia and KAYAK are great ChatGPT plugins designed specifically for travel needs.


  • They provide human answers to concise questions, for example: “What is the best rate for a three-star hotel in Manhattan from July 10 to 14?”
  • They are able to address more general questions, like: “What are the most fun things to do in Chicago in the summer with my eight-year-old between August 1 and 3?”
  • They provide relevant results for travel and hotel searches.


  • They deliver relevant travel and hotel results.


  • KAYAK does not always answer your questions precisely.

In conclusion, these ChatGPT plugins can be very useful for planning your trips if you use them wisely.

While you can’t use them simultaneously to narrow down your searches, they’re still a valuable option, given the scarcity of traditional travel agents.

Guide to Activate and Use Plugins on ChatGPT

In this quick guide, we will see how to activate and use any plugin available in ChatGPT.

Follow the steps below to start your creation journey with ChatGPT plugins!

1. Enable access to plugins

To get started, go to your profile by clicking on the profile icon located in the lower left corner of the screen.

In the settings menu, find the “Beta Features” section and enable the “Plugins” option.

Please note that this feature is reserved for ChatGPT Plus users.

2. Select the template with plugins

Once you’ve enabled access to plugins, make sure you’re using the correct template.

On the chat interface, choose “GPT-4 with Plugins” as the selected template.

If you can’t find this option, just follow this link: GPT-4 with Plugins .

3. Install the plugin

Now that you are using the template with plugins, go to the Plugin Store.

Go through the available options and find the plugin of your choice in the corresponding category.

Once found, click “Install” to activate the plugin.

4. Choose a plugin in the Store

You have now activated the plugin of your choice. Use the chat interface to write your prompt or ask your specific request.

The plugin will spring into action and generate a response based on the context provided.

5. Use the plugin

Once the plugin generates a response, you can explore, edit, save or share it as needed.

Take advantage of the power of ChatGPT plugins to unleash your creativity and achieve surprising results.

Start using ChatGPT plugins today and discover a new world of possibilities for your conversations and creations!


Can we trust the answers obtained from these ChatGPT plugins?

Despite their usefulness, ChatGPT plugins should be used with discernment and caution.

  • OpenAI warns that language models connected to external tools introduce new opportunities but also significant new risks.
  • It is recommended to treat ChatGPT as a tool for getting first impressions, but not for getting precise answers.

Information obtained through ChatGPT plugins should be used as a first impression, not as an accurate and reliable source of information.

How many ChatGPT plugins can I use at the same time?

Concurrent use of ChatGPT plugins is currently limited.

Key points :

  • There is a hard limit to the number of plugins you can have active at the same time.
  • You can interchange them, but only three can work at a time.
  • They don’t work well together yet.

Managing multiple ChatGPT plugins simultaneously is currently limited, highlighting the need to choose wisely.

What are the limitations of ChatGPT 4?

It is important to note that the use of ChatGPT plugins is always subject to certain constraints.

  • When using plugins, you are still limited to 25 requests every three hours with Chat GPT-4.
  • Once this threshold is crossed, you return to ChatGPT 3.5.

Using plugins with ChatGPT-4 has query limits, so it is essential to schedule your sessions efficiently.


It is evident that the ChatGPT plugin ecosystem is constantly evolving, constantly introducing new features to improve and diversify our interaction with this technology.

Even though we’ve highlighted the best ChatGPT plugins here, there are still many other promising plugins in development.

So keep exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of what this incredible technology can achieve.

Remember, ChatGPT is a great tool in its own right, but it’s with the addition of the right plugins that it becomes a true extension of your digital potential. And while the era of free plugins may be coming to an end, the added value they provide in terms of productivity and efficiency could well be worth the investment.

Ultimately, the best ChatGPT plugins are the ones that help you accomplish more.

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