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How To Choose The Best Social Media For Your Business.

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It is clear today that for any business to grow online, social media marketing must be taken seriously. You must be selective in your choices when you want to choose the best social media for your business.

You also have to be strategic in making this decision. According to Statista, 88 percent of internet marketers claim social media has helped increase the exposure of their business. Social media has also increased traffic to websites by about 77 percent.

With this data, it is clear that as a business owner, if you are not using social media to its fullest, you need to start now.

You will see in this article some questions you have to ask yourself before choosing the best social media for your business.

I will also lay out some information about some of the most popular social media platforms. This will help you to identify the right ones for your business so you can start.

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how to choose the best social media for your business

source: pixabay

You probably are aware of the many social media platforms out there on the internet. As you already know, these platforms are to connect people with common interests, similar hobbies, etc…

One sure thing is that you cannot be active on all of them. Because of this, it is better to concentrate your time on the ones that are relevant to your business.

According to, the top 5 most used social media networks are

  • Facebook: with about 2.23 billion users
  • YouTube: with about 1.9 billion users
  • Whatsapp: about 1.5 billion users
  • Messenger: about 1.3 billion users
  • WeChat: 1.06 billion users worldwide

steps to choose the best social media for your business

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There are many different social media platforms available today and choosing the right one can be confusing and overwhelming. If you are a business owner, you should know where and how to promote your brand based on the demographics and culture of each social media channel.

Social media is a great tool for connecting with your customers and building brand awareness. There is just one issue. Your brand needs to be present on the right social media platforms if it wishes to reach its target audience and make an impact.

A common thing among businesses is to jump into social media with a flurry and see them fizzle out after a few posts. Most of the time, this is due to not establishing a social media strategy that connects with the right audience.

Using social media to build your brand might seem difficult with all of the platforms out there, but with the use of these platforms, you can now reach your audience and grow your brand organically.

Social media platforms serve different purposes and people who log in to them use them differently. If you choose the right social media platforms for your brand and customize your key messages for each, you will be able to better reach your target audience.

In this post, we will see six steps to selecting the right social media platforms for your brand, whether you are an experienced user or a newcomer

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1.Define goals on social media

best social media for your business
source: pixabay

Before embarking on a social media marketing strategy, it is very important to first define your goals. To do this effectively, you must be able to find answers to questions like

  • Do you intend to grow your brand awareness?
  • do you wan tto get mre leads and conversions?
  • Or youwant to enhance communications betwen you and you customers

Using your answers and objective, establish specific and measurable social media goals that you can work toward. If you set goals, there is a greater chance that you will achieve them than just doing things randomly. Setting goals guide your budget and hold you accountable.

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2.identify social media platforms and their uses

The next thing to do after setting your goals is to get to know the various social media platforms and their uses individually. This calls for you to think of how you will use each of the social media as a consumer.

Below are examples of social media platforms that businesses used mostly.

Facebook: Facebook happens to be the largest social media with over 2. 32 billion monthly users. 

This platform is known to be emotion-driven. It is also where people like to connect with their friends and families and also with brands and businesses they like and trust.

To promote on Facebook, you can share posts, updates about your business. Since Facebook is a place where people connect with one another, your posts shouldn’t too much focus on selling. Salesy posts can make people avoid you and not engage with your posts.

Twitter: This platform is for news and live events updates. People mostly go to this platform to check on live and upcoming events. You can share updates about your business or website here in 280 characters. Make sure you leave links to your website or to your landing pages.

Also, the use of hashtags is very important because hashtags help you reach more audiences.

YouTube: This is a video-sharing platform that has taken over the internet when it comes to marketing your business. The online video sharing platform has become increasingly popular for vlogs (video blogs) and other video content.

The videos your business shares could be anything from how-to guides or instructional videos to tips/tricks and corporate videos. You can get your brand out there with engaging videos on YouTube.

Remember that quality matters when it comes to matters of video.

Some other popular social media platforms that businesses also use when it comes to marketing their brands are Instagram and Linkedin.

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3.determine the platforms that your audience uses

how to choose the best social media for your business
source: pixabay

Now that you have examined all the social media platforms and seen how each function, the next thing is to determine where your audience goes most. The platform on which your targeted audience spends their time most is the one you have to concentrate your efforts on.

Most social media sites provide native audience insight tools to help you identify who uses a specific platform. After you have determined your social media, take a look at your target audience.

The content you create on social media can’t be shared by everyone, but it should spark engagement with your target audience. You can provide relevant content that resonates with your audience by identifying the websites they visit and grouping them into segments.

An important part of social media marketing is segmenting your audience into unique personas.

Decide what the main purpose of the content will be. You may want to consider a mix of curated and original, high-quality content, as well as occasional promotions.

Encourage your existing customers to connect with you once the business is established across a few different sites.

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4.Set a tone and voice for each social media platform

Brand voice and tone are two things that walk together. Each time you make a post on any social media platform, you are put your brand voice upfront.

You can begin by defining your brand voice by considering the three Cs of brand voice-culture, community, and conversation-and then by creating a list of adjectives that describe your mission or your brand overall.

The Tone is influenced by the audience, scenario, and social media channel of your brand. That is to say, it is what you apply to your mission.

There are several free templates that you can use to define your tone and voice.

By using your voice and tone, you humanize your brand, making sure you form a connection with your audience. Ensure your posts are easy to understand, and avoid jargon so you can naturally enter the conversation with your followers.

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5.Diversify content across platforms

best social media for your business
source: pixabay

As part of your business strategy, you should use social media to increase your brand awareness and promote your services and products.

The types of benefits you will get from each of the social media platforms are different. Because of this, you must customize your posts to fit the demand of each social media.

Likewise, create and share different types of content across social media platforms, including blog posts, infographics, news, photos, and videos.

You must also find how to add live videos to your marketing strategy. This is because the number of live video viewers is growing at a faster rate than video viewers overall.

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6.Measure and adjust strategy

the best social media platform for your business
source: pixabay

Every month, it is important to check the statistics of all the social media platforms you are using to determine which posts performed better.

Take time to figure out why these posts did well and how you can use that strategy to generate more engagements on the platform and the other ones you are using.

The main challenge on each platform is breaking through the noise and getting eyes on your posts.

The posts that did not perform very must also be analyzed. Check the time you post them and also the type of post they are.

You have to check the time you make your posts on each platform you are using in order to be able to get more views and interactions.

Once you are putting into consideration all these insights, you can plan on how to post and when to post.

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conclusion on the best social media for your business

As a business owner, you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment when it comes to choosing the best social media for your business. Social media is the perfect place to show off your values, passions, and personality.

Keep on experimenting on all the major and minor social media platforms and your target audience will appreciate seeing the “human” side of your brand, no matter which platform you choose

Let me know where you are at choosing the best social media for your business. I will be more than happy to share my opinions with you.

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