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7 Tips To Respond Perfectly To comments On Social Networks

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Social networks have become an important way to engage in conversation with your prospects and customers. However, it’s not always easy to make yourself understood through social media. And when some negative comments arrive, you have to be able to treat them with relevance and respect. You can read this article on why you must reply to comments on your social media.

Your e-reputation depends on it! Knowing how to respond correctly at the right time is a full-fledged art based on diplomacy. You must master the techniques and tricks that help you keep your fans’ trust. To this end, we present you 7 essential tips for responding to your community on social networks.

1. Respond as quickly as possible

If your customers contact you on social networks, it’s for a good reason. They want to receive a quick response, unlike the usual procedures that take too much time.

So make a point of being reactive, even if it’s only to tell them that you’ll study their case if you don’t have a concrete answer to give at the moment. This helps to calm them down for a few hours. Read our article on how to use WhatsApp Business to improve your marketing strategy

Caution: If you promise to get back to them, do it as soon as possible, otherwise they will be even more upset.

2. Personalize the message

Nothing is more frustrating than being considered just another case. Always personalize the message, ALWAYS. Call the user by their first name and bounce off the words they use in their comment, no matter how positive or negative it is.

3. Opt for a tone that matches the company’s image

Always keep in mind that you have an image to preserve when you address your community. Comments on social networks sometimes invite the use of abbreviations and colloquialisms. 

Don’t be tempted by these (bad) habits. (Do you pop-ups on your website? Read here to if you must have pop-ups or not.)

Stick to the tone of your editorial line and use emojis only if your audience is ready for it.

 4. Answer only the question

Your audience expects a clear and precise answer to a particular point. Give them satisfaction by writing a short and concrete message. You may want to read our post on how to write very effectively your posts.

Don’t get lost in lengthy explanations, excuses or thanks. This will only confuse them even more.

5. Don’t be afraid to be transparent

Honesty is a virtue that can become a real ally in your relationship with your community. By being transparent in your actions, you gain the esteem and trust of your interlocutors.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to admit you are wrong when the fault comes from your side and apologize. This will directly calm an unhappy customer and send a positive message to others.

6. Stay polite and respectful

Although some comments make you feel very angry, don’t let your emotions show. Always stay in control of yourself by being polite and respectful.

Your e-reputation still depends on it. If necessary, take 5 minutes to calm down before answering, by breathing in and out deeply.

In some cases, Internet users make derogatory remarks to denigrate the company. These people, known as “trolls”, can be banned from your page. All they want to do is stir up trouble.

7. Use the right tools

To best manage comments on social networks, use tools that centralize mentions from your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin accounts, etc. 

On a single dashboard, you can control your e-reputation and react quickly to thank compliments or deal with negative feedback. Among the best-known tools, you will find Hootsuite, AgoraPulse, SproutSocial, and Rignite.

A presence on social networks necessarily implies a dialogue with Internet users. If you don’t have the time to be reactive, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via WhatsApp. We will be able to watch over your e-reputation and take in hand the conversations with your community!

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