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Top 20 Games to Play with Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend on WhatsApp

Games to Play with Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend on WhatsApp
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WhatsApp, with its easy-to-use interface and free availability, has become a popular communication tool worldwide. It’s not just for chatting, though. You can also play games with your significant other to keep the conversation lively and engaging. 

Here are the top 20 games to play with your girlfriend or boyfriend on WhatsApp:

1. 20 Questions

This game starts with one person thinking of an object, person, or place. The other person then has 20 opportunities to ask yes-or-no questions to narrow down what the first person is thinking of. 

For example, if the chosen object is the “Eiffel Tower”, the questions could be “Is it a place?” or “Is it in Europe?”. The game continues until the guesser has either correctly identified the object or has asked 20 questions.

2. Truth or Dare

In the WhatsApp version of this game, players take turns choosing between “truth” or “dare”. If “truth” is chosen, the other player asks a question that must be answered truthfully. 

For example, “What’s your most embarrassing moment?”. If “dare” is chosen, the other player challenges them to do something and provide proof, like a photo or video. For example, “I dare you to sing your favorite song and send me the video”.

3. Would You Rather

This game involves posing two scenarios to your partner and asking which they would prefer. The scenarios can be serious or silly. 

For example, “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?” or “Would you rather eat only pizza for a year or never eat pizza again?”.

4. Emoji Pictionary 

In this game, one person sends a series of emojis that represent a movie, book, or phrase, and the other person has to guess what it is. 

As an example, sending a 🍎 and a 👸 could represent the movie “Snow White”.

5. Story Builder 

This game starts with one person writing a sentence to start a story. The other person then adds another sentence, and the story continues to build with each exchange. 

For instance, the first person could start with “Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a brave knight.” The second person could then add, “This knight had a reputation for being fearless, but there was one thing he was afraid of.” The story continues to unfold with each added sentence.

6. Trivia 

This game is all about testing each other’s knowledge. You can choose a category, like sports, movies, or science, and then take turns asking questions related to that topic. 

An example, if you choose movies, you could ask, “Who won the Oscar for Best Actor in 2020?” The other person then has to try to answer correctly.

7. Never Have I Ever

This game starts with each person taking turns saying something they’ve never done. If the other person has done it, they lose a point. 

For example, you could say, “Never have I ever been skydiving.” If your partner has been skydiving, they would lose a point.

8. Guess the Song

In this game, one person types in lyrics to a song, and the other person has to guess the song title and artist. 

For example, you could type, “Just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world,” and your partner would have to guess “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey.

9. Riddles

This game involves sending each other riddles to solve. It’s a fun way to challenge each other’s problem-solving skills. 

Let us say for instance, you could send, “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?” (The answer is an echo.)

10. Two Truths and a Lie 

This game involves each person telling two truths and one lie about themselves, and the other person has to guess which one is the lie. 

As an example, you could say, “I’ve been to Australia, I love sushi, and I can play the guitar.” Your partner would then have to guess which statement is the lie.

11. Charades

In the WhatsApp version of this game, one person chooses a word or phrase and then acts it out using pictures or videos, without using any words. The other person then has to guess what the word or phrase is.

For example, if the word is “butterfly”, you could send a video of yourself flapping your arms like wings.

12. Hangman

This game starts with one person thinking of a word and then typing underscores for each letter of the word. The other person then guesses letters one at a time. If the letter is in the word, it replaces the corresponding underscore(s). If not, a part of the hangman is drawn. 

The game continues until the word is guessed or the hangman is fully drawn. For example, for the word “apple”, you would start with “_____”.

13. Tic Tac Toe

This game can be played on WhatsApp by drawing a 3×3 grid using the pipe (|) and dash (-) characters. Players take turns sending messages with an ‘X’ or ‘O’ in their desired position. 

The first player to get three of their marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.

14. Complete the Sentence 

One person starts a sentence, and the other person has to finish it. This can lead to some hilarious outcomes. 

For example, one person could start with “If I could fly…”, and the other person could finish with “…I would travel the world!”

15. Word Association 

This game starts with one person saying a word. The other person then has to say the first word that comes to their mind that’s associated with it. 

For example, if the first person says “apple”, the second person might say “fruit”. The game continues back and forth.

16. Spot the Difference 

In this game, you send two similar pictures to your partner, and they have to spot the differences. For example, you could take two pictures of your room, change a few things between shots, and then ask your partner to spot the differences.

17. Memory Game

This game tests your partner’s memory. You list a series of items, and your partner has to repeat them back in the correct order. 

Example, you could list “apple, banana, cherry, date, elderberry” and your partner would have to repeat those back in the same order.

18. Describe the Picture 

In this game, you send a picture to your partner, and they have to describe it in as much detail as possible. 

This could be a picture of a landscape, a busy city scene, or even a page from a book. The goal is to get your partner to describe the picture in detail, encouraging observation and attention to detail.

19. Name the Place

This game tests your partner’s geographical knowledge. You send a picture of a place, and your partner has to guess where it is. 

This could be a famous landmark, a city skyline, or a beautiful natural landscape. The more obscure the place, the more challenging the game!

20.Who Am I?

This game is a fun way to test your partner’s knowledge about famous people. You think of a person, and your partner has to ask yes-or-no questions to figure out who it is. 

For example, you could think of a famous person like Albert Einstein, and your partner could ask questions like “Am I alive?” or “Am I a scientist?” to narrow down the possibilities.

Read Also: How To Add Someone On WhatsApp In Five Steps


Playing these games on WhatsApp with your girlfriend or boyfriend not only adds excitement to your conversations but also fosters connection and communication. 

These interactive activities help bridge distances, create shared memories, and deepen your bond with your girlfriend. 

Enjoy these games to play with your girlfriend or boyfriend on WhatsApp!

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