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Google Adsense Approval: 12 Things You Must Do Before Applying

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12 things to do to get Google Adsense approval

I was rejected by Adsense the first time I applied. I had To fix these 12 things before reapplying. As I expected, I was approved the second time I applied.

You can imagine the feelings of it when as a new blogger, you get Adsense approval for your blog.

It was not easy for me to discover and fix all the issues on my blog but I am very happy I did and I want to avoid the frustration of getting rejected by the giant Google.

You will easily get your Adsense approval if your blog meets the following criteria.

Read also: What is Google Adsense

Adsense approval step 1: Provide high-quality articles on your blog

12 things to do to get adsense approval

Always write high-quality content, don’t copy from others and paste them on your blog.

If you copy from other resources, Google will automatically know about it thanks to its plagiarism checking tools.

Hence, a hundred percent rejection.

So make sure your content is plagiarism free and each blog post must contain at least 700 words but I advise you to reach at least 1000 words.

Prepare your blog first before applying for Adsense:

  • High-quality content
  • Optimize the blog post with Meta tags and make it search engine friendly
  • The blog domain must be at least 6 months old
  • Check if your blog is not blocked by Google
  • Do not have any content prohibited by Adsense

You can read my article on How to write SEO-friendly articles to learn how to produce quality content.

Read also: the step-by-step guide to making money with Adsense arbitrage

Adsense approval step 2: Add a navigation menu to your blog

12 things to do to get adsense approval

Google AdSense is one of the best ways to maximize your blog’s revenue.

But to be effective, AdSense codes must be displayed in the right places that have a higher click-through rate.

For example, AdSense ads under the navigation menu.

A navigation menu is the most essential part of your blog.

The navigation menu not only helps your readers to browse your blog, but it is also helpful in AdSense approval.

Using the navigation menu as an example, Google understands the value you provide to your readers.

Along with this menu, also create sub-menus, and sub-categories and install other important widgets to help your readers navigate your blog easily.

Read also: How to make $1000 per month with a blog

Adsense approval step 3: You need to add the important pages.

There is no chance to get Adsense approval without having the About page, contact page, and privacy policy.

And these are the common reasons for rejection.

The About page tells about your blog and the author’s profile.

Also, add a contact page so people can contact you if they have a problem or need help with your blog.

The privacy policy reflects how serious you are about your business.

The privacy policy describes to visitors what you are allowed to do on this blog and what you are not.

So, create these pages before you apply to Adsense.

Otherwise, Be ready for rejection.

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Adsense approval step 4: Your Blog design is important for Adsense approval

12 things to do to get adsense approval

Make your blog user-friendly before applying to Adsense. A high-quality and fast-loading theme can solve this problem.

It can attract many visitors to your blog and also be helpful for AdSense approval.

There are many simple, clean and professional-looking free themes that give your blog a professional look for free.

So, choose a good quality theme that can provide you with all these things.

Astra is an ideal WordPress magazine theme for making money from Google AdSense.

With 22 Google AdSense optimized website demos to choose from, Astra is a blogging theme that should appeal to a wide audience.

Keep in mind that Google AdSense does not approve of blogs with copyrighted content that is copied.

A well-optimized blog post should be 100% unique and contain more than 700 to 1200 words.

The most important thing to have on your blog or site is high-quality original content. A real Google Adsense staff reviews your application for approval.

So, always write a blog post above this limit and it should be unique, which clearly determines the topic of the post.

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Adsense approval step 5: Add a meta description to your blog

This is an essential part of your blog.

A meta description is used to describe why you are creating this blog and what your readers expect from it.

A meta description is a snippet of code that appears in Google Serps under your blog title. It is usually 155 characters long.

Make sure your blog has a meta description before you apply for AdSense.

Read also: How to write an SEO-friendly article

Adsense approval step 6: Get your blog indexed on Google

Indexing means that Google knows the blog.

Before applying for Adsense, your blog in Google using Google Search Console. And make sure that every post appears on Google.

You can check whether your blog is indexed or not by Google.

Just search for the site: in Google search.

Read also: 5 tips to create a blog

Adsense approval step 7: Number of posts and words in each of them

It doesn’t matter how many posts you need before applying to Google Adsense.

But make sure you have no more than 10 on your blog. This can reduce the chances of rejection. I get my approval with 15 posts, but 20 posts are recommended for AdSense approval.

But make sure these posts must be unique and well-structured and each post must be at least 1500 words or more.

Many bloggers still struggle to get AdSense approval, even if they have 100 posts and many are approved with only 3 posts.

It’s all about uniqueness and quality.

Read also: 13 ways to make money with Google

Adsense approval step 8: Use royalty-free images

how to get free adsense approval

You are allowed to use as many images on your blog but do not use any images downloaded directly from Google.

After finding your favorite image, check if it is free or copyrighted.

Because this can also create a problem in Adsense approval.

But you are free to use any images from Pexels, Pixabay, or Canva, whether they are free or paid. I use images on my blog from these websites and I don’t have any problem, even if they are free.

Adsense approval step 9: Avoid publishing forbidden content

Adsense does not allow copied content as well as prohibited content. Copyrighted images should not be used without the permission of the owner of that media.

In addition, any content that is s–ual, or tutorials related to piracy are prohibited to get approval from Adsense.

If your blog contains any of these contents, you must remove it for AdSense.

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Adsense approval step 10: Get a custom domain

how to get adsense approval

A custom domain is a unique brand label connected to a website’s IP address.

To visit a particular site, you can type its custom domain name in the address bar of your browser. Domain name registration is required for ownership reasons.

You can get AdSense approval with a free domain such as, as I said in AdSense uniqueness and quality is important.

But still, a .com domain has a high chance of being approved by Google Adsense. So try to use .com domains, rather than free ones.

It’s not necessary, but having a custom domain increases your chances of getting approved

Just keep these things in mind

  • Don’t put adult content on the blog
  • Try to blog every other day (or at least three times a week)
  • Don’t infringe on other people’s copyrights
  • Preferably, blog in English (because algorithms are written in English)
  • Blog your ideas, experiences, views, and opinions; don’t try to copy and paste or other techniques
  • … And you will get an Adsense account in a few days.

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Adsense approval step 11: Enable comment moderation

This may be the reason why AdSense was rejected in my first attempt and also when you read their policy, it says that your blog comment must be set on moderation.

Moderation means that we have to manually approve someone’s comment before it is published on our blog.

You can control which comments are held for moderation on your Settings Discussion Screen page, which is under Settings → Discussion.

If you want every comment to go through moderation, check the Comment must be manually approved option, listed under Before a comment appears.

Then check it and enable it if it is not the case.

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Adsense approval step 12: If you are rejected, Reapply

adsense approval

Don’t lose hope after being rejected by Google AdSense.

There is no limit to retry, retry, and retry again.

Just find out why they are rejecting your application and try to solve it as soon as possible.

And reapply.

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Only these things count in the approval of Google Adsense.

So make sure that they should present in your blog before applying for Adsense.

And also try to improve the speed of your blog as it can help in Adsense approval and also get ranked in Google. This will certainly help you.

While we can’t say if your site would be eligible without a full review of your application, there are some things you can check before applying to see if your site would be a good fit for AdSense.

Read our tips for creating quality content to attract users and advertisers to your site.

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If you need any help or question, you can contact me directly, I will definitely help you.

Share this article with your friends on social networks and let me know what step is missing on your website that you have added now, as well as the important thing I missed to mention.

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