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Adsense Arbitrage: The Complete Guide I Use To Increase My Earnings.

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Adsense Arbitrage is one of the best domains that is suitable for beginners in the world of Internet profit. If you want to know everything you need to succeed in this field, you are in the right place


In this comprehensive guide to Adsense arbitrage, you will discover:

  1. What is the principle of arbitrage itself and how do you use it for profit.
  2. The most important terms you need to understand such as (CPM – RPM – CPC).
  3. The best advertising platforms suitable for Adsense Arbitrage.
  4. The most important tools you need to create content that attracts visitors.
  5. Disadvantages of Adsense Arbitrage that you should avoid.

You will find all this and more between the lines of this guide, and as usual, on the blog (Make money on the Internet for free ), you will find everything explained with practical examples and simple words until the idea reaches you without any complexity.

Adsense Arbitrage secrets to make money online

Before entering into the interpretation of the meaning of Adsense arbitrage and its functioning…. You should know very well what is meant by arbitration itself and how it is a very old method of doing business and making money on the Internet.

On the first market, the car is sold for 10 000 dollars and on the second market, the same car is sold with the same capacities at a value of 15 000.

All you will do is buy the car on the first market, then go and sell it on the second market, and so you will earn 5000 Dollars, this of course before any other expenses like transportation.

Read also: How to get Adsense approval very fast

This is the idea of arbitrage, I think you have now confirmed that it is not a new idea at all and that it can be applied to many goods, products, and services in various markets.

That’s what we’re going to do when we talk about Adsense arbitrage in detail in this guide. The whole idea revolves around buying visits or traffic at a certain cost and then taking advantage of it to earn more than that cost through the Adsense program.

It’s like buying traffic at a price in one market and then selling it in another market at a higher price, so the profit process depends on how well you buy traffic and make sure you sell it at a price higher than the cost of purchase.

Terms you need to know about adsense arbitrage

There are some terms that you need to know first in order to know how AdSense Arbitrage works and how you can profit from it because we will use them a lot in the explanation later.

Read also: What is Google Adsense

Read also: How To Make Money with Google (7 different ways)

1- What is CPC

The term CPC is an abbreviation of Cost Per Click, which means the cost of a click, this term is still used in the advertising field.

If you want to buy ads, you will want to get the lowest CPC possible, but if you are the one selling ads (which happens in the case of Adsense), you want the CPC to be as high as possible in order to increase your profits.

2- What is CPM

CPM stands for Cost Per Mile, which means cost per thousand impressions. There are some ads where the cost is not calculated per click but per impression.

Impressions are the number of times your target audience sees an ad, and this is what some platforms like Facebook use to calculate the cost of ads.

For example, to get 1,000 impressions for your ad, you might have to pay $20, and this is often the type of ad that is meant to interact with the audience, not click on ad.

3- What is CTR

The term CTR is an acronym for Click Through Rate, which means the percentage of clicks on the ad compared to the total number of impressions obtained by the ad or link.

For example, it is known in the SEO world that the CTR obtained by the first result on the search results page is 34%, which means that out of 100 searches on a particular keyword.

The first result only gets 34 clicks, and we can apply the same to AdSense ads, so you see for every 100 visits to your site, how many people click on the ads.

The term RPM is an acronym for Revenue Per Mile, which means the profit you get for 1000 visits, it is similar to CPM but calculates the profit and not the cost.

This term is used a lot in the Adsense arbitrage field, because it is a good measure to evaluate the profit of ads, and anyone who depends on Adsense needs to know exactly what the average RPM of their site is.

Now that you know all the necessary terms and you also know what is meant by arbitrage, it is now time to know how Adsense arbitrage works so that the whole picture is in front of you.

Let’s say your website has an average RPM to earn from Adsense of $5, then you need to create an ad that brings you 1,000 visits so that the cost is less than $5.

You can create a sponsored ad on Facebook or the Bing platform to experiment with different types of traffic and targeting until you get what you want.

This can bring 1000 visits of some traffic, but the CTR is very low, which means that this traffic is not good and will force you to pay more for an ad.

Therefore, this traffic is not good for you, it is in short Adsense arbitrage, it is a set of accounts that you need to master all the factors in order to make a profit.

So let’s break down each factor individually so you know how to control it in the way that works for you:

1- Adsense earning rate

Before you think about creating ads, you should first think about your AdSense earnings rate, the CTR of each page or article on your site, and your average RPM.

Then, you need to think about how to improve these numbers. You may need to:

  • Change your ad placements.
  • Some advertisers will block their ads from running on your site until you increase the CPC value of each ad.
  • Increase certain types of items because of their higher RPM.

2- The advertising platform you depend on

There are many advertising platforms you can rely on to create ads of all kinds, and perhaps the most famous of them are:

  • Facebook platform.
  • Taboola platform.
  • Rev Content platform.
  • Adfalcon platform.
  • Bing Ads platform.

Each platform has advantages and disadvantages, and each platform has a specific traffic source, there are platforms that place your ad on the pages of different sites (like the one you see on most news and art sites at the bottom of the page).

And another place your ad in front of an audience that you target, such as the Facebook platform, because it is the strongest and best platform, regardless of the quality of content you provide and the language you use, and this is according to our personal experience as well as professionals in this field.

The Facebook platform offers you many advantages, including:

  • Targeting the audience very precisely. You can use several types of ads (photos – videos).
  • You can retarget the same audience from your site or create a similar audience.
  • The last feature is not found on any other advertising platform, which you can take advantage of to make ads at a rather low cost and thus make more profit.

Facebook ads are not difficult.

3- The quality of your content

Content is a very important factor to take advantage of Adsense arbitrage, as every piece of content should attract the visitor, starting from the attractive and appealing title to the practical and useful content.

Any piece of content that you publish on your site and that you intend to use in Adsense Arbitrage must have

  • An attractive headline that grabs attention and entices the visitor to read your content or click on your ad.
  • A strong introduction that describes some of the benefits a visitor will get if they read your content.
  • Break up the content so that the most important information is at the end of the article.
  • Consistency of content and consistency of ideas.

Writing content that gets results and allows you to build a relationship with your audience is very important for every website or blog owner.

how to increase earnings in adsense arbitrage

You now know everything you need to start making profits with Adsense Arbitrage, but there are some things I want to focus on to ensure good profits.

1- Increase the price per click of ads on your site

I mentioned this point earlier, and I stress it again, because it is a very important factor in determining your profits, and to do this, I advise you to do the following:

Use keyword research tools to find out the CPC value of ads on those words, and thus create content around the search words that cost more to advertise.

Test ad placements, for example, header ads may be more profitable than body ads and vice versa.

Test the number of ads on each page, sometimes if you only place one ad you can earn more than placing two or three ads.

Test the same types of ads for your niche, maybe illustrated or video ads are better than text ads or vice versa.

Make sure you pay attention to the quality of your site and its position in general on the internet, the better and more specialized the content is in a particular area, the higher the cost of advertising on your site for advertisers, and that means more profits.

As I told you before, adjusting AdSense settings and using the wonderful analytics tools offered by Google is a basic thing you need to master to earn Adsense arbitrage.

2- Reduce your advertising costs

Many factors determine the cost of advertising:

  • The platform you depend on. The same type of traffic (country – gender – age).
  • The type of content you are targeting and the degree of competition with it.
  • The quality of the ad itself and its compliance with the rules of writing.
  • The purpose of the ad (visit a site – buy a product – get interaction).

Therefore, you should try to test several copies of the same ad as well as the targeting you rely on, the more traffic you get, the higher the pressure on the ads.

3- Leverage ads to get free traffic

There are many pioneers in this field who rely on ads to increase the subscriber base of their sites so that in the future they get permanent traffic.

There are those who exploit ads in :

  • Growing the site’s email list.
  • Increase Instagram followers.
  • Get subscribers on Facebook pages and groups.
  • Increase the list of subscribers in the Messenger list.

To do this, you need to kill two birds with one stone, get visits to your site, and also build a traffic base that you will then use to promote your content constantly and for free.

4- Increase the stay of visitors on your site

One of the most important ways to increase the benefits of Adsense arbitrage is to take advantage of a single visitor more than once.

Therefore, you will find many sites that rely on filtering other items for the visitor, as you can see below.

In this way, the possibility for the visitor to press ads increases, and there are also some sites that rely on dividing the content into multiple pages, such as news sites.

Thus, the rate of visitor pressure on ads increases, and for this, there are specialized WordPress templates to help you with this, perhaps the most famous of which are:

1- Bimber template

The Bimber template is quick and easy to design pages.

2- Jannah template

Jannah template is one of the most popular AdSense for-profit templates recommended by many marketers.

3- BoomBox Template

BoomBox is fast and cheaper than the previous models.

All these models offer great possibilities that allow you to use your site in the best possible way in order to take advantage of Adsense ads, it is true that they are paid models, but they are worth every penny.

These applications are also reputable and provided by specialized companies, that’s why they are constantly updated and developed, and they also have many ready-made designs that you can directly operate and easily modify according to your site and content.

Note that when converting to use one of these templates, you should first save a copy of your current site, to avoid any problems and to ensure that all the links on your site work effectively.

There is no money-making domain on the internet that doesn’t have some flaws that you need to overcome, in addition to some unethical practices that you need to avoid.

1- Advertising costs increase over time

It is true that you can start with a very small budget to buy paid traffic (100 to 200 Dollars), but the cost of advertising increases over time due to the increase in competition.

This is in contrast to the quality of the traffic itself, so you need to constantly develop and update in order to get the most out of the advertising platform it depends on.

Aside from the need to track and review data, if you neglect your ad campaigns for several days, you risk losing large amounts of money.

2- Quality content that delivers quick results

Unfortunately, many who work in the Adsense arbitrage field rely on so-called viral content. The term itself is fine, but the problem lies in the quality of the content.

For example, scandals of artists and celebrities, strange news, and content that deceives the reader (a secret magic recipe for slimming) are what many rely on in this field.

It is true that you need attractive and appealing content and people to share it, but it does not mean that providing frivolous content has no benefit for the follower.

Therefore, try to stay away from these types and take advantage of new trends, events and news in a proper way without defrauding the visitor to earn some Dollars.

You can also use my tool:

With these two tools, you can learn more about the best types of content in your field that are spreading on social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

3- Host your website

In order to make a good profit from Adsense Arbitrage, you need a lot of traffic, so you need to make sure that your website is hosted and can absorb the traffic that comes your way.

Often, the best hosting companies will allow you to get around 20,000 unique visits per month, and these are the lowest packages available, and this traffic is not enough, especially if you want to make a big profit.

That’s why you need to keep that in mind because if you want to get about 250,000 unique visits per month, you need cloud hosting.

This is one of the costs that you need to keep in mind in order to offset it with your profits.

4- Provide a poor user experience

Many sites that rely on Adsense for profit offer a bad user experience, so you find ads spread on every page and everywhere in a way that makes the visitor leave the site.

This is a big mistake that many beginners make, and even those who have experience in this field, because they put profits before user experience.

User experience is one of the most important factors that Google depends on to evaluate sites, and you will lose a lot if someone enters your site and then decides not to enter again because of the poor user experience you provide.

Therefore, don’t make this mistake, put yourself in the visitor’s shoes and make sure that they will benefit from visiting your site, and have a good experience without harassment.

Taking advantage of Adsense arbitrage is very interesting for anyone who wants to master the art of marketing because you are using several skills such as:

Reading data and performing tests (A/B Testing – Split Testing).

Dealing with different advertising platforms and mastering the art of buying media to drive traffic. Creating engaging content that follows the rules of copywriting to impress the visitor.

And all this opens many doors in the world of Internet profit, that’s why I advise many young people, especially beginners in Internet profit, to try this field.

I wish you good luck and don’t forget to follow us constantly so that you don’t miss any news.

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