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When is the GPT-5 release date?

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With ChatGPT, OpenAI revolutionized the field of AI chatbots and made a lot of noise. So much so that users are eagerly awaiting the launch of the next version , named GPT-5.

GPT-3 left a strong impression, GPT-3.5 made a lot of noise, and GPT-4 demonstrated the astounding potential of AI models. Naturally, everyone is curious to know if there will be a GPT-5 , and by when .

The Legacy of GPT-3

Before we discuss GPT-5, let’s briefly revisit its predecessor, GPT-3. Released in 2020 by OpenAI, GPT-3 (short for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3”) stunned the world with its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text. With a whopping 175 billion parameters, it outperformed its predecessors and set a new benchmark for AI language models.

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The Anticipation Builds

As the AI community eagerly anticipates the next leap forward, rumors and speculations abound. Here are some key points to consider:

1. OpenAI’s Commitment to Advancement

OpenAI has consistently pushed the boundaries of AI research. Their commitment to innovation suggests that GPT-5 is not a matter of “if,” but “when.”

2. Parameter Count

GPT-3’s massive parameter count was a game-changer. Will GPT-5 continue this trend? Some experts believe that we’ll see an even larger model, perhaps surpassing 200 billion parameters.

3. Fine-Tuning and Specialization

GPT-3’s general-purpose capabilities were impressive, but GPT-5 might take specialization to new heights. Imagine domain-specific versions tailored for medicine, law, or even creative writing.

4. Ethical Considerations

OpenAI has been mindful of ethical concerns surrounding AI. GPT-5’s release will likely come with guidelines to prevent misuse and promote responsible AI development.

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The Elusive Release Date

Will there be a GPT-5?

Now, the burning question: When will GPT-5 be unleashed? Unfortunately, there’s no official release date yet. OpenAI tends to keep their cards close to their chest, building anticipation and suspense.

It’s almost certain that OpenAI will release GPT-5 , the fifth iteration of its massive language model. OpenAI remains coy on the specifics of its next model. In general, the company only releases information closer to the release date of new versions. This secrecy ends up giving rise to rumors about the release date of each new GPT model.

GPT-5 is already in training , with a release window planned for late 2024 , according to some sources.

However, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman appeared to dismiss these projections during a presentation at MIT. In response to an open letter calling for a ban on the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) more powerful than GPT-4, Altman refuted that GPT-5 was already in development.

He claims that OpenAI is not training GPT-5 and will not do so for some time. This release confirms two things to us: firstly, there is going to be a GPT-5 and secondly, OpenAI is taking its time to develop it.

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When could GPT-5 be released?

Although Altman’s remarks may imply that a 2024 GPT-5 release is unlikely , it is important to carefully consider the implications of his assertion.

The CEO made it clear that GPT-5 was not already being trained , but given OpenAI’s track record of creating new GPT models, it’s possible that GPT-5 is in the process of collecting training data. The company may still be deciding on the model architecture or collecting new datasets for model training.

Sam Altman

In this case, Mr. Altman may be correct that GPT-5 is not being trained, but preparations for actual training may still be underway. In other words, even if the actual training has not started , model development may already be underway . Both possibilities are possible.

OpenAI cannot afford to delay the creation of AI models , as doing so would mean helping the competition, especially with ChatGPT competitors like Google’s Bard hot on their heels. Despite widespread concerns about the proliferation of powerful AI models, OpenAI is unlikely to stop building GPT models if it wants to maintain its competitive advantage .

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Is a GPT-5 in 2024 possible?

A release in the last quarter of 2024 is still possible given the time needed to train and improve previous models. However, given that we have only just begun to explore the depths of GPT-4 , OpenAI may decide to make small adjustments to the current model throughout 2024 before releasing GPT-5 the following year .

It is important to note that GPT-4 functions as both a language and a vision model, even though users have almost never used its “vision model” features. Given GPT-4’s untapped potential, the company may choose to focus on helping users in the coming months, rather than promoting GPT-5.

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What new features could GPT-5 bring?

Although it is too early to make firm predictions , it is very likely that GPT-5 will represent a significant improvement over GPT-4. While GPT-3 functioned primarily as a linguistic model, GPT-4 increased its functionality by merging linguistic and visual models. We can expect that in addition to the features already present in GPT-4, GPT-5 will also include sound recognition capabilities .

GPT 5 is being trained

There is talk of GPT models being able to process videos in the same way that GPT-4 can accept image inputs. These advances could lead to a model capable of processing text, graphics, sound and movies.

But simply sizing the model, allocating computing resources, or diversifying the training data might not result in the significant advances we expect from GPT-5.

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GPT-5: A bigger turning point

Although the majority of information regarding GPT-5 is still hypothetical , there is no doubt that its arrival will represent a significant new turning point in the breathtaking development of artificial intelligence.

Even though we haven’t yet achieved the much-talked-about artificial general intelligence, GPT-5 will certainly bring us closer to that goal if it ever becomes a reality.


As we eagerly await GPT-5, one thing is certain: AI language models are evolving rapidly. Whether it’s a few months or a year away, GPT-5 promises to be a game-changer, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in natural language understanding and generation.

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