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Home » Grammarly Review: Your Writing At Its Best In 2022

Grammarly Review: Your Writing At Its Best In 2022

Grammarly, your wryting at its best in 2022
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I believe you have recently heard about Grammarly and want to believe you need to give it a try if you are not already using it. This premium Grammarly review is to help you to know the reasons why you must use the software as an internet content creator or marketer.

This Premium Grammarly review for all content creators will help you understand why Grammarly is worth using for all your writings whether for personal or for marketing efforts.

Grammarly is not only a tool for freelance content writers to proofread their work. I believe you must also use it if you’re into the online business world. I will try to show you in this premium Grammarly review all the incredible features available for you with Grammarly.

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what is grammarly

what is grammarly

Grammarly is a brilliant cloud-based writing assistant to help you review the spelling, grammar, engagement, and delivery mistakes in your content. It uses artificial intelligence to recognize and nullify errors on your behalf.

The software is based on a freemium business model, which means you can use its free and premium versions. What I like about Grammarly is that it studies your writing style and gives editing suggestions accordingly.

what does grammarly do

Grammarly has a lot of features that its users benefit from any time they are using it. The works that Grammarly do are

  1. Grammar and punctuation. This feature of Grammarly is to detect grammar and punctuation mistakes. It also provides suggestions to correct the mistakes. for example, missing commas
  2. Spell checker. It’s also a robust spell-check tool that keeps your writing mistake-free.
  3. Plagiarism. This Grammarly tool compares your writing to other billion ones on the internet to make sure there is no plagiarism in your work. Useful for anyone writing essays, for freelance writers, editors, and content publishers.
  4. Writing style. This is a very helpful feature. It studies your writing and provides real-time insights about your writing’s readability score, like sentence length and so on.
  5. Readability. Grammarly scans clunky sentences, paragraphs and passages. Then, using AI technology it will propose rewrites that are more concise, and clearer for the reader. I’ve yet to find a comparable feature in another writing tool.

Grammarly Review: Chrome Extension

Grammarly‘s Chrome extension helps you benefit from the AI across different mediums, including email, social media, WordPress, and more.

All you need is to go to Grammarly and click the ‘Add to Chrome’ button to add Grammarly to your Chrome browser.

After that, you’ll see a Grammarly icon across different platforms. You can use it to turn it off or on. It helps you correct your content while you’re writing.

That saves you tons of time without a doubt. And you never need to leave your writing space to proofread your content.

Before I continue tell me in the comments if you are getting the point about Grammarly in this Grammarly review.

grammarly review: the plans

Grammarly offers three types of plans. The free, the premium, and the business plans. The free plan helps you with basic writing suggestions, Premium offers clarity improvements, and Business gives functionality to an entire team.

free grammarly review

The free version of Grammarly is enough for budding goog quality content. Go for this plan when you only need a spelling and punctuation check along with basic grammar. It also gives you suggestions to adjust your content to boost its readability.

It provides you with the basics you need to lay down your writing foundation, with a comprehensive spelling, grammar, and punctuation checker, which is more powerful than the average spell check you get with most word processors.

When the tool finds potential mistakes, it underlines them in red. If you are using the web interface, you can then progress through each issue by clicking the sections on the right (Grammar, Punctuation, etc.). Or you can click on individual highlighted errors to find out more.

Honestly, Grammarly‘s free version is powerful enough to solve most of your content mistakes. It detects the overall tone of your writing as well. The free version is mostly for beginner writers who are just starting their content creation business.

grammarly review

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premium grammarly review

The Premium version of Grammarly includes all the features available in the free version. Features like checking your grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

But apart from all the free features, Grammarly Premium helps you rewrite your sentences for improved clarity and good deliverability.

The paid version of Grammarly (Grammarly Premium) is way more powerful than the free version. It adjusts the tone, fluency, and formality level accordingly.

You can also detect plagiarism, and that’s helpful if you’re a professional content creator. It also offers word choice so you can increase diversity in your content.

These are some of the features of Grammarly premium

  • Grammar and spelling check
  • Fluency across your content
  • Consistency in spellings and punctuation
  • Conciseness
  • Consistent formatting
  • Sentences rewriting
  • Valuable vocabulary
  • Sentence variety
  • Consistent and confident writing
  • Formality levels
  • Inclusive language suggestions
  • And more.

Grammarly Premium costs you $12 per month, which is worth the price.

Grammarly claims that its premium version goes beyond grammar to ensure that everything you write is clear and engaging.

Using Grammarly Premium certainly won’t guarantee your writing is clear and engaging. No grammar checker can turn rushed and sloppy writing into a masterpiece.

However, Grammarly Premium does have some really useful functions that I use on a daily basis. When I run Grammarly Premium over something I write, it always makes a few additional and helpful suggestions that I incorporate into my text. I find my writing is better for using the premium version.

It also provides detailed information about each of your grammar mistakes in the pop-up box – something you won’t get with the free version.

business grammarly review

The Business version of Grammarly is perfectly made for content creators as well as digital marketers.

Why? It’s because it has all the Premium functions along with boosted functionality for online business marketers and professional writers. These functions include:

  • Style and guide
  • Snippets
  • Analytics dashboard
  • Priority email support
  • Brand tone
  • Account roles and permissions
  • And many more

One good thing about the Grammarly business is that you can add 3 to 149 users to the Grammarly Business account so that all your team members use it simultaneously.

Pricing for the Business is $12.5 per member per month. So it means if you’ve 3 people in your team, you will have to pay $37.5 every month.

I Believe that by now this premium Grammarly review is been helpful to you. Please let me know in the comment

Grammarly review: free vs premium

Almost all the features of the paid version (premium) of Grammarly are available in the free version except the advanced grammar checker, a plagiarism detector, and some vocabulary enhancement suggestions.

What I am trying to say is that the free version is ideal for writers and bloggers with a minimal budget for writing tools.

The paid version is much more advanced than the free version of Grammarly. It also provides additional writing insights and an ability to set writing goals. It also finds and fixes more mistakes than the free version.

5 ways you can use grammarly

Grammarly is at the same time a software into which you can copy and paste your writings in whole and let it perform its magic on it. It is also an internet-based tool so you need to be connected to the internet to use it.

However; there 5 ways you can use Grammarly and the 5 ways are

1. Grammarly web tool

This option is of course very simple. Here you can open the Grammarly web tool and start typing directly into it or you can just copy your work from another software like Microsoft Word and paste it into the Grammarly web tool.

 In just a few moments, the software reads, analyzes, and corrects your writing.

Supposing you have a big document that you can copy and paste, You can also click on the upload button in the web tool, select the file you want to upload and Grammarly will upload the document and perform its magic on it for you

2. Desktop app

You can also use Grammarly directly on your computer. It can be used on both Windows and Mac systems. To do this, simply download the app by going to the download page.

On the download page, follow the installation instructions and you are good to go. It is as simple as ABC.

3. Microsoft Word

You can also use a Grammarly add-in directly within Microsoft Word. However, at the time of writing, this is only available if you are running Windows.

Visit the add-in page here and follow the instructions to add it to Word. Once up and running, the add-in will check your writing as you type.

This is how I generally use Grammarly. I found it seamless to install and it’s extremely intuitive to use. However, note that you do need to be connected to the internet while using it in Word.

4. browser extension

The browser extension of all is the easiest and fastest way to use Grammarly. Simply add the extension to Chrome as you would any other extension, and it will automatically check your writing when you use it on a number of websites.

This includes Gmail, providing you with assistance when you are typing an email, and even Google Docs for those of you who prefer Google’s word processor.

5. On your phone

Yes! you read it right. You can also Grammarly on your Mobile Device. Whether it is Android or iOS phones.

Grammarly also has its own keyboard that you can use on your smartphone. 

You can download the Grammarly App on both Google Playstore and Apple store.

Once activated, the app will check your writing as you compose an email or text message. It is very useful if you want to catch those little mistakes that are so easy to make on phones, and it also has smart predictions to speed up your typing.

grammarly mobile

After you have installed the app, in the settings, you can select either the light or dark color theme, choose whether to show key borders and the number row, or toggle vibration, sound, and popup on keypress.

As you type, Grammarly pops up suggestions and corrections automatically. You can swipe through and accept these changes with ease or hit the green Grammarly icon in the upper-left corner to check it again

The keyboard settings are fairly robust. Grammarly lets you change basic editing options. You can toggle autocorrect and auto-capitalization options, select a language preference (American, Australian, British, or Canadian English), and even allow it to suggest contact names as you type.

grammarly improves your writing

Millions of freelance writers, university students, and corporations use Grammarly to proofread their content.

You also need to use the software to make sure your content is grammatically correct, plagiarism-free, and reader-friendly.

The software doesn’t take long to notify you of tons of easy mistakes. It saves you an incredible amount of money and time as well.

With Grammarly, you make sure each of the content delivered to you or created by you is incredible with almost no mistakes whatsoever.

Grammarly has helped thousands of digital content creators and marketers to showcase their work and outperform their competitors.

Apart from tons of features, I’ve already mentioned in the ‘Plans’ section, let us see a few marketing tips for using Grammarly now.

grammarly pros and cons

few tips to better use grammarly

1. Read Grammarly’s Blog

Grammarly‘s blog contains some of the best content to improve your content-creating efforts without a doubt. The editors are constantly looking for help.

For example, a page from Grammarly will appear when you make research on ‘weather or whether’ on Google.

The Staff Picks is specifically bent towards helping you out as a content creator more rigorously.

From the overall lifestyle to writing tips to company news, it has it all. And you can read the blog even if you don’t use Grammarly at all. But it would certainly help if you would use the software.

2. Benefit from Content Cluster Strategy

As a content creator or digital marketer, you always focus on getting more and more traffic. But, you also make sure everything runs on solid grounds.

That’s why you create awesome content clusters and interlink them effectively. The good news is that Grammarly can help you with that.

3. Create Your Brand Image Seamlessly

Grammarly‘s free browser extension helps you edit your pitching, messages, and comments on social media as well.

It also seamlessly works on Gmail, Linked In, and WordPress. So you, as a digital marketer, make sure you are fast and correct as well.

Grammarly helps you with correcting hundreds of mistakes. And it also understands your tone and writing style.

So next time when you write something make sure you are using Grammarly. It makes sure you maintain your brand image.

4. improve you content

With Grammarly, you can correct tons of mistakes, expand your vocabulary, and publish more readable content. It also makes sure you publish unique content every time by scanning over 9 billion web pages worldwide.

who must use grammarly

Grammarly is a tool that every computer user either for professional usage or personal usage, must have. Especially if the English language is not your native language but you want to write in the English language.

Grammarly will help you a lot because it is going to automatically correct your spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and make your writing perfect.

So far as you use a computer to write emails, in Microsoft words, you need to have Grammarly added to your browser and software.

Even if you can’t afford the paid versions, I strongly recommend you to at least use the free version. You will then understand why it is important for you to have Grammarly on your device.

Among the people who are supposed to be using Grammarly are

  • Students
  • Secretaries
  • Freelancers
  • Business Writers
  • Bloggers
  • Affiliate Marketers
  • Digital Marketers
  • Content Marketers and Copywriters
  • Any business professional who wants to draft an accurate report
  • Anyone who writes in English often
  • And many more. ( Even you)

For new writers and professional writers, the Grammarly grammar checker is very important even if they are native English speakers. It will serve as a defense line in case you forget something.

benefits of using grammarly

As I said at the beginning of this premium Grammarly review, Let me tell you some of the benefits or advantages you will get if you decide to use Grammarly in your Writings.

Whether you’re just starting your content creation career or you are already working as a content creator, you’re probably putting in a lot of writing time.  It’s important to set yourself up for success!

Writing with Grammarly is a great way to give yourself an edge and make sure everything you turn in is the best it can possibly be.

Read on to learn some of the benefits that you will get if you use Grammarly in your writings.

1. save time and work efficiently

Grammarly is a great way to cut down the amount of time you spend proofreading your work. Use Grammarly to polish your grammar, make sure your punctuation is impeccable, and avoid mixing up homophones like “there and their”.

With the pressure of a due date looming, that extra help can be a real game-changer by spotting mistakes you might have missed or run out of time to fix otherwise.

Besides grammar and spelling, plagiarism is another mistake that can have serious consequences, even if it’s unintentional. Fortunately, Grammarly can help by comparing your work to online databases and millions of public web pages.

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It will flag passages that match text appearing elsewhere online and may need citations. Of course, it’s still important to keep careful notes on your research, but a safety net like Grammarly can save you time and grief down the road.

stay focused

Even if your grammar is impeccable, long, hard-to-read sentences can interfere with the effectiveness of your writing. Grammarly helps by trimming filler words, flagging the passive voice, and smoothing out tangled text.

It can automatically rewrite hard-to-read sentences to help your point stand out. Clear, focused writing shows that you have a command of the material and confidence in your ideas.

write with confidence

Everyone changes their writing depending on their audience and setting. Depending on the topic and the audience, that may mean avoiding slang, contractions, or the use of the first person. Grammarly offers feedback on style, formality, and tone to help you strike just the right note.

Additionally, your vocabulary and word choice play an important role in making your writing interesting and compelling.

Using a healthy mix of synonyms keeps your work from sounding repetitive. Grammarly’s suggestions can offer stronger and more precise alternatives to bland or overused words.

Plus, you can double-click any word in your writing to see an organized list of synonyms. It’s especially handy when you know a word isn’t quite right but you’re blanking on the perfect one to use instead.

conclusion to the premium grammarly review

Grammarly does its job to improve your writing brilliantly. I don’t believe there’s any reason not to use the software as an online content creator or marketer.

If that is good enough and in line with your brand’s vision, you’re ready to rock and roll. Go with the free version and upgrade to Grammarly Premium when you need it.

Finally, the Grammarly team is consistently improving the software. However, even if it needs improvements in some areas, it is still worth trying only for $12 per month. Maybe you are not really convinced yet.

You can still try the free version and discover for yourself how Grammarly can help change your writing experience.

Grammarly, your writing at its best in 2022.

Are you going to start using Grammarly from now on? Let me know in the comments below.

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