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Guest Post Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post for the WallaceWalley blog. I hope you’ve already read some recent blog posts, understood our style, and storytelling approach, and realized which of your ideas will bring the most value to our readers.

Great! You are on your way to submission. It’s time to let you know the general info about our blog and guidelines. 

WallaceWalley Blog is a source for all things in Digital Marketing, Building online Businesses, and also tips to Make Money Online. Our audience is mostly online marketers both experienced and beginners, individuals, business owners, and startup founders. And we’d like to keep the content simple yet relevant to them. We publish articles written by our content marketing team, along with guest posts from experts in their field.


Blog categories we accept guest posts for:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Make Money Online
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

Finally, these Guest post guidelines will help you decide if WallaceWalley’s Blog is the right place for your submission.

Content guidelines

  1. We are looking for well-researched posts that include hands-on experience, tips, and best practices, do not repeat existing blog posts, or present a unique angle on the already covered topics.
  2. We do not accept poorly written and self-promotional articles that bring zero value to our readers.
  3. Double-check that you read a few recent posts to get the voice, tone, and style we use on the blog.
  4. Although the ideas you share, must bring value to our audience, your article should be easy to read and understand for most people as well.
  5. Make sure you actually try a product or service, before recommending it in your blog post.
  6. We value original content only. All the images or other media content you use should come with proper attribution. Send them in a separate zip file and also appropriately include them in the document, so we know where everything should go.
  7. We reserve the right to edit or adapt your guest post to make sure it fits our blog the right way, as well as the right to update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Guest post guidelines

  1. In terms of style, Chanty Blog uses AP Style for all articles. In case you want to go deep into the writing guide, check out The Elements of Style by W. Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White.
  2. It goes without saying, that you should run spell and readability checks through your guest post.
  3. Check that your guest post is of 1-2K words to work best for our audience.
  4. Take time to write a short 1-2 sentence intro paragraph. 
  5. When it comes to blogpost formatting, we use the ‘initial caps’ or title case for H1 headings only. E.g. 5 Components of Effective Team Communication. Don’t capitalize articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. As for all other headings/subheadings (H2 and onwards), make sure to use sentence cases. E.g. Benefits collaboration offers your company.
  6. Check that you are using “–”, not “-” in your texts.
  7. Make your blog post title as short and clear as possible. In the case of lengthy titles, put the meaningful part first, and don’t use marketing buzzwords that are irrelevant to your article.
  8. Numbers are fine in the titles, just make sure they don’t feel like clickbait and are related to your article. Try using Co-Schedule Headline Analyzer or its alternatives to make sure your title performs well.
  9. Get creative and divide your article into sections using subheadings. Make sure the sections follow consistent logic and develop a story in your article.
  10. For the reader’s sake, try to keep your paragraphs short, meaningful, and easy to understand. The same goes for the sentences. Double-check which words or phrases can be left out and don’t forget about dividing a long sentence in two.
  11. Talk to the audience directly, using a friendly, conversational style. You are free to use contractions, it’s not a formal text.
  12. Be yourself and share your thoughts to support the storytelling approach. Use the first-person pronoun“I”, not “we” if it’s not an article about multiple people. However, don’t write anything you wouldn’t say in real life. Stay consistent with the overall voice of the brand, but keep true to yourself and use your own style. That’s what readers value the most for sure.
  13. Support your blog post by adding links to recent industry research and studies from credible sources. Try to dig up the original link once possible, and avoid linking to a random article that mentions a study or research.
  14. End your article with a clear and concise conclusion. Sum up the key takeaways, explain what value your post has brought to the readers, and motivate them to engage in the comments.

Once your submission is successful, we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. Your content will be published under your name and byline.

As for backlinks, we’ll link back to the author’s website, A maximum of 2 links is allowed, and they will be included in the text. E.g. link anchor should be ‘ website name or a keyword or phrase that we leave the right to choose.