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How To Become A Digital Marketer Without Experience

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Digital marketing is a very important step that every business needs to grow effectively in today’s world. This has caused an increase in the demand for digital marketers. If you are wondering how to become a digital marketer, you are at the right place.

Especially when you don’t have any experience, getting your first-level digital marketing job can be a bit hard.

You can’t get a job without experience and you can’t get experience without a job” so it is believed.

But learning these skills officially can be a little expensive especially if you have no financial means to pay the institutes.

According to Statista, Marketing services are a 475 billion U.S. dollars strong industry, showing positive growth all through the 2010s….A segment growing especially well in recent years is, unsurprisingly, digital marketing, estimated at over 300 billion U.S. dollars on a global level.

I want to tell you some good news today. With the growth of the internet, you can learn these digital marketing skills by yourself. There are many learning platforms online where you can learn anything step by step.

A platform like YouTube is a place where you learn anything you can think of without having to pay anything. You can learn how to become a digital marketer just by watching free tutorials on YouTube.

Follow these Youtube channels to learn digital marketing.

What is digital marketing

 I will define digital marketing as the combination of all the marketing efforts a company uses via digital media to connect with potential customers, such as websites, email, search engines, and social media.

Digital marketers connect with customers on devices like mobile phones, computers, and tablets. The process involves knowing where your potential customers are or will be online so you can get your products or services in front of them.

Digital marketing compared to traditional marketing is different.

Traditional marketing focuses on selling a product to a customer using traditional methods like Television, newspaper, and direct selling methods.

Digital marketing on the other hand focuses on providing value to their potential customers everywhere they can be found.

The goal behind all digital marketing efforts is to put what a person needs in front of him even before he realizes it.

Digital marketing uses data to target a potential customer while traditional marketing promotes to everybody hoping to make a customer.

Find out here 6 ways digital marketing can help your business to grow.

Different branches of Digital Marketing.

Do you want to become a digital marketer? First, you must be aware that digital marketing comprises a lot of branches or skills you need to master to be able to become a successful digital marketer.

Among the branches of digital marketing are SEO ( Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, content marketing, data and analytics, and PPC to name a few.

Let us dive into these branches individually to know more about them.

SEO( Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the marketing strategy of creating valuable content in such a way that search engines like Google will rank your page high on the search engine results page (SERP). 

This is sometimes considered the backbone of digital marketing.

Billions of search queries are made every day on Google alone. So being able to customize a website to rank high in the search results is a great way of reaching potential customers fast.

Understanding how to integrate keywords into content, change alt text, collect backlinks, and so on are essential parts of this strategy.

Social media marketing

With social media marketing, social media platforms are used.

You can create a profile for a brand on various social media platforms. After that, you create posts to advertise products and services. 

You have to be able to attract followers and engage with them to a meaningful level.

This also involves creating attractive stories with your posts to touch the feelings of the audience.

Ad campaigns can also be created to reach more new audiences.

The social media platform you will use depends on the time type of audience you want to reach.

This is a fast-growing marketing strategy and requires you to be able to think on your feet.

You can read here how to choose the best social media platform for your marketing.

Content  marketing.

Content marketing refers to informational, valuable content like blog posts, how-to videos, and other forms of content to be able to satisfy your potential customers.

As a content creator, you need to be able to think creatively and know how to read and analyze data.

You will use the data you collect alongside your creativity to create valuable content for your audience to see the value in it and for them to come back.

Contents should be published on a regular basis. This will make your Brand become relevant and be trusted by many visitors who will turn into leads.

Read also, the major digital marketing tools for businesses.

Email marketing

According to Wikipedia, Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email.

Whenever a visitor comes to your website or online business, you invite them to subscribe to updates from you by submitting their email addresses.

You can then send them promotional emails, about your products and service and also inform them of any updates in your system. 

Email marketing is considered by many as the best way to reach out to people. This is because all those who will submit their email addresses are interested in your product and they can at any time become potential customers.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC(Pay per click) is another branch of digital marketing when the marketer bids on certain keywords. Whenever those keywords are searched in Google or any other search engine where the PPC campaigns are set, Your business or website will show up high on the first page. 

PPC just like SEO requires data analysis skills. This will help to reduce ads cost and increase ROI (Return On Investment)

We have seen above that SEO focuses on driving traffic organically while PPC is the sponsored SEO.

Now that you have seen what digital marketing is and the various branches of it let us get into how to become a digital marketer.

How to become a digital marketer

With all the options and the variety of skills set needed on how to become a digital marketer, it can be confusing to know where to start from.

Below are 5 steps to follow to become a digital marketer even with no prior experience.

1.Build your skills

To become a digital marketer, the first thing is to build up your skill. I will advise you to start by watching some free tutorials on YouTube.

By watching the videos on YouTube you will discover the branch in which you are more comfortable. You then decide to specialize in that branch.

It could be SEO or social media marketing.

Depending on your budget, you can now go for some courses on the branch you have chosen to specialize in. This will help you get more into detailed guidelines and about the topic.

On the contrary, if you have no budget, you can still find well-detailed tutorials on YouTube that can build up your skills.

I sincerely recommend YouTube to anyone willing to become a digital marketer but who has no experience. You will be surprised by what you can learn free of charge on this platform

2.Stay up to date

Digital marketing is a business that changes quickly and there are always new things coming up. For this reason, it is important to stay up to date with what is currently trending and on the major updates.

3.Attend conferences

There are learning opportunities everywhere. You also need to be attending digital marketing conferences both physically if it is free or you can afford to pay for it.

And also you will see many online conferences, especially on LinkedIn that you can register for free.

Attending conferences will help you connect with networks of digital marketers. Peering with other people in the same business will help you discover more things that you may not know and this will also open you to the business opportunities available on the market.

Another benefit of attending conferences is that it helps to give visibility to your Brand.

4.Offer free services

Now that you have learned and acquired the skills, it is time to get yourself known by your potential customers out there.

One way of getting credibility fast is to offer free digital marketing services to people.

Offering free services to people makes you visible to people. You can do this by making posts on social media.

People will get to you to benefit from your free service and when they like your work, they will become your potential customers.

5.Build your own brand

You have learned and you have worked for people. Now your ambition is to get hired as a digital marketer. The best thing for you to do now is to build your online presence. 

You need to build a portfolio website and showcase your digital marketing skills for people to see.

Practice the digital marketing tools you learn on your own brand and use your new skills to bring success to your clients and the organizations you work with.

In Conclusion

To become a digital marketer, you need to have passion and ambition for the business.

It is not going to be easy when you start but I can assure you that with a little hard work and determination, anything is possible. 

Remember, you can become anything you want to become. Just believe and work hard.

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