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9 Ways to recognize if a text was written by AI?

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With the rise of artificial intelligence writing tools like ChatGPT, it is increasingly difficult to determine whether text was written by a human or generated by artificial intelligence .

Although AI can produce high-quality text that reads naturally, there are clear signs that indicate a text was written by a robot .

We can make guesses  about the likelihood that an article or document was generated by AI, but there is no way to prove anything .

It’s not concrete and it’s even quite contested, but there are a few ways to at least get a glimpse of the origins of an article or essay you’re looking at.

How to recognize text written by AI?

1. Look for excessive use of transitional phrases

One of the most common signs of AI writing is the excessive use of transitional phrases such as ”  firstly “, ”  secondly “, ”  moreover “, ”  in addition  ” and ”  therefore “.

AI builds on these bridges to create a logical flow. But she often overdoes it , inserting transitions where a human editor would let ideas flow on their own. This is particularly true for texts written on the internet. Nobody uses transitions.

If you notice that an article constantly uses these types of words to connect concepts, this may indicate that it comes from artificial intelligence .

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2. Watch for misused fancy words

AI programs have a large vocabulary, but sometimes use complex words incorrectly or unnaturally .

For example, AI-generated text might say that something “  implements  ” a concept whereas a human would simply say “  uses .”

Look for misused fancy terms that seem strangely out of place or don’t fit the context .

Not fitting the context of the intended audience or reader is a great indicator.

Read Also: 10 game-changing AI Writing tools for Content Creators

3. Try AI detection tools like CopyLeaks and Originality

Specialized tools like CopyLeaks and Originality allow you to paste text samples together to analyze the likelihood that they are AI-generated based on linguistic models.

Although not 100% accurate, these tools provide a useful second opinion to complement your own assessment.

Cross-check questionable items with leading detection tools to get more clues.

Read Also: How to Make ChatGPT Content Undetectable

4. Check for many short and choppy sentences

Unlike human writers, AI systems have a harder time constructing long, complex sentences containing detailed explanations and analysis.

AI texts often rely on short, choppy sentences rather than fluent, in-depth sentences.

If passages look more like strung together bullet points than detailed text, it may be AI text.

To obtain a more reliable judgment, however, it is advisable to check several texts by the same author . A single article or essay is not enough.

Read Also: Can Turnitin Detect Chat GPT Generated Content?

5. Search for repeated phrases and keywords

Because AI programs rely heavily on discovering patterns in the data they are trained on, they often repeat the same words and phrases .

This habit is because the AI ​​tries to appear smooth by relying on training. But it gives rise to unnatural repetitions that we are unlikely to see in a human text.

The AI ​​can also “hallucinate” and start talking nonsense .

If you find a statistic that is factually incorrect or inconsistent , it’s likely that someone ran a query through ChatGPT and expected perfection without proofreading anything.

Read Also: Is ChatGPT Plagiarism Free?

6. Search for “I’m sorry, but as a language model”

“ I’m sorry but as a great language model ” is a very common expression when someone tried to use AI to write something they didn’t know (or just refused to do). to write).

We’ve seen it in courtrooms and in many academic articles where people try to get away with using boilerplate ChatGPT (basically asking it something and sticking it right into what ‘we seek to complete) without modifying anything.

This text appears often and is an obvious ( and humorous! ) way to immediately prove that something was written with AI.

Read Also: How to Use ChatGPT for Writing a Blog Post: A Step-by-Step Guide

7. Check the accuracy of figures and data

Because AI relies on data patterns rather than real understanding, it often makes incorrect assumptions or uses numbers imprecisely.

If you notice statistics or contradictions between facts and figures, this may reveal an AI source that doesn’t understand the data .

Also, don’t rely on anything you read without a connection to a primary source. Articles and documents without any sources are usually written by AI .

Read Also: 6 Disadvantages of Using ChatGPT’s Content

8. Check the credibility of sources and citations

As noted above, checking sources helps determine whether humans or AI are producing the text .

AI texts may cite suspect sources or include no citations other than vague references.

Take a closer look at the origin of facts and quotes to determine if a real person compiled the research or if it’s likely an AI copywriter.

9. Look for context clues and disclaimers

Responsible editors report when content was generated by AIs rather than humans. Even though it’s not very common, it’s an easy way to make sure.

Look in the text itself for contextual clues that it was written by AI.

Students can include disclaimers in AI  assisted writing, while marketers can mention the use of tools like Frase .

Frase: The best AI writing tool

If you want to use a quality AI writing tool, we recommend using Frase io .

The content written is of very good quality , but it will nevertheless need to be proofread.

The final word

While we can’t say for sure that something was generated by AI , using these tips can give you a good idea of ​​the situation.

The future of humanity may depend on our ability to distinguish AI-generated misinformation from the truth . It will be difficult to do this in schools, businesses and especially on the internet. But nothing can stop the AI ​​wave.We just have to get used to the cards we’ve been dealt.

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