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Home » Originality AI Review: Is It Worth It? – Features Pricing And Advantages (2024)

Originality AI Review: Is It Worth It? – Features Pricing And Advantages (2024)

Originality AI Review: Is It Worth It? – Features Pricing And Advantages
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As AI writing software becomes more and more prevalent , Originality.AI is one of the leading platforms that can quickly and accurately detect plagiarized content.

In this article, I’ll explain how Originality.AI’s plagiarism checker can help you protect your work and ensure it’s original before publishing it.

What is Originality AI?

Originality AI is a content detection tool that helps users quickly and easily prevent plagiarism in their work.

It uses OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 model (formerly GPT-2 and GPT-3 ) to thoroughly analyze the uniqueness of any text content by comparing it to public sources on the web, ensuring that all writing is yours .

Leveraging artificial intelligence to automatically detect copied or plagiarized elements in text written by a human being, the platform offers an innovative and comprehensive suite of artificial intelligence detection tools.

These tools ensure a top-notch writing experience for professionals, bloggers, website editors, students, and content creators of all levels.

Originality AI users

Originality AI is a powerful tool for checking the originality of your content. It also offers a review system to maintain quality control. Here’s why you should use it:

  • Check the originality of your content and avoid plagiarism
  • Ideal for students and professors to verify the authenticity of submitted essays or documents
  • Improve your SEO ranking by ensuring all content is checked for plagiarism
  • Control your team members and streamline your workflow
  • Quickly identify if text was created using an AI system

Originality AI is a valuable tool for content creators, affiliate marketers, and anyone involved in online marketing.

Use this tool to ensure your content is original and avoid any risk of intellectual theft.

How reliable is Originality AI?

Originality AI is increasingly popular to help review content creation, and its reliability has been tested by users around the world.

This is partly because large sample sizes must be tested to draw meaningful conclusions about accuracy and effectiveness.

As users use the software, developers can see what works and what doesn’t and improve how the system works.

While many other tools give false positive results, Originality AI’s algorithms are more effective at detecting plagiarized content.

Test AI generated content

How does Originality AI work?

Originality AI is a tool that uses a sophisticated algorithm to check the originality of your content:

  • The user uploads the document to be analyzed into the Originality AI system.
  • Originality AI searches its database for potential matches between uploaded text and other sources.
  • The system compares these matches and provides a detailed report to the user.
  • Users can rest assured that their content is completely original and free of plagiarism.
  • Originality AI also offers useful features such as automated grading systems and citation assistance tools.
  • The easy-to-use interface makes using the tool quick and simple.
% of AI generated content

Originality AI is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to create honest, credible work by scanning materials for plagiarism, similarities, and other indicators of low-quality content.

With all of these features rolled into one package, it’s easy to see why this tool has become so popular.

Whether you’re dealing with content writers, students, or want to be sure your work is 100% original, Originality AI provides a comprehensive solution for plagiarism detection.

Benefits | Disadvantages


  • Originality AI allows you to quickly scan large amounts of text.
  • It ensures plagiarism detection accuracy and suggests wording options to avoid similarity with published works.
  • It provides peace of mind about the originality of the work and protection against intellectual theft .
  • The tool is accessible from any device connected to the internet, without the need for download or installation .
  • Full site scans are available to check all pages for plagiarism.


  • No file upload functionality.
  • You must name each analysis yourself

Features of Originality AI

The best products don’t always need to reinvent the wheel, but rather optimize it. 

Although Originality AI includes the most advanced AI verification on the market (since it is based on the most recent OpenAI models), in a way it only optimizes your work. 

Why go back and forth between multiple websites when you can run everything through one?

1. Check AI content and plagiarism line by line

The main feature is AI detection.

According to the case studies , Originality AI can detect AI on all texts generated by GPT-4 , GPT-2, GPT-3, GPT-3.5 and ChatGPT with an average of 99.41%.

GPT-3 had the highest maximum average score (99.95%), followed by GPT-3.5 (99.65%) and ChatGPT (98.65%).

Not only does Originality AI return the percentage probability that the writing was created by AI, but you can now see exactly which lines are the most suspicious. Here’s what I mean:

You can see that the AI ​​predicted text is highlighted in red, while the human estimation is shown in green.

line-by-line duplicate content detection

The same goes for plagiarized texts. Anything suspicious is highlighted in pink.

As you can see, he found the exact text of this article! Quite impressive.

It seems like it crawls web content quite frequently (or even live for that matter).

Originality AI recognizes plagiarized websites

2. Checking the readability of the content

Originality AI based on GPT-4 offers a free readability checker tool to improve content quality.

  • The tool provides information on the score, statistics and reading level of the content.
  • The texts are highlighted in different colors depending on the number of syllables.
  • Reading level is based on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level scale.
  • This tool is ideal for testing the writing level of your content.
  • It is possible to reduce the reading level to target a wider audience.
writing tools and AI generated content

3. Quick Chrome Extension

The team recently released a Chrome extension that lets you check the content of any website for both plagiarism and AI in one click. The extension offers the following features in particular

  1. One-Click AI Detection in Google Doc
  2. Watch the writer write (it’s a little scary)
  3. See who contributed to an article
  4. View a chart showing writing sessions and characters added
  5. See a graph showing characters added over time

The best feature of the Google doc integration is the support for multiple writers. Now you can easily see if a writer:

  • Paste content from ChatGPT or another source and make only minor changes
  • has other editors work on articles specifically assigned to them

The extension is especially useful for those who work with writing as part of their daily workflow.

No more false positives (for editors)

If you’re a writer and are concerned about false positives or the need to prove that your work was actually created by you, this update may help. This update allows you to prove that you created the document yourself. 

No more uncertainty with clients (for content marketing agencies)

You can ensure that you only receive items created by human beings.

There will be no more accusations of bot writing (which isn’t likely without proof anyway).

Confidence in what you publish (for website publishers)

If you want to be sure that what you’re putting out into the world doesn’t look like AI, here’s your confidence score. You don’t have to worry that your site will be considered low-quality, artificial intelligence content. chrome extension reporting AI generated content
content detection tool scan AI generated content

4. Analyze entire websites

This feature was launched very recently and allows you to perform comprehensive content audits by scanning an entire site for AI.

I tested this feature on our blog and it displays the word count and Originality AI percentage of the page.

I hope plagiarism support will be added in the future, as it would be a great tool to detect the authenticity of a website’s content origin. This application uses a lot of credits, around 600 and 142 pages were scanned.

I found the equivalent of $6 to scan the site to be a pretty reasonable deal. I don’t think I need to scan an entire site more than once a year. Once they add the plagiarism checks it will be great.

website AI generated content

5. Easily manage your team

On the website, you can add team members under a shared account.

This solution is ideal for businesses such as publishing agencies, educational institutions, and web design companies.

Each team member also has a reporting dashboard that displays all of their AI and plagiarism checks.

You can also view the activities they have done on their accounts.

Team management content detection tool AI generated content


With Originality.AI, you get a combination of AI detection and GPT-4 based plagiarism checking.

These are usually two separate services.

Plagiarism checkers


Copyscape is the standard in plagiarism checking and is based on GPT-4.

Many AI writing tools integrate their services into their platform. 

It costs approximately $0.03 for the first 200 words and an additional $0.01 per 100 words.


Quillbot also checks for plagiarism and offers other features such as paraphrasing or rewriting tools (AI generated content). 

It offers 20 pages of plagiarism analysis per month with the Premium plan.

AI detectors

Content at Scale

Content at Scale’s free AI Detector is one that I personally use on a daily basis, as I deal with a lot of AI-generated content. 

It’s a good alternative to Originality.AI if you don’t need the plagiarism checker.


Writer’s Free AI Detector is another tool I used, but stopped because of its character restriction. It’s so much easier to proofread an entire article than to do it section by section. 

If you only have a small portion of text to check and don’t need to check for plagiarism, this detector is another good option.

Originality AI VS. Copyscape

The process performed by Originality AI has become an increasingly important tool for measuring the authenticity of AI-generated content.

  • Originality AI and Copyscape are two popular online plagiarism checker tools.
  • Originality AI uses a sophisticated algorithm to compare content across multiple sources to measure the authenticity of AI-generated content.
  • An online test compared ten randomly selected pages, where both tools found six out of ten pages showing some form of plagiarism.
  • Originality.AI identified seven pages as copied content, while Copyscape returned only six positive results for plagiarism, giving Originality a slight edge in accuracy.
  • In terms of speed of returning results, Originality was significantly faster than Copyscape.
  • Originality.AI is resilient to even minor edits, such as removing a comma or creating typos, and was successful in identifying attempts at rephrasing and paraphrasing.
  • Originality.AI can identify which pieces of text were created by artificial intelligence and which were created by humans.
  • For those who want to ensure their work is original and that people wrote it, AI content detector is essential to protect against plagiarism.
  • Overall, it seems like Originality.AI can be trusted to draw the right conclusions.


The tool costs $0.01 per 100 words to scan (which is equivalent to 1 credit).

You also pay as you go, there’s no obnoxious or predatory recurring pricing model.

When you need to buy more credits, just buy more credits!

When you check your content, you can decide to check for plagiarism, AI, or both (at a rate of 2 credits per 100 words). The current options for purchasing credits are:

  • $20: 2,000 credits
  • $50: 5,000 credits
  • $100: 10,000 credits
  • $250: 25,000 credits
  • $500: 50,000 credits


Do artificial intelligence and Originality AI go hand in hand?

With patented AI capabilities to analyze each review separately and assign a rating, Originality AI and artificial intelligence go hand in hand.

Unlike traditional plagiarism checkers, which only detect copied content, Originality AI can identify text created using an automated system.

How is Originality AI different from other detection tools?

Detecting AI -generated content is challenging and requires sophisticated algorithms and computing power.

Not all AI content detection tools are created equal, and some tools may be better equipped to detect content generated by automated systems.

As developers release new tools, AI detection capabilities become more and more sophisticated.

Originality AI’s regularly updated algorithms provide the most accurate and up-to-date results for AI content detection.

The tool is also easy to use since it can integrate with other devices through its API, making it easier to check plagiarism and detect AI-generated content.


In this Originality.AI review, I looked at how GPT-4-based Originality AI checks plagiarism and detects AI-written content effectively.

For those who want to ensure their content is original and free of AI-generated plagiarism, Originality AI provides the most accurate and up-to-date results.

If you regularly create content that needs to be checked for plagiarism, Originality AI is a great AI detection tool to consider (AI generated content).

Read more: Good desktop writing software helps with content and text writing, video creation , and much more.

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