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The Importance of Social Networks In Digital Marketing

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Digital marketing: When social networks become crucial

It is important for a company to take advantage of new technologies to make itself known. In the field of digital marketing, social networks are among the most effective communication channels to reach the target audience.

The number of followers is a good indicator of popularity.

The race for followers is raging on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Whatsapp, Snapchat, etc.

In fact, the number of followers is a very good indicator of popularity. It allows you to gain visibility and optimize your influence.

Social networks, essential for digital marketing

The more followers your page will have, the more credibility your company will gain among Internet and mobile users. A large community will positively impact people’s perception of the brand, attract more audience and reassure partners and investors.

Gathering a large number of followers on social networks, however, requires a lot of work and time. It is necessary, among other things, to feed the page with relevant content (videos, photos, etc.), to link the social networks together, etc.

“If you want to speed up the process, buying Instagram followers to increase your influence on social networks is a good idea.

Today, many sites offer this possibility. Various formulas adapted to all budgets are proposed. They most often include a number of “quality” followers above 1000.

Read also, How To Choose The Best Social Media For Your Business.

The importance of the quality of the Followers

social networks

Even if a large community positively influences the opinion of people on a page, a low rate of engagement with its content can ruin everything.

For information, the engagement rate corresponds to the percentage of reactions to each post (likes, comments, shares, etc.) compared to the number of views. It, therefore allows you to determine the proportion of active followers within a community.

Basically, if a video posted on Instagram, for example, is seen by 100 people, but only 5 of them react, the engagement rate obtained will be 5%.

Having a large number of followers is therefore not necessarily necessary if the engagement rate is very low. That’s why it is essential to always bet on the quality of your followers before the quantity.

This way, you will be sure to benefit from an engagement rate proportional to the number of your followers, which will greatly improve your credibility.

Related topic: When To Post On Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn in 2022

Social networks: The most effective platforms to reach your target audience

The use of the Internet has significantly increased during the health crisis. About 8 out of 10 people regularly consulted various messaging and social networks every month, according to Médiamétrie.

Young people are the most adept at this practice, spending 3 times more time on their screens.

The data established in June 2020 by the site shows that YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat are the most popular social networks of the general public with approximately:

  • 46.5 million users on YouTube
  • 45.9 million users on Facebook
  • 32 million users on Instagram
  • 22 million users on Snapchat

Given these ever-growing numbers, the networks are full of potential customers for companies of all sizes and in all sectors.

Exploiting them becomes more than a simple priority to develop a brand image.

It is necessary to reach a large audience, gain visibility, optimize sales and at the same time, boost turnover.

Read also: Difference between digital marketing and social media marketing

How to use social networks for marketing?

how to use social networks

It is essential to use social networks effectively to achieve your goals. As in all marketing strategies, the first thing you need to do is to define your buyer persona.

This will allow you to create relevant, targeted, and high-value-added posts.

Of course, you will have to vary the contents and adapt them to the specificities of the social network used.

Also, think about interacting with consumers. Listening to their needs will allow you to innovate your products and your strategy to satisfy them and anticipate their expectations. Also, respond to reviews.

Positive feedback will enhance your company’s image, while negative comments are good ways to identify areas for improvement in your strategy, products, and services.

Negative feedback also gives you the opportunity to provide an individual solution to each issue and demonstrate your professionalism. Instead of constantly selling, share stories, tutorials, tips, and other content to let the public know more about your company and the values you promote.

Also, don’t forget to use hashtags. Even in 2022, these words or terms preceded by a “#” are still one of the best ways to get discovered by new people on social networks.

Related: 3 Tips Easily To Build A Community

Instagram, the social network of the moment and an effective marketing tool

In the top 3 favorite social networks, Instagram is a particularly effective marketing tool if used strategically.

According to Médiamétrie, it recorded more than 1 billion active users worldwide.

It is the ideal place to build an audience, effectively reach the target audience and improve the company’s image.

A social network for “beauty,” Instagram is primarily focused on sharing visual content. In addition to photos, other types of publications such as sponsored posts, live videos, and stories, are possible on the platform.

Importance of social networks

All these options are an opportunity to be seized by companies that want to highlight their business, reveal the behind-the-scenes of an event, the manufacturing process of a product, etc.

At the heart of digital marketing strategies, social networks like Instagram are the communication tools of choice for companies to get known, stand out and promote their products and services.

As their number of users continues to grow, these platforms are defined as the best places to increase awareness, acquire new customers and build customer loyalty.

Read also: Instagram Training: Understanding The Fundamentals.

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