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What is AI-created art? + Use cases

What is AI-created art? + Use cases
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AI-created art refers to artificial intelligence that uses neural networks to create new, never-before-seen images.

In other words, AI developers use a dataset of images to train a machine learning algorithm to generate new concepts based on what it has learned.

The results can be incredibly realistic or completely abstract, depending on the artist’s vision.

How does AI-created art work?

One can use machine learning AI tools to create art.

With AI artwork generators , artists provide text that generates the AI ​​artwork.

That said, there are different machine learning algorithms for AI-created art.

1. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

RAGs are neural networks that can be used to create realistic images.

These networks consist of two parts:

  • a generator that creates new data
  • a discriminator that tries to guess which information is real and which information is false.

The generator gets better at making fake data that the discriminator cannot recognize as fake.

Then, the discriminator improves in detecting false data.

This process continues until the generator creates data that is indistinguishable from real data.

A creative adversarial network is another type of neural network that can be inventive when generating art.

2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

AI systems can also use convolutional neural networks (CNN) to create art.

CNNs are a type of neural network that AI artists use for image recognition.

They work by taking an image and breaking it down into smaller pieces or convolutions.

The CNN then processes each convolution to extract features from the image, then recombines the elements to create a new image.

The AI ​​then repeats this process to create different versions of the same image or new images.

3. Neural style transfer (NST)

We can also use human creativity to manipulate neural networks and create art.

In NST, digital art is created by taking the content of one image and the style of another painting and combining them to create a new one.

The content of an image is the subject matter, while the style is how the image is composed with respect to elements such as color , brushstrokes, etc.

By training a neural network on a dataset of images, it can learn to extract the content and style of an image and combine them to create a new image.

Emergence of AI-created art

Visual art through image generators is one of the ways AI has become creative.

Computer science and deep learning have paved the way for various machine learning algorithms that one can use to create art.

While traditionally the creative process involved factors such as talent and inspiration, AI is changing that by allowing anyone to create art.

With the advent of photorealistic image generators, anyone can create realistic images without much artistic talent.

Various example prompts can give you an idea of ​​how these generators work.

Additionally, there are also free and open-source AI art tools that can help you get started with creating your art.

What are some things artists should keep in mind?

Creating AI-generated art involves taking into account a few key considerations.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Originality

When human art creates new works, the artist can claim his identity.

With machine-generated art, it can be more difficult to establish its uniqueness. Machine-generated art is often mass-produced and therefore less unique than traditional art.

That said, registering images as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) can be used to establish ownership and originality of digital art.

2. Value

As art takes on new visual form through computer-generated images, its value can change.

The value of a work of art was once based on things like the reputation of the artist, the rarity of the work, and its historical context. With computer-generated art, one can find value in the input image, the algorithm used, and the intention of the creator.

3. Meaning

As computer art becomes more realistic and vivid, it also takes on new meanings.

Using computer art generators, users can create images that convey specific messages or feelings.

4. Context

Artificial intelligence art can take any form, from abstract to realistic.

Since computer-generated art can take the form of anything from conceptual art to photorealistic images, it’s essential to consider the context in which people will view it.

After all, an AI painting with specific context may be easier to interpret.

What can’t AI-created art do?

As different works of art are created by algorithms, there are still multiple limits to what AI-created art can produce.

Although AI technology has advanced a lot and the creation process has become automated, it is still difficult to generate realistic images.

AI paintings involving humans and different body parts (including hands, faces, and torsos) are still far from reality – we’ll return to this in the next section.

At this point, AI works and abstract art creation go hand in hand.

Detect an AI-created work of art

Here are the main ways to differentiate AI-created art from regular art:

  • Quality : One of the main ways to spot AI-created art is its lack of quality. While computer programs can generate realistic images, they often lack the nuance and detail of images created by human artists.
  • Realism : Realism is another way to spot AI-created works. An authoring tool that generates computer graphics still cannot fully replicate the intricacies of real life. This is why AI-generated images often look slightly artificial.
  • Faces, eyes and hands are approximate : People can always spot AI paintings involving other people by their inaccuracies. With AI-generated images, body parts such as faces, eyes, and hands often appear slightly off. Further updates are needed to make people-related algorithmic art truly realistic.
  • Blurry Transitions : Transitions that are part of an image are often another clue that the AI ​​created the image. While human artists can naturally create smooth transitions, computer programs often struggle to accomplish this task. As a result, images created by AI often have blurry or irregular transitions.
  • Highly saturated colors : Seeing deliberately over-processed images is usually another sign that AI created the art. While other artists may use saturation to achieve effect, they often do so in a more subtle way than AI-generated works.

The future of art created by AI

OpenAI started the general trend of AI-created art by opening Dall-E 2 to the general public.

That said, no one can predict what the future holds.

With tools like Jasper Art , Photosonic , Midjourney , Nightcafe , Google Deep Dream , and many others, many stakeholders are interested in the future of AI-created art.

Such interest means the future of computer art is likely positive. Although it is impossible to predict what will happen, we can expect continued development of computer-generated art.


AI-created art is a new and exciting field that is still in its infancy.

Although the quality of AI-generated images has yet to match that of human-created artwork in some respects, it is improving rapidly.

At the same time, there are areas where technology has (subjectively) supplanted human creativity.

It will be interesting to see how AI-created art develops in the coming years.

  • Will it become more realistic?
  • Will we see more abstract works?
  • Will it be used primarily for commercial purposes?

Only time will tell.

For now, we can enjoy the different creations that have emerged thanks to this new technology.

What do you think about art created by AI?

Did you see any examples that particularly appealed to you or fascinated you?

Then, with AI marketing tools , you can go further and use automation to save time on tasks like social media management , email marketing, and more.

Running a business with various artificial intelligence software tools can help you scale up your efforts and free up time to focus on other areas of your business.

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