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Words with ai and their meanings

Words with ai and their meanings
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Welcome to our list of words with ai

Words are fascinating in how they capture different meanings and contexts. “Ai” serves as a building block in numerous words, each contributing to the richness of language.

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Below is a list of words with ai and their meanings. 

Ailment: Starting our exploration, “ailment” encapsulates the concept of illness or discomfort within the body. It’s a term resonating with the human experience of health and wellness.

Chain: Beyond its literal sense of interconnected links, “chain” symbolizes connections in various aspects of life, from familial ties to professional networks.

Dainty: The delicate and intricate, “dainty” invokes imagery of fine, small, and elegant things, often associated with grace and charm.

Pail: A humble object, a “pail” serves as a vessel for carrying liquids, evoking memories of childhood adventures in the backyard.

Grail: The elusive “grail,” often associated with quests and legends, embodies the pursuit of an ultimate goal or object of desire.

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Obtain: A word steeped in determination, “obtain” signifies acquiring or achieving something through effort or action.

Train: Whether it’s the locomotive transport or the discipline of learning, “train” signifies progression and development.

Sustain: “Sustain” speaks to the ability to maintain or endure, be it physical, emotional, or environmental.

Pair: Denoting a duo or a couple, “pair” signifies the harmony and balance found in complementary elements.

Snail: Nature’s slow-paced wanderer, the “snail” embodies patience and gradual progress.

Faint: Temporary loss of consciousness; lacking in strength or brightness.

Aid: Assistance or support provided to someone in need.

Wait: Remaining in expectation or anticipation of something.

Train: To teach or instruct systematically; a series of connected railway carriages.

Wail: A prolonged high-pitched cry expressing grief or pain.

Grain: Small hard particles, especially of a substance like sand or salt.

Pain: Physical or emotional discomfort or suffering.

Maid: A female domestic servant.

Hail: Pellets of frozen rain falling from the sky.

Bait: Something used to entice, usually used in fishing to attract fish.

Said: Past tense of “say,” indicating something spoken or expressed verbally.

Dairy: Relating to milk products or a place where milk is processed.

Gait: A person’s manner of walking or moving on foot.

Drain: To remove liquid from an area or object; a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid.

Trainee: A person undergoing training for a particular job or profession.

Plain: Simple or ordinary; lacking embellishment or adornment.

Vain: Having an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth.

Fountain: A structure that sends a stream of water into the air.

Quaint: Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

Paint: A colored substance applied as a coating or decoration.

Maintain: To preserve or retain something in a certain state.

Terrain: A stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.

Captain: A person who is in charge of a ship or an aircraft.

Raisin: A dried grape.

Contain: To hold or have within.

Explain: To make something clear or understandable by describing or giving information.

Fairy: A small mythical being with magical powers.

Campaign: A series of coordinated activities with a particular aim.

Plaintiff: A person who brings a case against another in a court of law.

Refrain: To stop oneself from doing something.

Painful: Causing physical or emotional discomfort.

Chair: A piece of furniture designed for sitting.

Gainsay: To deny or contradict something.

Plait: A braid or a interwoven structure.

Disdain: The feeling of unworthiness or scorn towards something or someone.

Waiter: A person who serves food or drinks in a restaurant.

Maim: To injure someone severely, often resulting in permanent damage.

Painless: Without causing discomfort or distress.

Painting: The act or art of applying paint to a surface to create an image.

Palatial: Resembling or suitable for a palace; grand and spacious.

Fairyland: A place or state of magical enchantment.

Gaiter: A protective covering for the leg or ankle.

Impair: To weaken or damage something.

More Words with ai

Naiad: In mythology, a type of water nymph or spirit.

Misaim: To direct or aim something incorrectly.

Mailbox: A receptacle for receiving incoming mail.

Painstaking: Characterized by diligent and careful effort.

Hairpin: A U-shaped pin for securing hair in place.

Plaintive: Expressing sorrow or melancholy.

Chairman: The head or presiding officer of a meeting or organization.

Waif: A homeless and helpless person, especially a child.

Cocktail: A mixed drink typically containing alcohol.

Detail: A small particular feature or aspect of something.

Traitor: A person who betrays someone or something, such as a trust or allegiance.

Tailor: A person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally.

Jail: A place where people are confined as punishment for crimes.

Maimed: Injured in a way that causes disfigurement or loss of function.

Plaintiff: A person who brings a case against another in a court of law.

Retain: To continue to hold or keep possession of something.

Tainted: Contaminated or spoiled.

Complain: To express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.

Rainbow: A meteorological phenomenon with a spectrum of colors in the sky.

Painkiller: A medication used to alleviate pain.

Abstain: To refrain or hold oneself back from doing something.

Plaintiff: A person who brings a case in a court of law to obtain a remedy for an injury.

Dainty: Delicately small and pretty.

Traipse: To walk aimlessly or idly.

Maiming: Causing severe and lasting damage to a person’s body.

Painstakingly: With great care and thoroughness.

Rainfall: The amount of rain that falls within a specific period in a particular area.

Brainstorm: A spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and solve problems.

Unsaintly: Not resembling or characteristic of a saint.

Obtainable: Able to be acquired or achieved.

Airmail: Mail sent by air for faster delivery.

Impairment: The state of being weakened or damaged.

Mainsail: The principal sail on a mast of a ship.

Airlift: To transport goods or people by air.

Tailspin: A sudden and uncontrollable descent or collapse.

Maitre: A master or skilled person, especially in French contexts.

Dairyman: A person who owns or manages a dairy farm.

Gainful: Profitable or productive.

Plaintively: In a manner expressing sorrow or sadness.

Chainmail: Armor made of connected metal rings.

Mainspring: The principal spring in a mechanical device.

Ailing: In poor health or unwell.

Grainy: Having a texture resembling grains or granules.

Hairsplitting: Making fine or overly subtle distinctions.

Painlessness: The state of being without pain or discomfort.

Maiden: A young unmarried woman or girl.

Brainy: Intelligent or intellectual.

Gaited: Having a particular manner of walking or moving.

Taintless: Free from contamination or impurity.

Chairlift: A type of aerial lift in which passengers are carried suspended in chairs.

Disdainful: Showing contempt or lack of respect.

Drainage: The process or means of draining fluids or waste products.

Mosaicism: The presence of two or more populations of cells with different genotypes in an individual.

Vainness: The quality of being excessively proud or concerned about one’s appearance or achievements.

Aimless: Lacking direction or purpose.

Graininess: The quality of having a granular texture or appearance.

Paintbrush: A brush used for applying paint.

Chain-smoke: To smoke cigarettes continuously, lighting one from the previous one.

Waistline: The circumference of a person’s waist.

Maidenhood: The state of being a young, unmarried woman.

Airplane: A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a fuselage.

Waitress: A female server in a restaurant or café.

Sailor: A person involved in sailing or navigating a ship.

Chainlink: A type of fencing made of linked metal loops.

Raiment: Clothing or garments, especially when luxurious or splendid.

Maintop: The platform at the top of the mainmast on a ship.

Quaintly: In a charming or attractively old-fashioned manner.

Painlessly: Without causing physical or emotional discomfort.

Maimer: One who causes severe injury or disfigurement.

Sprain: To injure a joint by wrenching it.

Airdrop: The delivery of supplies or troops by aircraft.

Unfailing: Consistently reliable or dependable.

Maintainer: Someone who preserves or keeps something in a certain state.

Painkiller: A substance or medication that alleviates pain.

Railway: A track or set of tracks made of steel rails along which trains run.

Maintopmast: The upper section of a ship’s mainmast.

Dismal: Depressing or dreary; causing gloom.

Begrain: To cover or sprinkle with grain or seeds.

Majestic: Having dignity, grandeur, or beauty.

Painfulness: The quality of being painful or causing distress.

Raincoat: A waterproof coat worn to protect against rain.

Daintiness: The quality of being delicately small or pretty.

Drainage: The process or means of draining fluids or removing excess liquid.

Paintbrush: A tool used to apply paint.

Saintly: Having qualities associated with a saint; exceptionally virtuous or holy.

Bargain: A deal or agreement usually involving a favorable price.

Strain: To exert effort or force; to filter or separate solids from liquids.

Aidless: Without help or support.

Maimingly: In a manner that causes severe injury or disability.

Gaited: Having a particular manner of walking or moving.

Trailblazer: A pioneer or innovator; someone who leads the way.

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