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6 Mistakes That Can Kill Your Blog

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What many bloggers think is that they write some content, publish it on their website, and then wait for people to read it. Now, this is not a recipe for success. 

To write a successful blog is similar to leaving a successful life. When you eat well, take regular exercise and do regular checkups at the doctor’s place you will grow well and healthy.

But when you decide to ignore your health, eat carelessly, and refuse to check up on yourself at the doctor’s place then be sure that you end up bad.

You have to know that Blogging is not different from real life. The main purpose of its to grow and you as the owner of the Blog are the main Player for the growth of your blog.

The choices you make concerning your Blog determine its growth. whether good or bad, it depends on your skills, blogging expertise, and experience.

Many bloggers today make a lot of wrong choices concerning their blogs that leads eventually to the death of their blog. According to me,

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Things That Can Kill a Good Blog

following are 6 practices that are dangerous for a blog and that we have to avoid doing in order to grow our blog very well.

1. Infrequent Updates

One of the biggest mistakes a blogger can make is to forget about posting new articles regularly.

The most successful blogs are updated with new posts almost every day. You should try to create new posts on your blog as often a possible.

Missing to create a post a day here and there will be no big deal.

However missing to create a post for your blog for a week, will surely lead your blog to the cemetry.

Creating new Posts must be a priority if you want your blog to grow. No matter how busy you can be, you must find a way by posting new articles regularly on your blog. If need be, you can ask others to do it for you.

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2. Graphics Overload

It is true that graphics can earn add a ton to your blog and draw more readers. however, excessively can drive them away.

The reason for this is that there are many internet users who still use slow internet connections. when such people try to connect to your pages which is overload with images, it will take a long time to load.

In this situation, people often tend to close a slow-loading page to go and look elsewhere.

Also when adding images to your blog? avoid using copyright-free images. this also can ruin your blog? There are many websites that you can go to and download free images to use on your blog.

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3. Grammatical Errors

It is very important to know that readers are expecting only the best. they are trading their precious time reading the information you are providing.

Coming across grammar or spelling errors here and there in your articles will show a big lack of professionalism on your part and this can lead to negative consequences.

Poor grammar and spelling are not accepted in the blogging domain. A very popular tool used to correct these mistakes is Grammarly.

Grammarly is a free comprehensive, automated grammar editing tool that checks for 250+ types of common and advanced English grammar rules. I recommend you download it.

4. Too Much Ads

Adding too many advertisements is a mistake. Lots of people today want to make a profit from their blogs. If you are interested in adding ads to your blog, then do it with caution.

I see nothing wrong with a few appropriately placed ads that offer readers links to places that correlate with your blog content.

Therefore you should always your ads to two or three per page. make sure you place them in appropriate places to let your content shine through.

Be smart about placing advertisements on your blog. Too much of it can annoy readers and drive them away.

5.Repeated requests

Right, bloggers need to eat too. But putting requests for donations, repeated appeals to buy your product, or constantly asking readers to click on certain links simply does nothing for your readers.

They come to your blog to read what you share, and not hear constant financial requests.

Having said that, it’s okay to put a donation link on your blog for some noble cause that you’re supporting (cancer research, flood relief, treatment of sick kitty), but be subtle in doing so.

It helps to be aware that not everyone will be receptive and some of them may not even be able to afford a donation.

6. Unprofesional Look

Looks do matter when it comes to your blogging. The more professional and crisp your blog looks, the more visitors you will get.

If you are interested in boosting traffic, you should use a serious and simple layout or presentation.

If you have a sloppy blog that looks homemade, you will likely have a great response.

Try different layouts and approaches to see which one gives you more traffic.

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Hoping that you have got something from this article, know that every single mistake you make while blogging can lead to a negative consequence.

let me know your feedback in the comments section

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