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How to go live on tiktok: step by step guide

How to go live on tiktok: step by step guide
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If you’re new to TikTok and unsure about how to start a live video, this guide is for you.

Going live on TikTok is a great way to connect with friends, increase your visibility, or even earn money. However many people are unsure about how to start a live video on TikTok. Here’s a step-by-step guide.

How to go Live on TikTok?

Before starting a live video, think about what you’ll share with the viewers. Here’s how to start a live video:

  • Open the TikTok app and update it if necessary.
  • Go to your TikTok account and click the (+) button.
  • Enter the name of your live video. Choose a title that clearly indicates what you’ll do during the live video.
  • Click the “Go Live” button to start your live video.

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What to Do If You Can’t Start a Live Video on TikTok? 

Sometimes, users with less than 1000 followers can’t start a live video due to a TikTok bug. Here’s what to do:

  • Open the TikTok app.
  • Go to your profile and select the three horizontal bar icon at the top right of the screen.
  • Go to Settings, then the “Privacy” menu.
  • Select “report a problem”.
  • Tap on “I can’t start LIVE”.
  • If your problem isn’t resolved, select “no”.
  • Go to “need more help?”.
  • In the “write your comment” box, mention that you can’t start your live video and ask for assistance.
  • Finally, select “report”.

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Why Stream on TikTok? 

Streaming on TikTok can be beneficial in several ways. It’s a great way to gain more followers, get more likes, and increase your visibility. Here are some key reasons to consider:

  • Make your TikTok account popular among other users and potential followers.
  • Attract followers by showcasing your personality during live videos.
  • Engage with your followers and interact with users.
  • Promote your business or conduct a Q&A session.
  • Encourage viewers to watch a specific video, visit your website, or purchase a product.
  • Earn money through donations, similar to Twitch. When a user donates money, filters are applied to your live video, which viewers enjoy.

We hope you found this guide helpful. Going live on TikTok can be beneficial for your marketing efforts, so don’t limit yourself to short videos. If you’re looking to earn money through social media, it’s a good option.

If you’re having trouble starting your live video, feel free to reach out for help. Enjoy your live video!

How to go live on Tiktok: Video tutorial

How to go live on Tiktok

Tips for Successful TikTok Live Videos 

Now that you’ve learned how to start a live video on TikTok, let’s explore some additional tips to enhance your live streaming experience and boost your presence on this social network.

Here are some tips that we haven’t mentioned in our previous article:

  • Plan Your Content Ahead of Time: To engage your viewers, plan your content before you start streaming. This will help you stay organized and create an interesting feed for your audience.
  • Engage with Your Community: During the live video, respond to your viewers’ questions and comments. This will demonstrate your commitment and strengthen your relationship with your audience.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags: Hashtags can help your content reach a broader audience. Remember to include hashtags related to your live video to attract new followers.
  • Share Your Live Video on Other Social Networks: To expand your audience, share the link of your live video on other social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • Promote Virtual Gifts: Gifts are a common feature on TikTok that allows viewers to send virtual items to creators. Don’t hesitate to mention them to increase your earnings and popularity on the platform.

How to Get 1000 Followers on TikTok? 

To sum up, to start a live video on TikTok, you must have at least 1000 followers. But how do you achieve this when you only have a few hundred? It can be challenging to reach certain milestones on TikTok, just like on Instagram.

You’re often told to work hard, create content that people will like, and strive to get likes.

While a long-term strategy can yield good results, why wait when you can buy 1000 followers on RiseKarma and immediately start live streaming?

The potential is even greater with live streaming as it’s currently the most effective way to retain people.

In any case, with a TikTok live video, you’ll be able to reach more people and naturally gain many followers. But remember, you can’t just do anything! Above all, you need to know how to create high-quality live videos.

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