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Best Way to Optimize Your Youtube Channel

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YouTube is fast becoming the silver screen of the world wide web – and an essential network for getting in front of the right viewers. For this, it is essential to optimize your youtube channel.

Youtube doesn’t disclose how many creators use the platform. And there’s obviously quite some difference between someone who posts daily and has 100k+ followers, versus anyone who’s ever once uploaded a video. Estimates, though, range from 50m to upwards of 150m.

The Google-owned platform has a huge reach and influence. YouTube recently reported that it now sees more than 1.8 billion active users every month – that’s a billion more than Instagram. At the same time, people are also increasingly eager to subscribe to their favorite channels so they don’t miss a single video. Given this, it’s important to have a video marketing strategy that powers consistent updates for these eager viewers.

Why Optimize a Youtube channel

YouTube optimization makes your business channel search-friendly for both in-app users and users who arrive through regular search engines. Behind Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine, so optimizing your video presence has direct benefits to your SERP rankings. For marketers, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure your channel is easily discovered and remains engaging. For this reason, optimizing your YouTube channel, then, should not be an afterthought.

We’ve identified the top ways to optimize your channel so you can drive as much traffic as possible through videos.

Read more on how to create a Youtube Channel

How to Optimize a youtube Channel

In the infographic below, the team from Brafton outlines their top 14 tips for optimizing your business YouTube Channel for better visibility. Make sure you go through the points very carefully. Then start working on your channel to get it optimized

Now that you know how to create a youtube and you have seen in the above graphic the best ways to optimize the channel, I want to see you go to work. Remember, when the train starts moving, it doesn’t stop until it reaches its destination.

Related; Seven easy ways to make money on Youtube

So no matter the challenge you may face on your journey to making money online, don’t let it stop you until you get that money rolling in.