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Home » How To Make Money Online In Africa: Methods That Work

How To Make Money Online In Africa: Methods That Work

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If earning money online is becoming increasingly easy in Western countries. This is not always the case in the countries of the African continent (more specifically in Sub-Saharan Africa). Indeed, people looking to make money online in Africa face many challenges, including the legitimacy of sites that promise to make large sums of money, platforms that do not accept members from African countries, etc…


So what can you do online if you don’t live in a developed country like the USA or other Western countries? 

In this article, we will mention some ways to make money in Africa. Please note that some of the activities below are not possible in certain regions of Africa. If you live in Senegal, Kenya, Nigeria, Morocco, or Tunisia, these activities are more likely to bring you extra income.

3 Ways To Make Passive Income Online

#1 Make money in Africa on GTP sites

GetPaid To” (or GPT) sites, also known as money-making sites, offer a variety of easy assignments, such as watching videos, taking surveys, filling out offers, entering data, testing products0… etc.

However, the site does not require professional skills or special training to perform these tasks. The remuneration is therefore relatively low. However, it’s still a good way to earn some extra money every month. Let’s name a few websites that work just about everywhere in the world.

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This is probably the most popular GPT site in the world that allows you to earn money on the net in Africa. Swagbucks is available in most countries in America, Europe, and Asia and in some countries in Africa (at the moment we can’t give you a list of these countries). The FAQ section of the site suggests you try to register with your email and they will let you know if the platform operates in your country or if they plan to do so.

Ways to earn money include taking surveys, watching videos, testing products, searching the web, cashback purchases, daily surveys, and more. Swagbucks also has a referral program that allows you to get $3 + 10% of your referral’s earnings in their lifetime, creating a passive income stream for you.

For payment, Swagbucks will either offer you gift cards like Amazon or cash via PayPal. The minimum payment threshold is $25 for PayPal and $3 for gift cards.

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YSense is another site that allows you to make money in Africa, a popular GPT site accepting members from 16 years old and all over the world. You can make money on the site with surveys, internet searches, and other assignments.

The tasks you will have to perform are pretty much the same as those you would find in other pay-to-click platforms that do not operate in Africa. If you are interested, click here.

#2 Make money in Africa by Freelancing

Wherever you are in the world. It is now easier to work from home. All you need is an internet connection. If you have skills that can help you start an online business. Use them. For example, you can offer website design, writing, and virtual customer support. You can find such proposals online.

If you don’t have the skills to do these assignments yet, you can easily learn these skills for free on the internet because they can be acquired in a very short time.

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#3 Make money in Africa by Proofreading

It may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about making money on the internet, but know that there is an incredibly high demand for copy editors all over the world. It comes from academic researchers, writers, advertisers, bloggers, and more. Text correction will lead you to:

  • Check a text for spelling errors, punctuation errors, etc…
  • Make a change if necessary
  • Provide a flawless text to your client

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#4 Transcribing Audio and Video files into text

What does transcription involve? Writing down everything that is said in a video or audio recording. There is a huge demand for transcribers in many industries such as academia, marketing, film, and more; for captioning purposes or otherwise… Everyone needs content that can be published and Googled.

However, as with any job, you need to have the right skills because here it’s not just about having the ability to type quickly on a keyboard.

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#5 Make money in Africa by becoming a Youtuber

YouTube is one of the most popular trends for making money online. You can start your YouTube channel, upload videos to it, and then become a YouTube partner.

You can create different types of videos such as humorous videos, cooking recipes, how-to videos, travel tips, or anything else you think will be interesting to people who visit your channel. Once you get enough views and subscribers from your channel, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program. Once you have their approval, advertising videos will be included in your videos. You will earn money for every view of one of them. Simple and easy, you can film yourself with your smartphone or a digital camera.

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#6 Online sales and dropshipping

Selling online is not like traditional selling. You will be limited when you only do traditional selling. Online selling will allow you to sell everywhere in your country but also in the world.

There are several ways to make money with online selling. Either you create your own website and sell your products there, or you sell your products on famous e-commerce sites like Amazon or eBay… etc. And why not offer your products on social networks like Facebook? To start with, we advise you to test e-commerce sites or social networks first. This will give you time to get familiar with online sales. Know that you can also sell via dropshipping.

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How to make money in Africa with dropshipping?

Dropshipping is undoubtedly one of the most interesting online sales concepts of recent years. It never ceases to arouse curiosity. Most people who practice it use E-bay or Ali express.

When you are a Dropshipper, you become an indirect buyer for an e-commerce site. You choose items that you can afford to pay for and resell later.

Let’s take the example of a computer worth 500 dollars. You put it up for sale at 560 dollars. When you find a buyer who is willing to pay that price. You pay for the computer and ask the supplier to deliver it to the customer. After the sale, you will have made a profit of 60 euros.

The advantage of this method is that you don’t need a lot of capital to get started, nor do you need a physical store, but there can be delays in delivery and sudden stock-outs. This can happen as you are not the supplier and do not have control over the stock.

#7 Making bets online

You have probably heard of online betting. There are several sites where you can bet on a soccer match, horse races… etc. If your predictions are correct, you win money. If one of your bets is incorrect, you lose your bet. This is not the safest way to make money, of course. Some people make fortunes from it, while others lose money and fall further into poverty.

It is advisable to always calculate your bets before taking financial risks. Finally, be careful because even if you don’t lose a lot of money, betting can be addictive.

#8 Getting Started in Forex Trading

Making Money in AfricaForex trading, or currency trading, may seem new to most of us but it is not. This activity has been around for decades, but it has gained popularity in recent years.

Forex is the market where currencies are exchanged, like when you have a few dollars that you want to exchange for your local currency. Forex traders buy certain currencies (we always keep the example of the dollar) and predict that their rate will increase in the next hours, days, weeks, months, etc.

If you predict correctly, the value of the money you invested will increase until you decide to stop the trade and take the profits. Note that if you make a wrong prediction, you could lose all your money in no time!

Other Ways To Make Money Online In Africa


1 Take online courses

If you think you have skills in a particular area (cooking, painting, language, etc…) you can create online courses and offer your services to people for a fee of course. Not only will this activity make you earn money but you will also be able to practice (and why not evolve into a career) and share your knowledge.

2 Sell photos online

From your smartphone, take quality pictures of nature, nice or unusual places in your city, people, food, houses, etc, and sell them online.

There are many sites where you can submit your photos. Every time a customer wants to buy them, you will be paid according to the price you have set beforehand. You can get paid several times for the same photos. The disadvantage of this method is that you need a good camera.

3 Make money in Africa by creating websites

Another way you can make money in Africa with just an internet connection is by creating and operating a niche website. In other words, a site that focuses on a very specific theme and restricts itself to it.

Plants, health, sports, or fashion. Many subjects can be exploited. You then focus on getting good traffic and earning money via Google Adsense for example or affiliate marketing. We will give more details about the latter in the next few lines.

4 Getting into affiliate marketing

This method allows online businesses to partner with website owners or influencers on social networks to generate visitors to their platforms and sell their products. Online businesses can pay for each new customer introduced by the affiliate.

You can affiliate with an e-commerce site or an online business if you have a blog, or if you use social networks a lot. Your role will be to encourage your “followers” to go to your partners’ sites.

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5 Buy and resell domain names

Some people create or buy domain names, then keep them, hoping that someone will need them and buy them back. To make money with this method, you need to identify some domains that you think are easy to sell.

For example, you can create a domain name such as “becomeafreelancer” (followed by the extension of your choice) as more and more people are looking to become independent. In the future, an organization or an individual could be likely to buy this domain name that you own!

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In conclusion, listed are some of the most legit ways to make money online if you are from Africa. Which of these methods are you using to make money so far? You can share it with us in the comments.

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