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Quality Articles On Google: What It Means To Write For Search Engines

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We always talk about writing quality articles. Some people always ask me what is a quality article from Google. We will try to demystify the thing in this article.

When we hear about quality articles or content in the SEO sphere, doubt immediately sets in. We ask ourselves so many questions and often don’t understand why our competitors’ content, often considered by us as totally inadequate or sloppy, occupies the first place on Google.

What is a quality article? What determines whether a piece of content should be considered good quality or not?

Quality for the reader or quality for Google: which one is most important?

quality article for Google

The writer or journalist tends to evaluate his or her articles, and rightly so, according to the canons of good writing, completeness, and clarity of information provided to his or her readers.

This aspect is fundamental and should remain a good practice when producing content for print and the web, but it does not determine, even in a small way, the fate of the article in terms of search engine positioning and organic traffic acquisition.

The objective quality of the text is only valuable when a user is about to read the article, they will appreciate the writing style, exposition, clarity, and value of the information provided, but it should be clear that it is not “the type of quality” that search engines are interested in.

With that necessary premise in mind, let’s get to the point. The process by which search engines evaluate content is completely different from that of human beings.

If ten people read the same article, there may be at least two or three different opinions based on the reader’s subjective taste and level of knowledge of the subject.

Some inexperienced readers might find the article fantastic and rich in information, while others, more experienced and knowledgeable, might find it extremely poor and of very low quality.

Search engine rankings.

quality article for Google

The subjectivity that characterizes us humans does not exist for search engines. Google will choose the content that best suits you. And there, your doubts increase considerably, as do the questions you ask yourself.

In fact, understanding how to write a quality article for search engines is quite simple: you don’t need to understand how Google works, you just need to be a good observer to understand what its “tastes” are regarding a given topic.

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How to understand if the content is of quality for Google.

Search engines, before evaluating the positions in which to place an article, try to understand what subject the article refers to, and try (say) to categorize it. 

To do this, it studies all the articles, from any website, that have used a set of recurring terms (we don’t know what algorithm it uses, but it certainly does).

Once the topic is identified, the search engine begins its evaluation of the specific article by comparing it to existing articles that have potentially covered the same topic. 

The evaluation is mathematical, so forget the quality argument we talked about at the beginning of the article, the factors are other and based on numbers. 

This doesn’t mean that you should neglect the quality of the writing, on the contrary, You should also do other things, the most important of which is to focus the Focus of the article, that is, to stay in the wake of what the search engine currently likes.

A quality article for search engines

Without going into too much detail, quality content for Google is content that somehow meets some mathematical criteria of its algorithm.

Obviously, a mathematical approach is impossible if we don’t know the formula used, but we can try to approximate our content to the type of article Google has chosen for a given keyword.

In the past, when I hadn’t yet implemented Content Dosi’s algorithms, I used to follow my own content creation timeline: I write it down so that you can understand the evaluation process before writing.

  • I go to Google and search for the keyword I’m interested in, the one I would like to position with the article I’m about to write
  • I analyze the first 10 results and ask myself questions: – What type of pages did Google choose? – Are they sales pages or informative articles? It would be pointless to suggest the type it has ruled out. – What is the average length of the articles that populate the first page? If they are short, why write too much and stray from what they like? Users may be looking for a direct answer for that keyword, not a very long text that wastes their time. – Do the articles on the first page go into depth with internal links to other in-depth articles on secondary topics? If there are in-depth articles, perhaps Google has chosen to show this article to give the user the direct answer but give them the option to go further if they wish. – In the title tags of the articles, which topics have been deepened by dedicated paragraphs (H2/H3 etc.)? This is important to identify all the subtopics that need to be addressed in the article I’m going to write.
  • I create an outline noting the to-do list for my article and try to stay in line with what Google likes. Any extras could take my article away from what Google expects, I won’t limit myself and if I think they are important, I will still cover them, but I have to know that if I fail, it could depend on that.
  • Do competitors’ pages get a lot of inbound links? Generally, unique articles don’t get as many links, but I need to know that because I’ll probably have to give them a boost.

Ultimately, you don’t decide the quality, Google does and it differs from keyword to keyword. So it is not possible to define universal guidelines.

You have to analyze the SERPs (Google’s results pages) every time you want to write an article to understand what they like, what your competitors have done, and how to adopt a strategy to try to be part of the articles that, under mathematical analysis, can generate such a positive result that they are chosen as a possible search result.

Tools for writing quality content VS SEO expert: Which one to consider?

quality article for Google

The writing process of each article is really complex and requires hours of study. So at Metadosi, we have automated almost all the analysis and verification parts of the writing process.

AI-based tools are not the holy grail. While it’s true that AI has made a lot of great strides, it’s only a backward-looking or imitative solution. These tools don’t do anything better, because they analyze and repeat what already exists. Artificial intelligence is not intelligent, it’s machine learning.

Only an SEO expert can analyze the corpus to “smell the keyword” and calculate what to put in a page to make it quality and position it on the first page of Google.

I hope I have shed some light on the quality content dilemma, we hear a lot about it and the questions about it are always the same, now you have answers.

2 thoughts on “Quality Articles On Google: What It Means To Write For Search Engines”

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