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Auto-GPT: What is it? + Examples of use (2024)

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In Recent Years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based language models like ChatGPT based technology (GPT-2, GPT-3 , GPT-3.5, GPT-4 and soon GPT-5) have made significant progress in natural language processing tasks, revolutionizing the way we create, communicate and interact with textual content.

One of these advancements is the development of Auto-GPT released in April 2023 and founded by Toran Bruce Richards – a pre-trained automatic generative transformer, by OpenAI and based on GPT-4.

github and git growth of autogpt

Auto-GPT is a state-of-the-art open-source application based on GPT-4 that has the ability to generate human-like text from a prompt (simple text – no code) or summary given input.

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the capabilities, limitations and applications of this technology.

Let’s discover the power of this new AGI (artificial general intelligence) model.

Auto-GPT is a project available since the end of April 2023 by cloning the GitHub repository via git which brings the latest advances in artificial intelligence and natural machine language processing.

github autogpt agent gpt auto gpt online auto gpt gratuit

It builds on the cutting-edge GPT-4 language model created by OpenAI , which allows users to create powerful applications without human intervention, from prompts (text) because it can act autonomously (without intervention).

By harnessing the combined power of GPT-4 + Auto-GPT, users are able to create innovative video games and programs covering a wide range of applications, from personal to professional use.

GPT-4 openai pour Auto-GPT

This advanced technology is something capable of accomplishing an impressive number of activities, such as accessing the Internet to search and gather relevant data, similar to that of a human being, storing and recalling data past, and much more.

Auto-GPT page git
Github d’Auto-GPT

All of this has been made possible since April 2023 through the collaborative effort of its director, Toran Bruce Richards (creator of a similar program called BabyGPT), a video game designer, numerous engineers, developers, contributors and individual sponsors from the open-source community.

toran bruce richards Auto-GPT
Toran bruce richards – Founder of Auto-GPT
Auto-GPT contributors
Auto-GPT Contributors

Difference between ChatGPT and AutoGPT

AutoGPT and ChatGPT share the same GPT architecture but were designed for a different purpose and activities.

Instead, AutoGPT is intended for automating text code generation, while ChatGPT is optimized for language and conversation processing, such as systems like chatbots and virtual video assistants.

Although the two models share similarities in their architecture and training method, they have different strengths and applications.

Here are the main differences between AutoGPT and ChatGPT:

  • Purpose : AutoGPT AI is intended for automating text generation autonomously, while ChatGPT is designed specifically for natural language processing and conversation.
  • Training data : AutoGPT AI is trained on massive text data to learn language patterns and structures, while ChatGPT is trained on human conversation data.
  • Input : AutoGPT generates text based on text input, while ChatGPT generates output through a prompt
  • Text completion : AutoGPT AI can complete sentences and paragraphs based on input, while ChatGPT is optimized for conversational responses.
  • Summary : AutoGPT can summarize text based on input, while ChatGPT is not designed for this task.
  • Content Creation : AutoGPT can generate articles, blogs, and other written content based on input, while ChatGPT is not designed for this task.
  • Support : ChatGPT can be used to create chatbots providing customer service to users, while AutoGPT is not designed for this task.
  • Virtual Assistant : ChatGPT can be used to create virtual assistants that can understand and respond to user queries in a natural way, while AutoGPT is not designed for this task.
  • Natural language optimization : ChatGPT is optimized for natural language processing, while AutoGPT is not designed specifically for this task.
  • Human Responses : GPT-4-based ChatGPT is optimized to generate human-like responses, while AutoGPT focuses on generating high-quality texts based on a given input.

Ultimately, although these 2 technologies share some similarities – they were designed for different tasks and have different strengths and limitations.

It is important to understand their differences in order to choose the language model best suited to a given application or task.

Ways of using this artificial intelligence

The latest version has three available modes, which you can use according to your preferences and needs. 

1. Mode GPT 3.5

mode GPT3.5 Auto-GPT

Before you can access AutoGPT, you must have a vs code + devcontainer which you can install here or a Python 3.8 programming language (later is also applicable) and an OpenAPI API key , which does not is only available using ChatGPT Plus or via the waitlist (registration by SSO or email).

Auto-GPT openai API
How to use Auto-GPT and GPT-3.5

However, if you do not want to benefit from the subscription plan for this API or wait to be approved on the list, there is another option: GPT 3.5 ONLY mode.

Since GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 are both accessible on Auto-GPT, you can switch between these two major language models, depending on what is available.

2. Mode vocal

As the name suggests, voice mode allows Auto-GPT’s artificial intelligence to read generated text using a human voice.

To let the artificial intelligence speak, all you need to do is set up your ElevenLabs Key and ID (API), which you can get here .

API elevenlabs Auto-GPT

Tip: You can clone your voice by downloading an MP3 file from the ElevenLabs website and applying it to AutoGPT using the speak parameter. Don’t expect it to be 100% similar, as it’s only the beta version.

3. AutoGPT continuous mode

AutoGPT has a continuous mode, which allows it to execute given activities indefinitely autonomously.

mode continue Auto-GPT

Although this mode has potential benefits, the developers do not recommend it because it carries its own risks.

One of them is performing unintended actions that may be beyond the user’s control.

Use cases for this general artificial intelligence

Auto-GPT use this API for tasks
How to use Auto-GPT for your tasks

AutoGPT is an AI-based language model that can help users. 

Here is a list that Auto-GPT can do for you: Generate content (using GPT via API). improve marketing strategies, improve customer experience and facilitate translation tasks, among other things.

1. Content Creation

Can generate drafts, ideas and inspiration for different writing projects such as articles, blog posts, social media posts, etc.

2. Marketing and advertising

Auto-GPT can be used to create compelling marketing copy and social media posts that target specific audiences.

3. SAV

Auto-GPT can generate relevant and accurate responses for customer inquiries, providing a faster and more efficient customer experience.

4. Translation

Auto-GPT makes translation easy by generating translations in another language, breaking language barriers and facilitating communication.

5. Creative writing

Auto-GPT can be used to boost writers’ creativity by generating ideas and inspiration from keywords or brief summaries.

6. Education

Auto-GPT can be used to generate educational content, quizzes and study materials, and to provide personalized feedback to students.

7. Data generation

It is now possible to generate additional training data that auto-GPT can do to improve the performance and accuracy of other machine learning models

8. Chatbot

Auto-GPT can power a chatbot and virtual assistants by generating conversational and engaging responses for users.

9. Content summary

Auto-GPT automatically summarizes long texts into shorter, more concise summaries.

10. Personalized recommendations

Auto-GPT generates personalized recommendations for products, services or content based on user preferences and past behavior.

Auto-GPT offers a wide variety of applications to improve everyone in the content creation process, such as improving client/computer interactions, facilitating translation, and providing personalized recommendations.

What is BabyAGI in AutoGPT AI? 

Auto-GPT operation
Source :

BabyAGI is an open-source tool created by Yohei Nakajima by combining GPT-4 technologies from OpenAI (like chatgpt), LangChain, a coding framework, and Pinecone, a database.

It allows the creation of new agents via artificial intelligence that can accomplish complex things while considering the initial objective.

Here are the important ideas to remember about BabyAGI in AutoGPT:

  • Is a combination of technologies and programming language of OpenAI (GPT-4), LangChain and Pinecone API.
  • Is able to understand and learn from its sub-tasks like humans
  • Uses long-term memory to quickly store and retrieve information.
  • Train and evaluate diverse AI agents in a simulated environment to test their ability to learn and perform challenging activities.

How does AutoGPT work?

AutoGPT is an artificial intelligence-based task automation tool.

auto gpt an agentgpt
Source: AgentGPT : The Autonomous AI revolution

Apart from executing tasks, it can also provide thoughts and reasonings to develop the next action to take to achieve your predefined goals.

  • AutoGPT can be thought of as a personal assistant that can automate tasks based on a simple given instruction.
  • In addition to carrying out the activities, it can provide reflections, reasoning and criticism to develop the next action to be taken.
  • The first demo features a simple interface with a text box for inputs such as AI name, role description, and a list of objectives.
  • Once this information is provided, Auto-GPT immediately begins to “think” and execute activities in the background.
  • Auto-GPT offers endless potential to automate tedious activities and achieve goals efficiently.


We have seen in this article on Auto-GPT (AGI) that it has the potential to revolutionize and solve the problem of various applications in the field of natural language processing.

Auto-GPT can generate contextually relevant, coherent and creative text, making it a valuable tool in many fields. 

However, like any AI, it also has limitations and ethical considerations that need to be carefully researched and addressed.

Responsible use of Auto-GPT, accompanied by human verification and ethical guidelines, can help harness its capabilities effectively and responsibly.

As technologies continue to evolve, Auto-GPT and other language models are likely to play an important role in shaping the future of text generation and communication on websites and elsewhere. 

For information and stay human updated with the latest information and news, update videos and short term information on Auto-GPT, follow their Twitter account @siggravitas .

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