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Why choose DALL-E 3? Review, Test, Advantages (2024)

Why choose DALL-E 3? Review, Test, Advantages
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Meet DALL-E 3, a major advancement from OpenAI , the artificial intelligence research lab , that continues to redefine AI image generation  from text.

From ChatGPT to DALL-E, OpenAI is constantly pushing the boundaries of AI technology and is constantly innovating.

  • Evolution : Improved successor to DALL-E 2 , launched in April 2022 by OpenAI
  • Free Accessibility : Available for free on Microsoft Bing Image Creator from Bing Chat and
  • Goal : Generate high-quality illustrations that accurately reflect user queries.
  • Comprehension : Interprets text descriptions accurately.
  • DALL-E Mini : Accessible version for everyone offering quality image creation.
  • ChatGPT Integration: Collaborate with ChatGPT to refine your ideas into images.
  • Availability : Access for OpenAI ChatGPT customers from October 2023.
  • Independence : Freely create, sell or share the generated illustrations.

OpenAI’s technology redefines image generation from text, simplifying visual creation for everyone and solidifying OpenAI’s position as a leading innovator in AI.


Immerse yourself in this universe and discover the OpenAI innovations that are redefining our daily lives.

1. Understanding Prompts

Illustrations of examples by OpenAI and its prompt
Source: OpenAI website - Drawing & associated prompt

Enter a dimension where text meets imagination to create incredible images.

  • Deep understanding: Accurate interpretation of text prompts.
  • Accurate Translation: Accurately converting complex queries into illustrations
  • Multilingualism: Understanding prompts in several languages ​​such as French or English, breaking down language barriers.

DALL-E 3 transcends language and visual barriers, delivering a faithful translation of your ideas into images, regardless of the language used.

2. AI Image Generator

OpenAI Images
Source: OpenAI website

Embark on a visual adventure that challenges reality and pushes the limits of AI.

  • Superior quality: Sharper and more detailed images.
  • Improved management: Better representation of hands, faces, and texts in images.

This is the key that opens the door to superior quality images, faithfully reflecting the richness of details.

3. ChatGPT

Chat with artificial intelligence and shape your imagination through fluid conversations.

  • Smooth interaction: Fine-tuning queries through conversations with ChatGPT.
  • In-App Delivery: Results delivered directly to the chat app.

Interacting with ChatGPT is a collaborative adventure that enriches your creativity.


Integrating DALL-E becomes child’s play, offering a world of conversational applications at your fingertips.

  • Easy integration: Robust API for seamless integration with DALL-E.
  • Complete documentation: Quick and simplified implementation.

The robust API is your gateway to an ecosystem of rich conversational apps.

5. Learning

Evolve with DALL-E in a quest for continuous improvement and adaptation.

  • Continuous improvement: DALL-E learns from each interaction to refine its responses.
  • Regular update: Optimal performance thanks to user feedback.

Continuous learning is the engine of innovation that ensures the relevance and effectiveness of DALL-E over the long term.

6. Bing Chat

Expand the horizons of your creativity with DALL-E, now available to everyone via Bing Chat .

  • Accessibility: Available for free on Bing Chat and
  • Reinforced security: Digital tagging and content moderation system for safe and responsible use.

The integration of DALL-E into Bing Chat is an invitation to explore, create and share, while ensuring ethical and safe use of technology.

Bing Image creator example
Source: Bing Image creator - Drawing
Bing Image creator example
Source: Bing Image creator - Drawing
Bing Image creator example
Source: Bing Image creator - Drawing

DALL-E is a revolution in art, a promise of endless creativity and intuitive interaction, redefining the way we visualize ideas.

Difference between DALL-E 3 and DALL-E 2

DALL-E 3, the third iteration of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence-based tool, introduced substantial improvements over DALL-E 2. Here’s a look at the key differences between these two versions.

1. Prompts

The first step toward an accurately generated image is understanding the prompt text accurately.

  • Significant improvement: DALL-E 3 better understands text prompts, especially longer ones.
  • Human Details: Improved handling of human details like hands and reflections.
  • Prompt Adhesion and Creativity: DALL-E 3 generates images that closely follow complex prompts more often than DALL-E 2, with more reliable and consistent adhesion and creativity.

This artificial intelligence is distinguished by its ability to faithfully translate complex text prompts into visually accurate images, thus achieving a significant milestone in the field of artificial intelligence.

2. Integrations

This artificial intelligence stands out for its integration with various tools, thus improving the image generation experience.

  • ChatGPT: A brainstorming partner to refine your image ideas.
  • Bing Chat: Wider accessibility of this artificial intelligence, allowing you to request prompts easily with Bing Image Creator
  • ChatGPT Plus exclusive: Access reserved for subscribers, enriching interaction with DALL-E 3.

These diverse integrations position it as a flexible and accessible tool, ready to meet the varied needs of users.

Microsoft Bing image creator in Microsoft Bing Chat
Microsoft Bing image creator in Bing Chat
Microsoft Bing image creator in Microsoft Bing Chat
Microsoft Bing image creator in Bing Chat

3. Quality

The focus is on producing sharper, more detailed images.

  • Improved Detail: Produces images with sharper lighting, sharper textures, and more detailed backgrounds.
  • Text in Image: Improved ability to successfully generate text in image.
  • Resolution and Textures: Exceeds DALL-E 2 with higher image resolution and better handling of complex textures.

The superior quality of images generated by DALL-E 3 is a testament to the continued evolution of OpenAI technology.

4. Security

Security is a priority, in particular to avoid the creation of inappropriate or offensive images with this artificial intelligence.

  • Reinforced security protocols: Prevention to avoid generating inappropriate or violent images.
  • Copyright Compliance: Steps to avoid creating images that may infringe copyright.
  • Ethical Considerations: DALL-E 3, like DALL-E 2, requires responsible use with human supervision to avoid harmful content.

The security improvements in DALL-E 3 reflect a responsible consideration of the ethical implications of Open AI technology.

5. Control

  • Creative Control: Offers more creative control than DALL-E 2, allowing users to tweak their prompts and explore different possibilities.
  • Diffusion Model: Uses a diffusion model to create images from noise, unlike DALL-E 2 which uses a variational autoencoder, providing more flexibility and expressive power.

The increase in creative control and the use of a streaming model positions DALL-E 3 as a more advanced platform for generating images.

6. Provenance Classify

DALL-E 3 includes a tool called Provenance Classifier that helps users identify whether an image was created by DALL-E 3, making it easier to detect fake or synthetic images.

This innovative tool adds a layer of transparency and accountability, helping prevent misuse and deception.


This artificial intelligence is accessible in two distinct ways:

  1. ChatGPT Subscription: For $20 per month, get unlimited access to ChatGPT and DALL-E 3.
  2. Free use via Bing Chat (via Bing Image Creator) of this artificial intelligence: DALL-E 3 is available for free from Microsoft. With an active Microsoft account, you have 100 initial credits. If exhausted, it may take longer to generate images, but “boosts” can be acquired using your Microsoft rewards. A page reload may be necessary due to high server load.

The different pricing options of the DALL-E 3 Image Generator provide flexibility allowing users to choose between unlimited access via a monthly subscription or free use with some restrictions.

This makes this artificial intelligence accessible to a wide range of users, meeting the varied needs of AI-assisted image creators.

Enable DALL-E 3 in ChatGPT

To access it via ChatGPT, follow these simple steps:

  1. Selecting DALL-E: In ChatGPT, head to the GPT-4 drop-down menu and choose DALL-E 3. This action will temporarily disable the “Browse with Bing”, “ChatGPT Plugins”, and “Data Analytics” options.
  2. Preparing your session: Once the DALL-E 3 image generator is selected, your session is ready.
  3. Providing prompts: Simply enter your text prompts and it will generate the corresponding images.

This makes the user experience smooth and effortless, allowing you to easily switch to generate images.

Disadvantages and Concerns

Using DALL-E 3 has some drawbacks and controversies related to this AI image maker.

Here are some limitations and issues to be aware of:

  • Copyright Concerns: The model’s ability to create realistic images from text may raise concerns about copyright violations. It could reproduce copyrighted works or imitate an artist’s style, potentially leading to legal disputes over intellectual property rights.
  • Privacy and Ethics: The generation of images of public figures raises ethical and privacy concerns. As images become more realistic, there is a risk of false or misleading depictions of real people, contributing to misinformation or defamation.
  • Confusion between Real and AI: The quality and accuracy of model-generated images can make it difficult to distinguish between authentic and AI-generated artwork, thereby impacting the creative industry.

With these drawbacks and controversies in mind, you can use DALL-E 3 responsibly and ensure that your creations follow ethical and respectful practices.

Alternatives to DALL-E 3

DALL-E 3 has attracted significant attention in the AI ​​image generation space, but there are other AI image generators such as Midjourney and Stable Diffusion that are strong competitors offering their own unique advantages.

Let’s see how they compare to the new DALL-E 3 model:

1.  Midjourney

Benefits of Midjourney

  1. Richer Images: Midjourney is known for producing rich styles and expressing emotions effectively.
  2. Outpainting Feature: This feature allows you to expand the boundaries of your image while maintaining the original aspect ratio and resolution.
  3. Cheaper: Midjourney offers a basic plan for $10 per month, while DALL-E 3 is accessible through ChatGPT Plus for $20 per month.

Benefits of DALL-E Version 3

  1. More user-friendly: While both are user-friendly, Midjourney may require a slightly higher level of technical expertise.
  2. More accessible: Midjourney is only accessible via Discord and does not have an official API. DALL-E 3 is accessible via ChatGPT and has an API allowing integration into your applications.
  3. More Privacy: Images generated on Midjourney can be seen by anyone on Discord and are considered public property, while images from DALL-E 3 are not publicly viewable.

2.  Stable Diffusion

Benefits of Stable Diffusion

  1. Inpainting capabilities: After generating an image, you can adjust the size of specific elements or replace them.
  2. Accessible offline: Unlike other AI for the need to generate images, this platform can be downloaded and used offline.
  3. Cheaper: Stable Diffusion offers a basic plan at $9 per month, while DALL-E 3 is accessible via ChatGPT

Benefits of DALL-E Version 3

  1. More user-friendly: Although both are user-friendly, the DALL-E 3 Image Generator may require a slightly lower level of technical expertise.
  2. Consistent Image Quality: DALL-E 3 is known for consistently generating high-quality and relevant images, while Stable Diffusion can sometimes be inconsistent when it comes to image quality.

3.  Artbreeder

Benefits of Artbreeder

  • Visual exploration: Artbreeder offers an interactive platform to explore and create images by mixing styles.
  • Active community: A community of artists and creators contribute and share their works, providing a source of inspiration and collaboration.
  • Customization options: Sliders allow you to easily modify image attributes.

Benefits of DALL-E Version 3

  • Generate from text: The DALL-E 3 image generator transforms text into images, which can be more direct and specific for certain needs.
  • API for integration: The availability of an API allows easy integration into other applications and services.
  • Protection of privacy: The images generated are not publicly accessible unlike the Artbreeder community platform.

When choosing an alternative to DALL-E 3, it is essential to consider your specific goals, the level of customization required, and the resources available.

Each of these alternatives has its strengths and limitations, and the choice ultimately depends on the specific use case and user preferences.


Can everyone use DALL-E 3?

Yes, the DALL-E 3 AI Image Generator is currently available to the public via Microsoft Bing Chat or to ChatGPT subscribers.

How to access DALL-E?

OpenAI Official Website: Registration required, paid credits required, access to DALL-E 2.

ChatGPT: Access to the DALL-E Version 3 image generator for ChatGPT and Enterprise Chatbot subscribers via the conversational interface.

Microsoft Bing: Free access to DALL-E 3 via the Microsoft Bing Chat chatbot, its search engine which integrates Microsoft Bing Image Creator.

How to use DALL-E 3 for free?

Log in to your Microsoft account with your email, go to the Microsoft Bing Chat chatbot and click on the Chat tab.

Enter your prompt on Microsoft Bing Image Creator in the conversational window, 4 visuals will be generated.

Click on an image to enlarge it in Microsoft Bing Image Creator and download it.

Can DALL-E 3 create any type of image? 

The DALL-E 3 Image Generator has built-in safety guardrails to prevent inappropriate use, preventing the creation of images depicting celebrities or violent content.

However, some shortcomings were observed, such as the possibility that certain names of personalities escaped the filters.

These limitations apply to DALL-E 3 on all platforms: the OpenAI website, the ChatGPT chatbot, and Microsoft Bing Image Creator.

Final Opinion

Text-to-image generation is a feat of artificial intelligence that transcends communication and visual creation. DALL-E 3, integrated with ChatGPT, makes this technology accessible, opening up a world of creative opportunities.

Although I keep my paid subscription to Midjourney for advanced features, DALL-E is my choice for fast images.

As we saw in this article, I highly recommend its new features. 

Take the time to explore it and discover how it can enrich your artistic and narrative projects.

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