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10 Character Traits of A Successful Entrepreneur-2022

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A successful entrepreneur is known for his ability to have a clear vision of what he is doing and where he intends to reach. Another thing I know about successful entrepreneurs is that they are focused and highly motivated. These traits serve as a boost that takes them wherever they envisioned to reach.

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this article are purely my own. 

I have the opportunities to meet and exchange with a lot of entrepreneurs during my time of research and studies about starting a business online. During these periods, what I realized is that successful entrepreneurs have some character traits that differentiate them from all the other ones.

If you want to start a business whether online or offline, you must try to cultivate these habits because they will help you to easily and quickly become successful in your business.


I searched on Google for the following keyphrase, “ what is an entrepreneur”. The definition according to the Oxford Dictionary is: “An entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.” This means anybody that is trying to make money by taking some risks like investing his money or time in something is automatically an entrepreneur.

I hereby wish to believe that you reading this article is an entrepreneur. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting or you are in the game for a while. As long as you are spending even your time with the expectation of making money from something, you are enterprising.

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  1. Ability to solve problems                      
  2. He is open minded
  3. He has Passion for his job
  4. Communication capacities
  5. Logical reasoning
  6. Ability to manage work with life
  7. He is determined to succeed
  8. Strong leadership abilities
  9. Always ready to learn
  10. Ability to work with a team

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Now without wasting any more time, let us dive directly into the 10 character traits that all successful entrepreneurs must-have.


This is a very important ability that every entrepreneur must-have. Many people often don’t take this character trait very seriously but I think they are mistaken.

As an entrepreneur, your responsibility is to get the job done. That is why you have to be able to get a solution to all the problems that might come your way.

No matter what line of business you are in, this is a very important ability for you to develop. 

Failure to do this is very dangerous for your business. 

For additional resources, download a free PDF by Dr. Joy Amesi and Dr. Margaret E. Akpomi. Both of the Business education department, Faculty of Technical & Science Education, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria. Entrepreneurs Success in Business and Creativity Education.


As an entrepreneur, it is very important to possess an open spirit. Before you can fully satisfy all the needs of your customers, you need to do thorough research of the market and come up with a very conclusive decision.

A successful entrepreneur sometimes will have to go beyond the existing statistics of the market and be able to find new and innovative ideas.

This is why you have to be open-minded to be able to create, innovate and launch new products.


successful entrepreneur

For an entrepreneur to be successful in his business, he has to be passionate about his job. 

“Passion is a strong feeling about a person or something,” says Wikipedia.

Your passion for a particular line of business is what will drive you to set up the business. And that is what makes you not feel bored at any moment.

Ambition on the other hand is what keeps you going even when things get tough along the way. 

Combining these two qualities are very essential for any entrepreneur to be successful.


The ability to communicate your thoughts and opinions very clearly and in an understandable manner is another key trait for a successful entrepreneur.

In your day-to-day activities, your level of communication both vocally and in virtual modes of communication like emails is important.

Communication skills are what at times make the difference between a successful and average entrepreneur.


Another way to call this trait is calculated risk-taking abilities. An entrepreneur must be able to take risky decisions in a very short period of time without having time to calculate the risk in his decision.

This skill is one of the dangerous ones that comes only after years of experience. Mostly just beginning entrepreneurs will have difficulty in making calculated decisions. 

As an example, most entrepreneurs when sales are on the rise might not think of expanding the product line. This is because he or she has little or no experience of the situation.


Entrepreneurs face a lot of challenges in their lives. Most of the time, they find it difficult to have time for their other lives apart from their businesses.

Many people claim it is impossible for a successful entrepreneur to manage his work and life. 

What we have to know is that an entrepreneur is not really successful if he is unable to manage his work and his family. This is because when an entrepreneur is not having a stable, he can not manage his enterprise successfully.


Determination to succeed is a major characteristic that you will find in a successful entrepreneur. Challenges and unexpected situations may arise anytime in your business.

Successful entrepreneurs don’t yield to failure. They see failure as an opportunity to start again. Things don’t always go the way we plan them to go.

There shouldn’t be a trial limit for an entrepreneur. Any failure must be considered as a wrong way of doing something thus not repeating the same mistakes again. 

Most of the greatest entrepreneurs in history have all passed through this situation. It is their determination to succeed that kept them moving and today, they are references to others.

Typical examples are Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple, Jack Ma of Alibaba and so many others.

Successful entrepreneur

Read the stories of some people who made it after failing many times on American Express


A successful entrepreneur even if he starts alone will end up working with a team. This is where strong leadership skills come in.

A leader, when he is not able to manage his team effectively, will have it hard. The team will be unable to work synergically to make the vision of the enterprise come true.

Also without good leadership, there will not be clear direction and motivation within the enterprise.

Related topic: motivational success quotes for businesses in 2022.


An entrepreneur must always be eager to learn from every situation that comes his way. Either form his own mistakes, other people’s mistakes, or from the circumstances that are around him.

An entrepreneur must also be checking trends in his or her niche for the availability of new tools that may help grow your business.

Being aware of what is going on around you is very important if you want to become a successful entrepreneur. It is not possible for anybody to know everything. That is why you have to make continuous learning part of your daily routine.


Ability to work with a team

To be a successful entrepreneur and be able to manage a business to success requires a lot of skills. An entrepreneur will come across a wide variety of people to work with to build up his business.

This is why an entrepreneur needs to be able to work with other people as a team in order to reach the goal of the business.

The entrepreneur who wants to establish a larger team will also be able to delegate tasks and recognize how individuals’ day-to-day activities fit into the larger picture.


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