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Home » 5 Easy and Proven Ways to Hack Facebook Accounts

5 Easy and Proven Ways to Hack Facebook Accounts

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Before we start, I want to state it here that hacking people’s facebook accounts is a crime. The methods in this article are purposely for educational reasons. Trying to use any of the below methods to hack people’s facebook accounts is totally your own responsibilty.

We all know Facebook can be an excellent tool for socializing and staying in touch, it can also be a source of concern for many. For instance, some individuals may wish to monitor the content posted by their loved ones to ensure their safety or well-being.

Others may seek unauthorized access to a Facebook account for less noble reasons. We will now teach you a few simple ways to hack Facebook accounts a short period of time.

How to Hack Facebook Accounts Fast

Hacking facebook is possible. If your concern is to monitor your kids facebook accounts in order to safeguard their safety, in this guide we are going to explore 5 fast ways to do that.

1. Hacking Tools

Wih the advance in technology, there are tools and softwares that can be used to to hack your kids facebook accounts. Lets now discover 2 of these tools.


One method to hack someone’s account is by creating a browser extension and persuading the targeted victim to install it. xMobi is a mobile application that observes and collects data from other people’s smartphones.

One of its functions is an FB hacking tool with a success rate of 99%. The user needs to input their Facebook account to use this tool, and the device generates the associated password.

It’s crucial to remember that the target person must be logged into Facebook for the tool to work. If the hack is successful, the user will have full privileges on the target’s Facebook page, including all posts and comments.

However, xMobi should not be set up on the target phone if the user only needs to use Facebook and Messenger. To function, the hacking tool simply requires a username or password.


EyeZy is a comprehensive smartphone application that addresses one of the most pressing issues for parents in the digital age: their child’s online safety.

This software offers several tools to assist parents in monitoring their children’s social media usage and protecting them from potential online threats such as cyberbullying and predators.

Parents can easily monitor their child’s Facebook interactions with EyeZy, allowing them to analyze all messages sent and received.

By monitoring their phone’s calendar, the software also provides insight into their child’s activities, identifying where they go, who they meet, and when these events occur.

This tool is valuable for parents who want to ensure that their child does not encounter strangers or participate in events that could jeopardize their safety. EyeZy also has exceptional social media monitoring capabilities.

It enables parents to review all events on their child’s phone calendar, such as location, event name, date, and time. This data can help parents identify any suspicious or concerning activity in which their child may be involved.

Another interesting feature of EyeZy is the ability to block websites. Parents can restrict the websites their children can access, ensuring they do not view inappropriate information or interact with individuals who may jeopardize their safety.

This feature gives parents the confidence that their child is not engaging in potentially dangerous internet behaviors.

2. Using Facebook cookies

The approach described here is quite complex and requires access to the target device, which can be challenging if you lack professional hacking skills.

However, before delving into how to execute this technique, it is essential to understand what cookies are and how they work. Cookies are small data packets stored in a device’s memory.

You may have noticed that loading takes longer when you visit a website for the first time. This is because cookies are created.

Returning to our topic, the cookies required in this scenario are temporary and are automatically deleted once the user closes their browser.

Therefore, it is necessary to acquire the cookies before the user closes their browser. Here’s what you can do: 

  • Wait for the user to log into their account, then wait for them to close the browser tab. 
  • Once they’ve done this, you can trick them into letting you use their device to browse something. 
  • Once you have the device, you need to extract the cookies from their browser. 
  • To do this, you’ll need to run this code: javascript:alert(document.cookie) 
  • Through this process, you will obtain a set of cookies. Then, log into your account and repeat the process to obtain a new set of cookies. 

By comparing the two sets of cookies, you can identify those that correspond to Facebook. Stealing this particular set of cookies will allow you to access the user’s account at any time.

However, this method has a major drawback. Every time the user logs out of their account, you will also be logged out, and you will need to repeat the entire procedure to regain access.

3. Keylogging

A keylogger is software that allows someone to record every keystroke on a particular device. To use it, the software must be installed either on the monitored person’s device or on the surveillance device.

If the software is installed on the target device, it must be done without the user’s knowledge. Alternatively, if it is installed on the surveillance device, the user must be convinced to log in using that device.

Once installed, the keylogger silently operates in the background, recording all keystrokes made on the device. This includes login information, such as usernames and passwords.

By checking the keylogger software, the person monitoring the device can easily access this information as soon as it is entered. It is important to note that there is a risk of being caught if the keylogger software is installed on the target device. Installing the software on the surveillance device is recommended to reduce this risk.

4. Phishing

One method for hacking someone’s account involves creating a browser extension and persuading the targeted victim to install it. Hackers commonly use phishing emails to gain illegal access to Facebook accounts.

The attacker uses this technology to create fake emails that appear to come from Facebook. Afterward, the recipient is led to engage in a dangerous link or disclose critical information.

These phishing emails can take various forms, such as false alerts regarding friend requests, conversations, events, images, and videos.

They can also falsely accuse the recipient of violating Facebook community standards, threaten imminent compromise of their account, or offer incredible incentives, such as winning a Facebook jackpot.

It is essential to be cautious and vigilant when receiving Facebook emails. It is crucial to verify the validity of any link before clicking on it or providing personal information.

5. Using Browser Extension

One method for hacking someone’s account involves creating a browser extension and forcing the targeted victim to install it.

Once installed, the hacker has limited access to the target’s account, including the ability to post notifications, but cannot change the password.

Existing hack extensions for other browsers can also be used; however, security is the key issue in such cases. Users may encounter advertisements when browsing websites that prompt them to download an extension to proceed.

If people fall victim to this method, the hacker who built the extension can access their accounts rather than the intended targets. Therefore, using this approach to hack someone’s account is strongly discouraged.

Legit Reasons to Monitor Someone’s Facebook Account

Facebook has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of people using it to connect with family, friends, and colleagues.

However, its widespread use has also raised concerns about security, privacy, and data protection. As a result, many individuals may feel the need to monitor someone’s Facebook account.

In this section, we will explore why someone might want to monitor another person’s Facebook account.

Parental Concerns

One of the primary reasons to monitor someone’s Facebook account is to protect children from cyberbullying, inappropriate content, or online predators.

Parents may feel responsible for ensuring that their children are not exposed to harmful content on Facebook or engaging in risky behavior themselves.

Monitoring a child’s Facebook account can give parents a sense of control and help ensure their children’s safety.

Suspicious Behavior

Another reason someone may need to monitor another person’s Facebook account is if they suspect that person of engaging in illicit or harmful activities.

This could include a cheating partner or a family member involved in drug use. In such cases, monitoring the person’s Facebook account may provide evidence confirming suspicions, which can help in deciding whether to confront the person or seek outside help.

Employer Monitoring

Employers may also have reasons to monitor employees’ Facebook accounts. They may want to prevent employees from engaging in behavior that could harm the company’s reputation, such as making negative comments about the company or its clients.

Employers may also want to ensure that employees do not share sensitive company information on their Facebook accounts.

However, employers must scrupulously respect their employees’ right to privacy and follow appropriate policies and procedures.

Investigative Objectives

Law enforcement agencies may also monitor Facebook accounts as part of an investigation into criminal activities.

This could include monitoring the Facebook accounts of suspects, victims, or witnesses. Facebook can provide valuable information to law enforcement, such as location data, communication records, and social connections.

However, law enforcement officials must obtain appropriate warrants or legal orders before monitoring someone’s Facebook account.


In some cases, monitoring a Facebook account can be a cybersecurity measure. For example, if a company suspects that employees’ Facebook accounts have been hacked, they may monitor these accounts to prevent further damage.

Similarly, individuals may want to monitor their own Facebook accounts to detect unauthorized access or suspicious activity.


Based on the points mentioned above, it is worth noting that methods for hacking Facebook accounts are generally complex and do not guarantee success. Attempting to use these methods can be a waste of time and effort.

However, there is a simpler and more effective way to monitor a Facebook account: using spy applications. Spy applications are easy to install and use, and with proper setup, hacking a Facebook account can take as little as a minute.

Among the many spy applications available, xMobi and EyeZy are considered the best and highly recommended for this purpose.

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