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36 Best Online Business Ideas For Beginners.

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It seems that there is no shortage of good online business ideas. The truth is that the Internet has made it easy to start a business. With a simple website, you can reach anyone, anywhere in the world.

Target the right people with the right offer, and you’ll be making your own money in no time. Other benefits of running a business online include cost savings, greater flexibility, and less paper waste.

If you’re quietly considering starting your own business, here’s a list of the best online small business ideas that are available to anyone who’s ready to take the plunge. From social media manager to public speaking coach, to interior design consultant, the options are endless.

36 best online business ideas for 2022

Here is the list of the best business ideas to get you started instantly. The best part is that all of these ideas have money-making potential, which means you don’t need to validate them before you start. If you’re looking for the best online business to start, this is the only list you’ll need.

1. Open an online t-shirt store

Online business ideas

Platforms like Printful and Shopify have made it extremely easy for anyone with a little imagination and design sense to create an online t-shirt store. But it doesn’t have to be an online t-shirt store; you can create an e-commerce store selling anything. The key is to know about print-on-demand, which is the basis of this type of business.

2. Dropshipping business

Dropshipping is the easiest option to start an e-commerce business without having to buy products upfront. Use Oberlo to find thousands of products from suppliers to sell online.

Then sell to customers around the world while building and promoting your own brand, all without the need to invest in storage or manufacturing costs. You don’t need to pay for inventory until it’s sold to an actual customer.

Whether it’s an online store, a jewelry store, a women’s clothing store, or a store with only one product, dropshipping is suitable for most online store ideas.

3. Kickstarter/Indiegogo Advisor

Getting the attention of curious internet users on popular crowdsourcing platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo is a difficult task.

If you are inventive and know how to tap into human emotions, this is a niche worth exploring.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for personalized advice on how to run successful campaigns, so try offering action-oriented eBooks or online courses aimed at this particular audience.

4. SEO Expert

Best online business ideas

One of the hottest professions in the online world right now, this business is a goldmine for tech-savvy entrepreneurs.

While everyone is a bit obsessed with optimizing their website’s SEO, few people are able to understand the subject.

If you decide to get into this business, you can consider offering link building, content creation, eCommerce SEO, and other similar one-time packages.

5. Sell online courses

Derek Halpern has built a very strong personal brand. He is the founder of a software and business training company called Social Triggers and makes a LOT of money teaching people how to sell what they know best.

And what he knows best is selling. If you have some serious expertise, start leveraging it by selling online courses or just teaching online.

6. Bug testing

Bug testing is a service that no software company can ignore. If you can create a platform to mobilize specialized skills and resources in this area, you stand a good chance of making a profit.

One of the most unique online business ideas, providing bug testing resources can be a lucrative way to increase your revenue. To learn more about this model, check out BugFinders.

7. Video Producer

YouTube is the second largest site in the world, so it’s no surprise that video is becoming one of the primary means of communication for businesses of all types and sizes. If you have any knowledge of shooting or editing video, it won’t take long to build a following.

Everything from video production workshops and video editing services to soundtrack libraries and DIY tutorials can be of interest to the business world. Producing a video could be one of the most appealing online business ideas, with plenty of creativity and challenge.

8. Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are always in high demand, from small businesses to large multinationals. Starting a graphic design business can allow you to take advantage of this great opportunity. Showcasing your experience in your portfolio can help you win clients without the need for an aggressive approach.

9. Web Developer as an of the online business ideas

In the same vein as graphic design, website development is in constant demand as businesses are always trying to update and improve their websites to get more sales.

This means that you can be working on new and existing sites simultaneously, and trying new things all the time. If being constantly challenged is what you are looking for, website development could be the best online business for you.

10. Application development

Apps are an incredibly lucrative market, so it’s no surprise that more and more companies are investing in them. This means that there is a growing need for app developers to create their apps. Offering app development is a great opportunity because you can work on very different apps on a daily basis.

11. Theme Designer

Just like a website developer, a theme designer works on websites, but in a different way. Choosing a theme designer as a side business idea means building new website themes for businesses that use them.

This can mean researching popular themes, identifying their flaws, and creating a theme that solves those problems while staying true to the popularity of the previous theme. If you’re an expert in a certain industry, creating themes for that industry could reap a lot of success.

12. Translator

If you are good at more than one language but have no interest in teaching others, try translating. Many companies need to have their website and documentation translated when they move to another market.

You can help them do this while remaining active in more than one language. Keep in mind that the most common billing method is the cost per word, so price wisely to make money with this great online business idea.

13. Social Media Manager

Social media is an integral part of any business, but it’s time-consuming and ever-changing – so it’s hard to keep up with it and, more importantly, to make money from it.

Many business owners are willing to outsource this time-consuming task, which is a great opportunity for social media fanatics. Bundle together some great offerings, such as “Social Media Kit for Startups” or “Small Business Social Media Starter Kit,” which encompass everything from social media graphics to analytics reports, and the seamless experience will bring you more customers than you think.

14. Remote Customer Service Agent

If you love helping people but don’t want to be stuck in a call center or office all day, become a remote customer service agent and help people from the comfort of your own home.

Choose to help people through chat, email, phone, video, or other means and save people’s lives every day. It may not earn you your first million, but it feels good to help people.

15. Virtual Assistant

This is one of the best online business ideas to pursue from home. As a virtual assistant, you’ll answer emails, write content, and perform other tasks on behalf of companies.

The role can range from a data entry person to a researcher, so be open to trying new things and learning new skills while getting paid.

16. Remote Sales Team

As more and more companies take a streamlined approach to business, outsourcing cold calling and telesales functions is becoming something of a norm in the startup and small business environment.

Whether you want to sell highly targeted sales pitches or customer data, such as phone numbers and email addresses, the potential is vast.

17. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting a product sold by another merchant. Using advertising, social media, blogs, and more, an affiliate marketer can attract customers to their landing page.

When customers click on a link to purchase the product, they are then directed to the merchant’s store to buy the product. This internet business idea is ideal for anyone, regardless of previous experience.

Check out our guide, Affiliate Marketing: Everything You Need to Know in 2022, to learn more about this business model.

18. Lead generation service provider

Most businesses are looking for customers and looking for ways to increase conversion rates. This means investing in activities such as lead generation, which can be time-consuming. That’s why many businesses outsource this task to a lead generation service provider. If you’re good with the phone and love to research and approach strangers, this is your calling!

19. Become an Influencer

An influencer is someone who has a large following on social media and is considered an expert in a particular field, like makeup or fitness. These people keep themselves busy by regularly posting about their lives and promoting products they think are good to have. The great thing about this internet business idea is that you can get paid to promote a business to those who follow you, similar to affiliate marketing.

Influencer marketing is a huge online business trend right now that you can capitalize on. Try Vlogging or starting a Podcast, which are underutilized communication channels for influencers.

20. Handmade products store

It can take you less than a day to create a storefront to showcase your work and connect with customers on platforms like Amazon and Etsy. If you love crafts and DIY, this is definitely a viable business option to consider.

You can make the items yourself or go to suppliers in Hong Kong and China. If you’re in a country where e-package shipping is available, sourcing the products will likely be a more attractive and cost-effective option.

21. Become a private chef

If cooking is one of your personal passions, there are dozens of ways to turn it into a decent business venture. You can start by creating a catering website, experimenting with pop-up food stands and local food markets, or joining platforms that encourage cooking enthusiasts to make some money from their passion. And if you’re not afraid of cameras, you can teach people how to cook special dishes by selling online classes.

22. Nutritionist

The trend of eating healthy is there to say. Yet, with so much conflicting advice online about what’s good for us and what’s not, more and more people are turning to professional nutritionists for expert advice and guidance. You can easily find free online courses to learn the basics of this profession and start offering personalized nutrition plans online.

23. Bake your way to the top!

From freshly baked buttery croissants to colorful macarons to fluffy morning bagels, the world of great pastry is a rich and ever-changing place. The great thing about the online world is that a great passion can turn into a great business almost overnight. You can start an online bakery or transfer your existing bakery online. Platforms like Shopify make it easy to sell baked goods online.

24. Natural and organic beauty products store

Online shoppers are becoming increasingly conscious of their choices, especially when it comes to beauty products. Running a beauty store based on strong ethics and values that resonate with nature and animal lovers is one of the hottest online business ideas today.

25. Sportswear for women

Spearheaded by LuluLemon, women’s sportswear online stores are quickly rising to the top of the most popular ideas among e-commerce entrepreneurs. Since yoga pants are clearly here to stay, it’s safe to say that the athleisure trend is one of the best and, perhaps, least explored niches in e-commerce right now.

26. 3D printed products

3D printing, one of the biggest technological breakthroughs of our time, is dictating a new strategy in the e-commerce world. Some of the best-selling 3D printed products include jewelry, home accessories, bicycle parts, technology accessories, and more. For great examples, check out 3DigitalCooks and DanitPeleg.

27. Ethical fashion brand

One thing is for sure: clothing and accessories will always be one of the most profitable online business ideas for an e-commerce site. However, with so many online fashion stores and boutiques out there, it is extremely difficult to stand out from the noise.

Yet, one promising idea that savvy entrepreneurs have probably already noticed is the burgeoning “ethical fashion” trend. Brands such as Pachacuti, People Tree, Sea Salt, and Matt & Nat have successfully built their brands around the concept of organic and ethical production of fashion items, and they are riding this trend to the top of the list of strongest brands.

28. Mystery store

If you have an eye for weird things, perhaps running a mystery store could help you combine the desire for unusual business ideas with a steady source of income.

Arthur and Samson put forth the concept of a surprise purchase that appeals to the explorer’s instinct that many of us possess. There is no exact science or skill to fuel this business idea – let your imagination run wild…

29. Online researcher

Although it sounds like an idea too good to be true, some people make a living from their ability to find information online. From finding data for infographics to market research for budding startups, talented researchers know that knowledge is priceless.

30. Proofreader

If you love to read, becoming a proofreader could be your calling. Ask others to send you their manuscripts for books, research papers, or anything else that interests you, and give them honest feedback before they publish their artwork. This job requires attention to detail and expertise in the field to make sure everything is ready for print.

31. Resume Writing

Writing a good resume is a mission impossible for many. If you are good with words and know how to highlight the best qualities of people, resume writing could be a good place to start a business. In addition, you can sell resume templates that will help job seekers get noticed faster and get better results.

32. Speech Writing

Making a speech is a terrifying experience. Giving a bad speech… no one wants to be in that situation. Speakers have an extremely valuable skill in convincing people using nothing but the power of well-crafted sentences.

If you can write, take advantage of this skill by writing speeches that will make birthdays, weddings, award ceremonies, or political debates a more memorable experience.

33. Self-Published Author

If you have the next Harry Potter manuscript sitting in your drawer and the publishing industry has not been kind to you, try self-publishing. Using tools like Amazon’s direct publishing or working with specialist consultants like I_Am.

Not only will you have the satisfaction of getting your work out there, but you’ll also have the opportunity to earn a residual income. Don’t think you can write a good novel? Then stick with what you know how to do: self-help is a genre that pays off!

34. Ghost Writer

If writing is your thing but you don’t have a topic to write about, become a ghostwriter for someone else. This kind of work normally requires you to write about someone or something in great detail. It can take time and a lot of research to complete this type of project, so make sure you have a few months to spare.

35. Content curation

The German economist Schumpeter once said that there are “no original ideas,” only new combinations of old ideas. Content curation that fuels curiosity is an intriguing and little-known business model.

One of the best success stories is Marginalian, a platform that describes itself as “an inventory of interdisciplinary interest, spanning art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more.” The subscription model and successful use of affiliate links have turned the blog into a self-sustaining business.

36. Foreign Language Teacher

Everyone knows that the fastest way to learn a new language is to mingle with native speakers. If you were lucky enough to be born in a country where English, French, Spanish (or another of the world’s major languages) is spoken, missing the opportunity to take advantage of skills you take for granted is exactly that: missing out!

Use online communication tools, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, to connect with learners and leverage your privileges. Time is money, so bundle your hours into teaching sessions and you’ll be good to go.

How to Start an Online Business

Starting an online business, no matter how big or small you want it to be, can take time and money. It can also involve legal research and accounting knowledge. So you’ll find that there are many areas that you’ll need to brush up on.

But fear not, because once you get your foot in the door, starting an online business will be fun and motivating. As a source of income, there are many opportunities for side businesses because you don’t have to be next to a customer to provide goods or services.

The most important first step in creating an online business is:

1. Decide on your business

This is the most important step because, without it, you have no business. Check out our list above of the most popular online business ideas and choose the one that suits you best.

2. Research your industry

Get to know your industry. Maybe there is a pricing structure that most of your competitors follow that would work for you. Or maybe once you find out who your competitors are, you’ll decide that your industry is oversaturated and you need to tweak your business idea slightly to be competitive.

3. Build your brand

Every good business comes with a good brand, and if you realize this early on, you can be more successful online from the start. This means having a great website and social media (if your customers are on it), creating a great logo, public relations, and other marketing activities.

4. Start getting customers

The final step to getting started is to find your first customer. Having good customers behind you means success for your business. To find these customers, you need to figure out how to connect with your audience, send the right message to attract customers, and design a pricing structure that works for the majority of customers to effectively give customers what they need.

FAQs about online business ideas

Where to look online for the best small business ideas?
You can search for the best small business ideas on entrepreneurial blogs like Shopify or You can also use Google to get information by searching on topics that interest you.

What to sell as an online business idea?
You can sell almost anything you want as an online business idea. If you want to sell clothing, you might consider dropshipping or print-on-demand. If you are an expert in a particular field, you can sell your knowledge by offering advice or courses. There is no limit when it comes to online business ideas.


Online business ideas are endless and comprehensive. Most office jobs can now be done online through freelancing or remote work. The beauty of technology means that profitable online businesses will continue to grow, making the world a truly global marketplace.

If you’re thinking about stepping away from the traditional career and starting your own business, read our list of business ideas several times and consider the many ways you can create a successful online business today.

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