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Email Marketing: 10 Tips To Build Your Email List From Scratch

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Do you want to build an email list to share content and offers with your audience, and your customers? You can’t manage to increase the size of your email base? Don’t panic. Here are 10 tips and tricks that you can easily implement!

Ready to learn more? It’s over here!

#1 Create a custom call-to-action (CTA) for each landing page

Your goal when writing a landing page, blog post, or email is to get your reader to take action and, ideally, to engage. To do this, you need to create an effective CTA.

For each CTA installed, it is essential to convey a sense of exclusivity to the reader (a play on the rarity, urgency … etc.). Also, put yourself in the user’s shoes and take care of the design of your call-to-action. Last advice, use the right words and use expressions that will encourage visitors to click.

But you should also know that CTAs do not always work. Indeed, for them to be effective, you must, of course, have quality resources to offer to your customers. Without this, your CTAs will not work.

Related topic: Top 5 Email Marketing Tools For Complete Beginners.

It is also important to know that a CTA does not have to be long or expensive to set up. You can perfectly offer an ebook, a white paper, a quiz, or even an exclusive article. But it can be more time-consuming and costly, such as creating a toolbox.

Anyway, your call-to-action should really be related to your customers, but also to the products or services you sell. Moreover, be careful to meet the needs of your target.

As you will certainly have understood, it is not easy to set up an effective call-to-action. It’s all about strategy!

Goal-oriented email templates

#2 Create a pop-up for each page of your site

Before explaining why this could be interesting, we must first define what a pop-up is. It is simply a window that appears on a website, without being requested by the user. In other words, these are the little windows that annoy you when you are surfing the web.

But it is not really these pop-ups that we want to talk about. Indeed, it is rather those which are integrated in a simple and effective way within your website.

For example, they can intervene when an Internet user spends a few minutes on one of your pages: it would be enough to send him a pop-up so that he can buy one of your products or services.

The advertising effect will be really less if the latter is interested in the content of your site.

It is therefore important when you want to put pop-ups within your website, to make sure that they are not too invasive. It is also necessary to know some techniques, to put a pop-up, raised by Digital Marketer:

  • Don’t put a pop-up if someone is on the newsletter page. The customer is already subscribed, which would not be useful.
  • Don’t put a pop-up if they are on a sales page either. This could break a person’s buying process.

Be aware that if your pop-ups are clever, you might get more visits and they will be led to real quality content.

Exclusive e-book by GetResponse and Joanna Wiebe

#3 Wait a few seconds before triggering pop-ups

Related topic: How To Create Your Email List In Gmail

Generally speaking, and this is becoming more and more apparent over the last few years, Internet users need to feel concerned by your content. In other words, if you really want them to sign up, they need to be in perfect harmony with what you can offer them.

That’s where the survey can come in. All you have to do is set up a pop-up that appears once the user has spent several seconds on a page. It is simply a matter of asking them if they want to subscribe to the newsletter, for example. If the visitor really feels concerned by your content, he will have no trouble giving his address.

The pop-up should not arrive too quickly. Indeed, the user could feel attacked and this would have the opposite effect: he would decide to leave the page. To take a specific example, the University of Alberta makes its pop-up appear 10 seconds after the visitor has arrived on the site. That’s a 500% increase in email addresses collected, in just one year.

List Building Forms

#4 Use humor or sarcasm

This is a technique that works, but not necessarily with everyone. Indeed, many people will certainly not have the same humor as you and that’s just the way it is! But in any case, don’t hesitate to use a touch of humor!

Do you want to attract more customers to your email list? No worries, just pop up a pop-up with a “yes” answer and a “no” answer. You’ll need to really personalize these responses. For example, if we are on a site that offers diets to lose weight, you can opt for :

  • Yes, I want to lose weight!
  • No, I don’t want to lose weight.

In the first case, the person will leave you their email. In the second case, they would certainly have had a little smile on their face, which is not necessarily negligible, either.

Related topic: Email Marketing For Beginners In 2022

Why is it interesting to add a touch of humor? Simply because the customer will not have the impression of being in front of a robot. Indeed, the personalized touch really brings that little touch of madness. And generally speaking, when we see just “yes” and “no”, we don’t really want to click on the “yes”.

#5 Capture attention through your CTA

When the internet first appeared, you could have had dozens of people “sign up” or “subscribe”. After all, we didn’t know about junk mail. Today, it is much more difficult to get people to “subscribe”. It’s usually a scary and impressive word.

Again, you need to put a little personality into it. For example, you can put in phrases such as “download”, “featured”, “exclusive” or “access”. These words give the impression of being put on a pedestal, which is really advantageous if you want to create a solid database.

Imagine, if you see “download our exclusive e-book, now!” written, you will immediately want to get it. A form is usually hidden behind this button. You fill in the different fields and a few minutes later you get your ebook. This is an interesting trick to implement for your site.

Watch this webinar about Building an email list with Lead Magnet by Barry Feldman.


#6 Promote your newsletter on your social networks and in your email signature

Newsletters are good! But you still need to have an email address book worthy of the name. If you don’t have the number of emails you want, it is perfectly possible to opt for other solutions: social networks or email signatures!

Whether you have a community on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, everything is possible! You just have to send your newsletter to the different accounts that follow you and with which you interact. This will allow you to break the ice and therefore create contact.

Are you used to interacting with companies? If it happens by email, why not take advantage of your signature to redirect them directly to your newsletter? They could be very interested in what you can offer them.

As you can see, it is perfectly possible to send newsletters from other channels.

Related topic: 7 Tips To Make Sure Your Emails Are Read By Your Subscribers.

Convert website traffic with signup forms (en)

#7 Create even more landing pages

The more landing pages you create, the more visits you will get. Indeed, if they are individual, but also personalized, you will have less trouble targeting a much larger audience.

Each person is unique and does not necessarily have the same needs. In other words, it is important to adapt to each Internet user so that they can easily find their account. Note also that the more you create personalized landing pages, the more they will correspond to a type of customer, but also to a type of need.

Related: Email Marketing: 9 Tips To Create Successful Newsletters

#8 Encourage your users to register

Some people know what they want. Sometimes, they arrive directly on your website and want to find the information directly. Your landing pages or pop-ups should still give them the opportunity to subscribe to your newsletters.

Just use a rather simple wording such as “Want free SEO hacks? Sign up for our newsletter”. This way, the user won’t have to search and they’ll just have to wait for your information.

Goal-oriented email templates

#9 Integrate CTAs in the “About” page

You may not know it, but the “about” page is one of the most powerful pages on your website. In fact, it’s a highly visited page that will allow you to promote yourself to your community. And you only have to look at your own example: aren’t you the first person to visit this kind of page?

The “about” page, if it’s well constructed, will allow you to encourage your users to sign up for your newsletter. So you really need to work on this page. Here is an example, with the ” About ” page of the Sarbacane emailing software. Sarbacane has integrated its newsletter form at the bottom of the page. This is an extremely common practice.

#10 Try to set up a scroll box

The last tip we can give you is to set up a scroll box. For this to work properly, you need to do some A/B testing to determine where the CTA should be placed.

The scroll box simply allows you to send a pop-up when the user scrolls down a page. It simply means that they are interested in your article and that they might join your address book. Once again, if the scroll box is ideally constructed and well placed, it can have a considerable impact on the user.

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As you can see, it is perfectly possible to build a precise and concise email list over time. You just need to put and use the right tools in the right place.

Also, remember not to send emails too regularly. This can cause your customers and readers to unsubscribe, which is not the goal at all. We hope to have enlightened you on the subject, it’s up to you!

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