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Home » CopyAi Review: One of the best AI writing tools available

CopyAi Review: One of the best AI writing tools available

Copy.Ai Review
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CopyAI is a professional AI-powered content generation tool founded by Paul Yacoubian in 2020. It is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee (US).

This Artificial Intelligence tool offers an enormous library of 90+ use cases and delivers premium AI content within seconds.

It currently has over 3 million+ active users, and popular companies like Microsoft, Nestlé, eBay, and Ogilvy use CopyAI for their professional work.

Copyai review

How Does CopyAI Work?

CopyAI is a copywriting tool based on OpenAI’s latest language prediction model called GPT-3. Generate Pre-trained Transformer 3 (or GPT3) is the most advanced model that is trained on over 175 billion parameters. This is the reason it generates super-refined and high-quality content.

CopyAI User Interface

The user interface of CopyAI looks quite modern with a simplistic design. As soon as you log into your CopyAI account, you’ll find a neat and organized UI. The left panel features options for creating a new project and using various tools and templates available.

CopyAI Pricing

Talking about the pricing plans, CopyAI features a Pro plan that can be availed on a monthly or yearly subscription. Its pricing depends on the word count limit you opt for. Let’s look at the important features of its plans below.

Free Plan

If you are just starting out with AI tools, you can opt for the free plan of CopyAI. It’ll give you access to all the 90+ use cases with a word generation limit of 2k words/month.

  • Pricing (Billed Annually): $0/month
  • No. of Words: 2k/month
  • No. of Users: 1
  • Copywriting Tools: 90+
  • Projects: Unlimited
  • Languages: N.A.
  • Blog Wizard: Available
  • Priority Email Support: N.A.

Pro Plan

  • Pricing (Billed Annually): $36/month
  • No. of Words: Unlimited
  • No. of Users: 5
  • Copywriting Tools: 90+
  • Projects: Unlimited
  • Languages: 25+
  • Blog Wizard: Available
  • Priority Email Support: Available

The Pro plan comes at a price point of $49/month when purchased on a monthly subscription. However, if you choose to get its yearly subscription plan, it’ll cost you just $36/month along with 3 additional months of free access to CopyAI.

For discounts, you can purchase the premium plan of CopyAI using my link. The best discounts will be automatically applied with my link.

If you need an AI writer on a budget, you can also take a look at Writesonic, Scalenut, and Rytr.

Payment Methods

CopyAI supports payments made with Credit Cards. They also support Google Pay, which is great for Indian audiences.

Refund Policy

They offer a 10-day refund policy on any plan of CopyAI purchased. So, you can thoroughly test out their tool for a duration of 10 days and get a complete refund if you don’t like it!

Free Trial

CopyAI also features a 7-day free trial of their Pro plan for those users planning to upgrade. This plan comes with all the 90+ use cases and does not require you to add your credit card details!

CopyAI Coupon Code

If you’re willing to purchase CopyAI, I do have an exciting discount for you! All you have to do is sign up on CopyAI using my link and upgrade your plan within 4 days.

This will give you a 40% discount on your purchase for 1 year. Thus, the Pro plan would cost you only $21/month for 1 year.

CopyAI Features


As of now, CopyAI supports 25+ languages on its Pro plan. You can set different languages for input and output, which is great. Some popular languages supported are German, Italian, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, etc.

However, you won’t find Hindi as the supported language at the moment. I hope they introduce it in their future updates.


With CopyAI, you get a bunch of refined tones to mold your content according to certain moods and occasions.

It offers 8 preset tones, including Bold, Friendly, Luxury, Relaxed, Professional, Adventurous, Witty, and Persuasive.

Unlike all the other AI writers I’ve reviewed so far, CopyAI offers the option to create custom tones. If your preferred tone of voice isn’t on their list, you can create a customized tone for any use case. But do they work well? Keep reading to find that out!

Use Cases

CopyAI comes with an extensive library of 90+ AI use cases belonging to different categories. For instance:

  • Email Marketers can generate Discount Emails, Follow-up Emails, Welcome Emails, Confirmation/Cancellation Emails, Cold Outreach Emails, and more.
  • Bloggers and Content Writers can generate Blog Ideas, Blog Intros, How-to Blogs, Meta Descriptions, Listicles, Long-form Content, etc.
  • Copywriters can generate Landing page copy, AIDA copy, PAS copy, Features to Benefits, Product Descriptions, etc.
  • Social media managers can generate Facebook posts, YouTube descriptions, LinkedIn posts, Instagram Captions, etc.
  • Business professionals and corporates can generate Job Descriptions, Rejection Letters, About Us Copy, Hiring Blurb, etc
  • Fiction and Creative Writers can generate Short Stories, Song Lyrics, Poetry, Dating Profile, etc.

Use Cases of Copy AI with Examples

CopyAI is a quite rich and comprehensive AI generator that comes with over 90+ AI writing tools for a wide range of content categories. Let’s look at the major use cases below.

1. Product Descriptions

A Product Description is a heavily underrated piece of content. The sale of a product majorly depends on its description. But at times, it’s difficult to write an engaging and clear description of our products.

This is where CopyAI’s Product Description tool might help!

CopyAI Product Description Input

To test this tool, I supplied it with the product – ‘Logitech Wireless Keyboard’ with minimal inputs. Let’s look at the product description generated.

CopyAI Product Description Outputs

In my opinion, all the description variants were great. They actually included most of the pointers from the inputs. Overall, I liked this tool.

2. Digital Ad Copy

Copywriters often struggle with finding fresh ideas for writing ad copies. CopyAI might help here by providing a creative marketing copy within seconds. Let’s check out a few ad tools here.

General Ad Copy

If you have a product or a service and wish to run ads around it, the General Ad Copy tool might help. Be it Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can supply the input and it’ll generate catchy ads for you.

CopyAI General Ad Copy Input


I tested it by supplying a simple and short description of the Skype app. Let’s note the outputs generated.

CopyAI General Ad Copy Outputs


Interestingly, this tool generated a lot of results. In my opinion, all of them felt quite relevant and most of them included my input in the results. You can tweak your inputs to generate better and more focused ads with this tool.

Facebook Primary Text

If you wish to generate ads for Facebook, this tool can be helpful. Following were the results when I supplied the input to generate a Facebook ad for:


Lightning Blogs Course – a course to create a modern blog with high speeds, and great security, using free plugins and themes only.

CopyAI Facebook Ads

Overall, the ad copies generated for Facebook were decent. It generated a large number of outputs, which is appreciable. But I didn’t like the quality of them all. Some of them were good.

Google Descriptions

If you wish to write engaging Google Descriptions, check this tool out. For testing this tool, I supplied it with the description of my Lightning Blogs Course. Let’s look at the results.

CopyAI Google Description


The variants generated by this tool for Google Descriptions were pretty good. You can experiment with different inputs to generate better results.

CopyAI produces good results for marketing content. However, you can also check out Jasper AI or Writesonic if your work revolves around ads.

3. Brainstorming Tools

Have you been thinking of the perfect name for your app? Looking for some cool ideas for your startup? Or do you want to find viral video ideas for your social media? CopyAI can help you do all of this and more.

Startup Ideas

If you’re planning to start your own startup business, this tool will provide some interesting ideas. All you have to do is enter the things you’re passionate about.

CopyAI Startup Ideas Input

Startup Ideas

Following are the startup ideas generated for my passion: Traveling, Animation, and Video editing.

CopyAI Startup Ideas Outputs

Honestly, I was expecting some practical, creative, and in-depth ideas. But I found the startup suggestions offered by this tool to be pretty basic and generic. Not all the results integrated all three of my passions, which was a little disappointing.

Name Generator

Looking for a cool name for your brand, product, or app? Try CopyAI’s Name Generator. All you need to do is offer it a description of your app.

CopyAI Name Generator Input

Name Generator

For testing this tool, I offered it the following description – ‘An app for calculating monthly expenses’. These were the results generated.

CopyAI Name Generator Output

Overall, it offered decent names, but none of them was out of the box or striking enough for the name of an app!

4. Website Copy

Website Copy features a bunch of useful tools for your websites. Let’s look at the most striking ones below.

Call to Action

If you wish to generate relevant calls-to-action for buttons across your website, you can try this tool! Following were the results when I generated CTA for Safari Trolley Bags.

CopyAI Call to Action Outputs

It generated one-liner results you can easily use as anchor text on your website buttons. I found the results to be decent, but not that impressive!

Meta Descriptions

You can even generate meta descriptions for your website copy using this tool.

Let’s check out the outputs when I supplied the following input for meta descriptions – ‘A complete guide for learning digital art’.

CopyAI Meta Descriptions Outputs

Overall, the meta descriptions generated were pretty good. All of them were focused on a different angle, which was probably because of a lack of detailed inputs. But I found the results interesting and apt.

Landing Page Hero Text

If you’re struggling to write the main hero text for your website, this tool might be of some help. Here, I supplied it with the following input to generate the hero text – “Fast Cloud Storage with great collaboration options and zero-knowledge encryption.”

Let’s check the results generated.

CopyAI Landing Page Hero Text

Overall, the output variants generated were average. I didn’t find them to be out-of-the-box or engaging enough!

5. Writing Tools

If you’re a blogger or a content writer, writing tools would help you find new ideas and refine your writing style. Let’s see which AI writing tools CopyAI has got!

Sentence Rewriter

If you’re not confident in your writing style, you can use the Sentence Rewriter to rewrite your sentence in a more engaging and clear manner.

CopyAI Sentence Rewriter Input

Sentence Rewriter

I tested it by supplying it with the following input: “Writing regularly can help you in a lot of ways. you can gain insight on what’s on your mind and see through reality as it is instead of imagining.”

Let’s look at the results now.

CopyAI Sentence Rewriter Output

I think the rewritten sentences were not very different from the inputs, but I still found them pretty good. Overall, this feels like a decent rephrasing tool you can use on your blogs and social media posts.

Bullet Point to Paragraph

Don’t have time to draft an entire paragraph? Let CopyAI do the job! All you have to do is enter a few bullet points in the input and it’ll write a complete paragraph for you.

CopyAI Bullet Point to Paragraph Input

Let’s look at the results produced when I supplied it with steps to draft an effective article.

CopyAI Bullet Point to Paragraph Output

I was extremely impressed with the outputs generated. The way their AI has built upon all the inputs is amazing. It has delved in-depth into each point and elaborated on them beautifully.

However, on generating content with it multiple times, I observed that it left the generation midway most of the time. I hope they work on fixing this issue.

Simplify Sentences

If you wish to shorten a complex paragraph, this tool will be helpful. For testing the Sentence Simplifier, I supplied it with a complex paragraph about VPNs from my own blog. The input looks something like this:

CopyAI Simplify Sentences Input

Now, let’s take a look at the outputs produced by this tool. This is how it rephrased and simplify the above paragraph.

CopyAI Simplify Sentences Outputs

Simplify Sentences

It didn’t necessarily shorter the paragraph. In fact, most of the results elaborated the paragraph even more. I only found 1 variant that shortened the paragraph well. Overall, this tool is average.

6. Sales Copy

CopyAI also has some really interesting tools if you want to generate copy for selling your products and services. Let’s look at the important ones below.

AIDA Copywriting Formula

AIDA or ‘Attention Interest Desire Action’ is a popular copywriting framework. Let’s look at the outputs produced for the topic ‘How to set up an online business’.

CopyAI AIDA Copywriting Formula Outputs

Overall, the outputs were decent but honestly, I was expecting some really innovative and creative results. The AIDA frameworks were not that engaging, but this may be good for a beginner!

PAS Copywriting Framework

Pain Agitate Solution (PAS) is another popular copywriting framework used widely. To test it, I supplied it with a short description of the BHIM UPI app – an app that enables fast, secure, reliable cashless payments through your mobile phone.

Let’s look at the results.

CopyAI PAS Framework

Overall, some of the results generated were quite catchy. Whereas, others were average. You can test it out with different products or brands to identify what works best.

Features to Benefits

With this tool, you just need to provide features of your product as bullet points and the AI will convert them into benefits.

CopyAI Features to Benefits Input

Let’s look at the results for ‘Lotus Herbals Night Cream’ below.

CopyAI Features to Benefits Outputs

I was pleased with most of the variants generated by this tool. Most of the outputs inculcated the pointers mentioned in the inputs and presented them as benefits for the audience. You can definitely use this tool for your sales copies.

7. Startup Tools

If you own a business or a startup, there are a few interesting AI tools in CopyAI that you can check out. These tools will boost your brand identity and help you appear more authentic.

Brand Mission

Here, all you need to do is supply the name of your product or brand, along with a short description. It will analyze your product and highlight the problem it’s trying to solve. That’ll be your brand mission.

CopyAI Brand Mission Input

I tested it by supplying Skype as the product, along with a short description. Let’s check out the results.

CopyAI Brand Mission Output

I think the results were quite innovative. They really identified the problem and drafted the brand mission in a way that countered those problems perfectly. Overall, I found this to be a really good tool.

Brand Voice

The Brand Voice tool returned the most striking qualities or adjectives that suit your brand as per its description.

Here, I supplied the same input for the Skype app as we did in the Brand Mission tool. Let’s look at the results.

CopyAI Brand Voice Output

Overall, I felt like some variants were not very relevant to my product. They seemed too generic for a communication app. You can test it out with different products, though.

8. Blog Tools

With CopyAI, content writers can employ a variety of blogging tools and simplify their content creation process. The following are the major blogging tools available.

Blog Titles

Looking for title ideas for your blog post? Try CopyAI’s Blog Titles tool. Here, I tried to generate blog titles for the topic ‘Complete Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrency’. Following were the outputs.

CopyAI Blog Titles Output

I think most of the outputs were powerful and tempting enough for a reader to click. Overall, I really liked the blog title ideas generated by it.

Blog Conclusions

Concluding an article can be a pain sometimes! Let’s try to simplify it with this Blog Conclusions tool.

CopyAI Blog Conclusions Input

To test it out, I generated a conclusion about Cryptocurrency. Let’s look at the output variants generated.

CopyAI Blog Conclusions Outputs

I personally liked the outputs it generated with such a minimal amount of input provided. Some variants were not very relevant. So you’ll have to edit the generated text to suit your article. Overall, this is a pretty decent tool!

As an alternative, you can also check out Scalenut, Jasper AI, or Writesonic for good quality and refined blog content.

9. Social Media Tools

If your work revolves around creating social media content, the following AI tools might save a chunk of your time in creating content! Let’s check them out.

Instagram Captions

Instagram is the most popular social media channel among the youth. If you wish to generate captions for your Insta posts, this tool might help.

For testing it, I provided a basic description of my post – ‘Watching the golden sunset from my balcony is a beautiful experience.’ Let’s look at the generated captions.

CopyAI Instagram Captions Outputs

Most of the results were quite captivating and captured the vibe of the post. They can definitely be used as captions for your social media.

YouTube Description Intro

For the YouTube Video Description, I supplied the topic ‘How to start a blog as a beginner’. Let’s look at the results.

CopyAI YouTube Video Description Outputs

Most of the outputs did justice to the video introduction. Some were short and incomplete, but overall, they were of decent quality. This tool can definitely come in handy for YouTube content creators.

Crazy YouTube Ideas

Stuck with no ideas for your channel? This tool presents some unique and fun ideas for any topic you want. Let’s generate some crazy YouTube ideas for the topic -’how to become a fashion designer’.

CopyAI Crazy YouTube Ideas Outputs

I found some fresh and creative video ideas that can really be implemented. However, you’ll also find some irrelevant results unrelated to the topic here. Writesonic could be a suitable alternative if you want to create social media content.

10. Email/Letter

If you’re in the corporate industry, you need to draft emails and letters regularly. To help with that, we have a few email tools by CopyAI. Let’s check them out below.

Catchy Email Subject Lines

Here, I have tried to create catchy subject lines for the topic – ‘launching a new range of Bloom body lotion at 35% discounts’. Let’s check out the results below.

CopyAI Catchy Email Subject Lines Outputs

Overall, I really liked how catchy and attractive the subject lines were. However, none of the variants included the discount percentage that I supplied. Despite that, the results were impressive!

Follow-Up Email

If you wish to send out a follow-up email to your clients or someone in a leading position, this tool will be helpful. Here, I entered the following inputs for the email: ‘Following up after an interview for the post of Senior Sales Executive.’ Let’s look at the results.

CopyAI Follow-Up Email Outputs

It blended the input into the email nicely, and most of the variants were superb. You can use it for sending out professional emails.

The only problem I found in the Emails category is that it lacks a general email template! Most people usually need to write emails to request vacations, apply for jobs, outreach to companies, etc.

Thus, a general email template is necessary. I hope CopyAI introduces it in the future. For now, I won’t recommend CopyAI for general emails. You can go with Writesonic and Jasper AI if you need general emails.

CopyAI Templates

Are you often faced with the challenge of crafting specific types of content but find yourself struggling with format and substance? Whether it’s cover letters, cold emails, or resignation emails, CopyAI templates are here to make your content creation journey a breeze.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the diverse array of CopyAI templates, offering you the tools you need to generate effective and precise content. Let’s explore these templates, each designed to serve a unique purpose:

Blog Intro: Crafting Captivating Beginnings

The introduction is undeniably the most crucial part of a blog post, setting the tone and engaging your readers from the get-go. However, it’s often the most challenging to create. Enter the Blog Intro tool from CopyAI, a powerful solution to your introductory woes.

To generate an enticing intro, simply input your blog’s title and a brief description of its topic. You can even customize the tone to align with your brand’s voice. The default tone is ‘Friendly,’ but you have the freedom to choose the one that suits your content best.

I recently put this tool to the test, using the blog topic, “Healthy lunch ideas for food enthusiasts,” with a ‘Witty’ tone setting. The results were nothing short of impressive. The generated intros were not only distinct from each other but also approached the topic from various angles, exhibiting remarkable creativity.

In summary, with the Blog Intro tool, you can effortlessly generate multiple introduction angles suitable for different platforms and audiences, providing a strong start to your content.

Blog Outlines: Enhancing Your Content Structure

Content writers often struggle to rank their articles on search engines, and one reason behind this is incomplete outlines.

CopyAI’s Blog Outlines template is here to address this issue, enabling you to create effective and comprehensive outlines in no time.

To utilize this template, provide your blog’s title and a concise description of its subject matter. The AI will then auto-generate several outline options for you to choose from.

I experimented with this template by generating an outline for a blog titled “Tips for Booking Cheap Flights” while maintaining a ‘Friendly’ tone.

The results were impressive, as the outlines provided were both relevant and comprehensive. Additionally, each outline included a takeaway point, serving as a concise conclusion or summary.

Job Description: Crafting Engaging Career Opportunities

For those in the recruiting business or HR departments, CopyAI’s Job Description template proves to be a valuable asset.

By supplying brief inputs about the company, job role, and key requirements, you can effortlessly generate engaging and interactive job descriptions.

I tested this tool by providing input for the ‘Sales Executive’ position. The generated job descriptions were impressive, incorporating all the input details I provided.

While not all descriptions were complete, they were engaging and capable of capturing the attention of potential candidates.

Social Media Bio: Elevating Your Online Presence

In today’s digital age, a brand’s success significantly depends on its social media presence, and an engaging social media bio is an absolute must.

CopyAI’s Social Media Bio template is designed to help you craft effective bios effortlessly.

I experimented with generating an Instagram bio, offering a set of bullet points outlining my requirements. The results were engaging and even infused with humor, adding an extra layer of appeal.

It’s worth noting that you can experiment with different tones to achieve even better results. However, custom tones may require further refinement in the future.

Freestyle Content: Unleash Your Creativity

If you can’t find a template or use case that aligns with your content needs, CopyAI’s Freestyle template is your go-to solution.

Similar to the Rytr Magic Command tool, you can command the AI to generate content tailored to your specific desires.

In my experiment, I tasked the CopyAI Freestyle tool with generating jokes centered around a conversation between a deceased individual and God, employing a ‘funny’ tone.

The results, in my opinion, offered average humor and might not elicit a strong laugh from readers.

However, it’s worth noting that the custom tones may need further refinement in the future.

CopyAI Long-Form Editor

Crafting an entire blog post can be a time-consuming endeavor. However, CopyAI’s Long-Form Editor, also known as the Blog Wizard, streamlines the process into four easy steps:

Step 1: Add Details

Begin by entering your blog post’s title, relevant keywords, and desired tone of voice.

Step 2: Generate Outline

This step generates an article outline based on the input provided in the previous step. Feel free to modify the outline by removing irrelevant points or adding new sections.

Step 3: Generate Talking Points

CopyAI generates multiple talking points under each topic from your outline. Again, you can customize this by adding or removing points before generating content.

Step 4: Review Content

The final step generates paragraphs for each topic included in the blog outline. It seamlessly blends the talking points into coherent paragraphs, creating an article that’s ready for publication.

Furthermore, the introduction and conclusion are automatically generated, saving you even more time.

In my test, I successfully generated a 1,000-word blog post within 3-5 minutes by following these steps. CopyAI’s Long-Form Editor is an invaluable tool for those seeking to streamline their content creation process.

CopyAI Content Analysis: Grammatical Accuracy and Plagiarism Check

To ensure the quality of the content generated by CopyAI, it’s essential to assess its grammatical accuracy and check for plagiarism.

In my evaluation, I used Grammarly to check for grammatical accuracy and Quetext for plagiarism.

Grammar Check

While the content scored 80, indicating decent grammatical accuracy, there were a few inaccuracies that could benefit from correction.

Therefore, it’s advisable to run CopyAI-generated content through a grammar checker before using it on professional platforms.

Plagiarism Check

I noted a 6% plagiarism rate in the entire content, with two sentences flagged for potential plagiarism.

However, a closer analysis revealed that these matches were not exact, and the sources were unrelated to our topic.

In conclusion, the content did not contain plagiarism. Nevertheless, it’s always prudent to conduct a plagiarism check on long-form AI content before publication.

CopyAI Customer Support

CopyAI offers customer support through an email contact form, along with a robust FAQ section. Their email support typically responds within 1-2 days.

Additionally, they maintain a thriving Facebook Community with over 15,000 members, providing a platform for users to seek resolutions to their queries and engage with fellow community members.

Moreover, CopyAI offers in-depth tutorials and weekly demo sessions, guiding users on how to harness the full potential of their AI tools for both business and personal use.

Who Should Use CopyAI?

CopyAI is a versatile tool suitable for a wide range of content creators and professionals, including:

  • Bloggers
  • Content writers
  • Copywriters
  • Social media marketers
  • Digital professionals
  • Corporations
  • Small business owners
  • Freelancers
  • Creative artists, such as poets, lyricists, and authors

Pros and Cons of CopyAI


  • Robust Blogging and Social Media Tools
  • A wide variety of templates and AI tools
  • Powerful Long-Form Content Generation
  • User-friendly interface
  • Refined results for long-form content
  • Customizable tones


  • Lack of a history tab
  • Average quality for short-form content
  • Slow and glitchy user interface
  • Absence of a general email template
  • Lack of built-in grammar and plagiarism checkers
  • No support for the Hindi language

Testing Parameters

For my evaluation, I purchased the Pro plan priced at $49 per month, which offers unlimited words and long-form content generation capabilities.

I rigorously tested CopyAI across various use cases, both general and technical, and compared its output quality to other AI tools.

Based on these assessments, I assigned a star rating out of 5 to gauge CopyAI’s performance.

Why Trust This Review?

Since 2022, I have extensively tested numerous paid and free AI content generation tools, including popular options like Jasper, Rytr, WriteSonic, Peppertype, Scalenut, WordHero, and more.

I maintain active plans with these AI writers and use them frequently for work and personal projects.

My experience with these tools has provided me with the expertise to evaluate their features and recommend the most suitable AI writer for various requirements.

Conclusion: Unleash Your Content Creation Potential with CopyAI

In summary, CopyAI stands as a powerful AI writing assistant, particularly adept at generating long-form content. Its capabilities extend to producing high-quality and engaging results for advertisements, sales copies, and various writing tools.

However, it may not be the best choice for short-form content like emails and social media copy.

As of now, I recommend CopyAI primarily for long-form content creation. To get started, I encourage you to explore their free plan and thoroughly test their capabilities before considering a paid subscription.

For short content needs, alternative options such as Writesonic and Scalenut may yield better results.

Have you ever used an AI writer for your blogs or ad copies? If not, would you be interested in trying out CopyAI? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Thank you for reading, and happy content creation! 😊

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