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Home » 6 Great Free Keyword Research Tools To Unleash the Potential of SEO

6 Great Free Keyword Research Tools To Unleash the Potential of SEO

Free Keyword research tools
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Are you looking for effective ways to enhance your SEO strategy? Look no further than Free Keyword Research Tools. These invaluable resources can help you uncover the right keywords to improve your website’s visibility and attract organic traffic.

With Free Keyword Research Tools, you can gain insights into search volume patterns, identify emerging trends, and optimize your content for better search engine rankings.

In this blog post, we will explore five free keyword research tools that can help you dive into the world of search engine optimization (SEO) with ease and confidence. 

These tools will serve as a valuable starting point for both new and experienced entrepreneurs who are eager to embark on the exciting journey of effective keyword research.

What are the best free keyword research tools?

1. Google Insights for Search

Free Keyword Research Tools - Google Insights for Search

Google Insights for Search is a powerful keyword research tool that allows you to compare search volume patterns based on various factors such as region, category, season, and properties. By leveraging different filters, you can customize your research and gain valuable insights into keyword trends. The data is presented in an easy-to-understand graphical format, making it convenient for analysis.

Here are some of the features of Google Insights for Search:

  • Compare search volume patterns: You can compare search volume patterns for different keywords over time. This can help you identify keywords that are gaining popularity or that are becoming less popular.
  • Filter by region: You can filter your results by region to see how search volume for a particular keyword varies from country to country or from city to city.
  • Filter by category: You can filter your results by category to see how search volume for a particular keyword varies by industry or by topic.
  • Filter by season: You can filter your results by season to see how search volume for a particular keyword varies throughout the year.
  • Filter by properties: You can filter your results by properties to see how search volume for a particular keyword varies based on factors such as device type, language, and search intent.

Google Insights for Search is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to understand how people are searching for information online. It can be used to identify relevant keywords, track keyword trends, and optimize your website for search engines.

2. WordTracker Free Keyword Suggestion Tool 

 WordTracker Free Keyword Suggestion Tool ----  Free Keyword Research Tools

The WordTracker Free Keyword Suggestion Tool is a popular SEO tool that has been around for many years. It offers a solid starting point for beginners by generating up to 100 keyword suggestions for a given term. The tool also provides information about the search volume, difficulty, and competition for each keyword.

While the free version of WordTracker has some limitations, such as a daily search limit and a lack of some advanced features, it is still a valuable tool for keyword research. The tool can help you to identify relevant keywords for your website or blog, and to track the performance of your keywords over time.

If you are a Firefox user, you will be interested in SEO Blogger, a free WordTracker tool that integrates with the Firefox web browser. SEO Blogger helps you to optimize your blog posts for search engines as you write them. The tool suggests relevant keywords, and it also provides tips on how to improve your blog posts’ SEO.

Overall, the WordTracker Free Keyword Suggestion Tool is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve their website’s SEO. The tool is easy to use, and it provides a wealth of information about keywords. If you are a beginner, the free version of WordTracker is a great way to get started with keyword research.

3. Microsoft Ads keyword research tool

Microsoft Ads keyword research tool, formerly called Bing Keyword Planner, is a free tool that helps you find the right keywords for your ad campaigns. It can be used to:

  • Identify keywords that people are searching for.
  • Get an idea of how much competition there is for each keyword.
  • Estimate the cost of bidding on each keyword.
  • Find long-tail keywords that are less competitive.

To use the Microsoft Ads keyword research tool, you’ll need to create a Microsoft Ads account. Once you have an account, you can start by entering a keyword or phrase into the search bar. The tool will then generate a list of potential keywords related to your search term. You can filter the results by search volume, difficulty, and other factors.

The Microsoft Ads keyword research tool is a great way to find the right keywords for your ad campaigns. It’s free to use and easy to understand. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the tool is based on data from Bing, so the results may not be as accurate for Google search.

4. SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool 

Free Keyword Research Tools

The SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool is a free keyword research tool that can help you find the right keywords for your website. It is powered by Wordtracker’s API, which means that it uses the same data as Wordtracker’s paid keyword research tool. This makes it a great option for those who are looking for a free way to do keyword research.

The SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool is easy to use. Simply enter a keyword or phrase into the search bar, and the tool will generate a list of related keywords. You can then filter the results by search volume, difficulty, and other factors.

The SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool is a great way to find new keywords for your website. However, it is important to note that it is not a replacement for more comprehensive keyword research tools. If you are serious about improving your website’s SEO, you may want to consider using a paid keyword research tool.

Here are some of the features of the SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool:

  • Generates a list of related keywords: The tool generates a list of related keywords based on the keyword or phrase you enter. This can help you find new keywords that you may not have thought of on your own.
  • Filters results by search volume: You can filter the results by search volume to see how often people search for each keyword. This can help you choose keywords that are relevant to your target audience and that have enough search volume to generate traffic to your website.
  • Filters results by difficulty: You can filter the results by difficulty to see how difficult it is to rank for each keyword. This can help you choose keywords that are realistic for your website to rank for.

If you are looking for a free way to do keyword research, the SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool is a great option. 

However, it is important to note that it is not a replacement for more comprehensive keyword research tools. If you are serious about improving your website’s SEO, you may want to consider using a paid keyword research tool.

5. WordStream Free Keyword Suggestion Tool

Free Keyword Research Tools ---- WordStream Free Keyword Suggestion Tool

The WordStream Free Keyword Suggestion Tool is a powerful tool that can help you find the right keywords for your website or blog. 

It aggregates over 1 billion unique keywords and hundreds of millions of related terms from diverse sources, giving you a comprehensive resource for discovering keyword opportunities.

To use the tool, simply enter a keyword or phrase into the search bar. The tool will then return a list of related keywords, along with their search volume, competition, and cost per click (CPC). You can also filter the results by industry, location, and other factors.

In addition to the keyword suggestion tool, WordStream also offers a suite of other free keyword tools, including:

  • Free Keyword Niche Finder: This tool helps you find profitable keywords that your target audience is searching for.
  • Free Keyword Grouper: This tool helps you group related keywords together so that you can target them with your content and marketing campaigns.
  • Free Keyword Tool API: This tool allows you to integrate the WordStream keyword research tools into your own applications.

The WordStream Free Keyword Tool is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their website’s SEO. It’s easy to use and provides a wealth of information that can help you find the right keywords for your target audience.

6. Serpstat

Free Keyword Research Tools ---  Serpstat

Serpstat is a suite of SEO and competitive research tools that allows businesses to track their online performance, analyze their competitors, and find new keywords to target. The platform offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Keyword research: Serpstat can help you find the right keywords to target by providing data on search volume, difficulty, and competition.
  • Competitor analysis: Serpstat can help you analyze your competitors’ websites and marketing campaigns to identify opportunities to improve your own.
  • Website tracking: Serpstat can track your website’s performance in search engines, including its ranking for specific keywords and its click-through rate.
  • Backlink analysis: Serpstat can help you identify backlinks to your website and analyze their quality.
  • SERP analysis: Serpstat can show you how your website ranks for specific keywords in search engines, as well as the websites that rank above and below you.

Serpstat is a powerful tool that can help businesses improve their online visibility and performance. However, it is important to note that the platform is not free. Serpstat offers a variety of pricing plans, starting at $39 per month.

Here are some of the advantages of using Serpstat:

  • Wide range of features: Serpstat offers a wide range of features that can help businesses with a variety of SEO tasks.
  • Accurate data: Serpstat’s data is accurate and up-to-date, which is important for making informed decisions about your SEO strategy.
  • User-friendly interface: Serpstat has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use, even for beginners.
  • Integrations with other tools: Serpstat integrates with other popular SEO tools, such as Ahrefs and Moz, which can save you time and effort.

Here are some of the disadvantages of using Serpstat:

  • Cost: Serpstat is not a free tool, which can be a barrier for some businesses.
  • Learning curve: Serpstat has a learning curve, which can take some time to master.
  • Data accuracy: Serpstat’s data is accurate, but it is important to note that the accuracy of the data can vary depending on the keyword.

Overall, Serpstat is a powerful tool that can help businesses improve their online visibility and performance. However, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the platform before deciding if it is right for your business.

Importance of Good Keyword Research 

Keyword research is identifying and researching the keywords and phrases people use to search for information online. 

If you understand what keywords your target audience is using, you can optimize your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are many benefits to doing keyword research, including:

  • Increased website traffic: When your website ranks higher in SERPs, you’ll get more traffic from people who are searching for the information you offer.
  • More leads and sales: Increased website traffic can lead to more leads and sales, as people who find your website are more likely to do business with you.
  • Improved brand awareness: When your website ranks higher in SERPs, it’s more visible to potential customers, which can help to improve your brand awareness.
  • Reduced advertising costs: By optimizing your website for keywords, you can reduce the amount of money you need to spend on advertising.

If you want to improve your website’s visibility and reach more potential customers, it’s important to do keyword research. There are many free keyword research tools available online, so there’s no excuse not to get started.


These great, free keyword research tools offer a solid foundation for your SEO journey. By leveraging these tools, you can gain valuable insights, generate keyword suggestions, and refine your SEO strategies

Remember, effective keyword research is a powerful tool that can drive substantial results for your business. 

So, start exploring these free tools today and unlock the potential of keywords to propel your online success.

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