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How to Index Backlinks Faster On Google

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Backlinks are one of the most important factors for search engine optimization (SEO). They are links from other websites to your own website, and they tell Google that your website is a valuable resource. The more backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search results.

However, in order for backlinks to have an impact on your SEO, they need to be indexed by Google. This means that Google needs to crawl and index the pages on the websites that link to your website. Once a backlink is indexed, it will be counted toward your overall backlink profile.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to index backlinks faster in 2023. We will cover the following topics:

  • How backlink indexing works
  • Factors affecting the time it takes for Google to index backlinks
  • How to get your backlinks indexed faster

Understanding How Backlink Indexing Works

Backlink indexing is the process of Google crawling and indexing the pages on websites that link to your website. This process involves several steps:

  • Googlebot, Google’s web crawler, visits the website that contains the backlink to your website.
  • Googlebot extracts the URL of your website from the backlink.
  • Googlebot adds the URL of your website to its index.

Once the URL of your website is in Google’s index, it will be eligible to appear in search results. The number and quality of backlinks you have will affect your website’s ranking in search results.

What factors affect the time it takes for Google to index a backlink? 

The time it takes for Google to index a backlink can vary depending on a number of factors, including:

  • The authority of the website that contains the backlink. The more authoritative a website is, the more likely it is that Google will index backlinks from that website quickly.
  • The quality of the backlink. A backlink from a high-quality website is more likely to be indexed quickly than a backlink from a low-quality website.
  • The number of other backlinks pointing to your website. If your website has a lot of backlinks, Google is more likely to index new backlinks quickly.

How to Get Your Backlinks Indexed Faster

There are a number of things you can do to get your backlinks indexed faster:

1. Build High-Quality Backlinks 

Building high-quality backlinks is a crucial step in the process of getting your backlinks indexed faster. Here’s an expanded explanation of how to build high-quality backlinks effectively:

Target Authoritative Sites

When building backlinks, it’s essential to focus on authoritative sites that are relevant to your niche. 

These sites have established credibility and influence in your industry, making their backlinks more valuable. Seek out websites that are recognized as thought leaders, industry experts, or well-established brands. 

By targeting authoritative sites, you increase the chances of your backlinks being noticed and indexed by search engines.

Engage with Bloggers and Influencers 

To acquire backlinks from authoritative sites, it’s beneficial to engage with well-established bloggers and influencers in your industry. 

Building relationships with these individuals can lead to opportunities for guest posting, collaboration, or having them naturally reference your content and link back to your website.

 Influencers often have a significant following, which means their backlinks carry more weight and are more likely to be indexed quickly.

Leverage a Reputable Link Building Service 

If you want to streamline the process of acquiring high-quality backlinks, consider leveraging a reputable link-building service. 

These services have established connections with authoritative websites and can secure backlinks on your behalf. 

Look for a service that focuses on building backlinks on sites that receive genuine organic traffic from Google. 

Backlinks from such sites are more likely to be indexed faster and provide better ranking benefits than simply relying on domain authority-based links.

Provide Clear and Positive Context

When placing backlinks, ensure that the content surrounding the link offers a clear and positive context. Google places value on contextual backlinks that are relevant to the content they are embedded in. 

The surrounding content should be informative, engaging, and add value to the reader’s experience. 

By offering a positive context, you increase the chances of search engines recognizing the relevance and importance of your backlinks, leading to faster indexing.

Create High-Quality, Informative Content

In addition to targeting authoritative sites and engaging with influencers, it’s crucial to create high-quality and informative content on your own website. 

When your content is valuable and relevant, it naturally attracts backlinks from other websites. By consistently producing exceptional content, you increase the likelihood of others linking back to your website. 

These organic backlinks are highly valuable and have a greater chance of being indexed quickly.

2. Submit Backlinks Manually

Submitting backlinks manually can be an effective way to get them indexed faster. If Google hasn’t yet noticed your backlinks, you can take matters into your own hands by requesting the website owner who provided the backlink to submit the URL to Google manually. 

The Google Search Console URL inspection tool is a valuable resource for this purpose. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to submit backlinks manually:

  • Log in to the Google Search Console: Start by logging into your Google Search Console account. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one and verify ownership of your domain.
  • Access the URL inspection tool: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the URL inspection tool, which can usually be found in the sidebar menu of the Search Console. Click on it to open the tool.
  • Paste the URL of the page containing your backlink: Copy the URL of the specific page on which your backlink is located. Paste it into the provided field within the URL inspection tool.
  • Click the “Request Indexing” button: After pasting the URL, click on the “Request Indexing” button within the URL inspection tool. This action informs Google that you want the page to be recrawled, increasing the chances of your backlink getting indexed.
  • Verify ownership of the domain: It’s important to note that you can only submit URLs from the Google Search Console if you have verified ownership of the domain. Ensure that you have completed the necessary verification process before attempting to submit backlinks.

Remember, when requesting the website owner to submit the URL, maintain a good relationship with them. Developing industry partnerships and collaborations can build trust and make the process easier. However.

3. Ping Linking Page URLs 

Pinging is a simple yet effective technique that can help expedite the indexing of your backlinks. When you ping the URL of the page that contains your backlink, you essentially send a notification to search engines, including Google, about updates to that particular page. 

This process alerts the search engine bots to recrawl the page and discover your backlink, leading to faster indexing.

If you find that submitting URLs via the Google Search Console doesn’t yield the desired indexing speed, it’s worth considering the use of reliable pinging tools. 

Two popular options for pinging are Pingomatic and Twingly.


backlinks indexing

Pingomatic is a widely-used pinging service that allows you to notify multiple search engines and directories about updates to your website

By simply entering the URL of the page with your backlink, Pingomatic will send pings to various search engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more. 

This increases the chances of your backlink being indexed faster by multiple search engines simultaneously.

To utilize Pingomatic, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Pingomatic website (
  2. Enter the URL of the page containing your backlink in the “Blog Name” field.
  3. Check the search engines and directories you wish to ping.
  4. Click the “Send Pings” or “Submit Pings” button.

Pingomatic will then send notifications to the selected search engines and directories, alerting them to recrawl the page and potentially index your backlink sooner.


backlinks indexing

Twingly is another reliable pinging tool that helps notify search engines and blog search services about updates to your website. It offers a straightforward process to ping your linking page URLs, increasing the likelihood of faster indexing.

To ping your backlinks using Twingly, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Twingly website (
  2. Enter the URL of the page hosting your backlink in the provided field.
  3. Optionally, enter your email address to receive notifications.
  4. Click the “Ping” or “Send” button.

Twingly will then send pings to relevant search engines and blog search services, prompting them to recrawl the page and potentially index your backlink more quickly.

4. Leverage Social Media Platforms 

In today’s digital landscape, social media platforms play a vital role in content dissemination and engagement. 

By strategically utilizing social media, you can not only increase the visibility of your backlinks but also expedite their indexing process. 

Here’s how you can leverage social media platforms to get your backlinks indexed faster:

Utilize Twitter’s Real-Time Indexing

Google and Twitter have a partnership that allows tweets to be indexed in real-time. This means that when you post articles containing your backlinks on Twitter, there is a higher probability that Google will notice and index them promptly. 

This real-time indexing offers a significant advantage in getting your backlinks recognized by search engines quickly. 

Make sure to include your backlinks within engaging and relevant tweets to maximize their exposure and indexing potential.

Capitalize on Twitter Carousels

Google features Twitter carousels in its search engine results pages (SERPs). These carousels display a collection of tweets related to a particular topic or keyword. 

By incorporating your backlinks within tweets that align with relevant topics or popular keywords, you increase the chances of your backlinks being featured in these carousels. 

This exposure not only enhances the indexing speed but also improves the visibility of your backlinks to a wider audience.

Expand Your Reach on Other Social Networking Platforms 

While Twitter offers unique advantages for backlink indexing, it’s essential to broaden your reach by utilizing other social networking platforms as well. 

Platforms like LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook provide opportunities to share articles containing your backlinks with a diverse audience. Craft engaging posts that highlight the value of your backlinks and encourage social sharing. 

When users engage with your posts through likes, comments, and shares, it signals to search engines the relevance and importance of your content, thereby increasing the likelihood of backlink indexation.

Encourage Social Sharing

Actively encourage social sharing of your articles containing backlinks across various social media platforms. Implement social sharing buttons on your website or blog to make it easy for readers to share your content. 

By making your content shareable, you empower your audience to amplify its reach. 

When your articles gain traction through social sharing, search engines take notice, leading to faster indexing of your backlinks.

5. Use RSS Feeds 

RSS (Real Simple Syndication) feeds are a powerful tool that allows users and search engines to stay updated with the latest content from websites and blogs. 

By incorporating RSS feeds into your backlink indexing strategy, you can enhance the speed at which search engines discover and index your backlinks. 

Here’s how you can effectively utilize RSS feeds:

Create an RSS Feed

To begin, you’ll need to generate an RSS feed for your website or blog. Numerous online tools and plugins are available that can help you create RSS feeds easily

These tools typically allow you to customize the content, formatting, and frequency of updates in your RSS feed.

Submit to RSS Aggregators 

Once you’ve created your RSS feed, it’s time to distribute it to various RSS aggregators. RSS aggregators are platforms that collect and display content from multiple sources. 

By submitting your RSS feed to these aggregators, you increase the visibility of your content and improve the chances of your backlinks being indexed quickly.

There are several popular RSS aggregators you can consider, such as Feedly, Flipboard, and Bloglovin. Research and identify relevant aggregators within your niche or industry to ensure that your content reaches the right audience. 

Some aggregators allow you to submit your RSS feed directly, while others may require you to create an account and follow their submission guidelines.

Submit to RSS Directories

In addition to RSS aggregators, there are specific directories dedicated to cataloging RSS feeds. These directories serve as a centralized hub for users and search engines to discover new content. Submitting your RSS feed to these directories increases the chances of search engines crawling and indexing your backlinks faster.

Search for reputable RSS directories and submit your feed to them. Some popular RSS directories include Feedburner, RSS Network, and RSS Micro. Similar to aggregators, each directory may have its own submission process, so be sure to follow their guidelines accordingly.

Regularly Update Your RSS Feed 

To ensure that your backlinks are consistently indexed, it’s crucial to keep your RSS feed up to date with fresh content. 

Regularly publish new articles, blog posts, or updates so that search engines and RSS subscribers receive the latest information from your website. 

The more frequently you update your RSS feed, the more frequently search engines will crawl and index your backlinks.

6. Monitor and Troubleshoot Your Backlinks

Monitoring and troubleshooting your backlinks is a crucial step in ensuring they are properly indexed. By actively monitoring the indexing status of your backlinks, you can identify any potential issues and take appropriate actions to improve their chances of getting indexed faster. 

Here’s how you can effectively monitor and troubleshoot your backlinks:

Perform a Google Search 

Start by performing a Google search using the exact URL of the post or page that contains your backlink. If the corresponding page appears in the search results, it indicates that your backlink is indexed. This is a positive sign, as it means search engines have recognized and included your backlink in their index.

Identify Unindexed Backlinks

 If you don’t find the page with your backlink in the search results, it suggests that your backlink is not yet indexed. Take note of these unindexed backlinks for further analysis and troubleshooting.

Analyze Potential Issues

Now, it’s time to investigate the potential reasons why your backlinks are not getting indexed. Some common issues that can hinder indexing include:

  • Low-Quality Content: Ensure that the content surrounding your backlink is of high quality and relevant. Search engines prefer to index pages with valuable and informative content.
  • Broken Backlinks: Check if there are any broken backlinks on the page. Broken links can prevent search engine crawlers from reaching and indexing your backlink. Fix any broken links by updating them or adding proper redirects.
  • Incorrect Redirects: Verify that any redirects on the page are set up correctly. Improper redirects can confuse search engine crawlers and prevent them from indexing your backlink. Make sure that redirects are implemented with the appropriate HTTP status codes.
  • Robot.txt Blocking: Check if the website’s robot.txt file is blocking search engine crawlers from accessing the page containing your backlink. Adjust the robot.txt file to allow search engine bots to crawl and index the page.
  • Incorrect Canonical Tags: Ensure that canonical tags, if used, are implemented correctly. Incorrect canonical tags can misdirect search engine crawlers and impact the indexing of your backlink.

Resolve Issues

Once you have identified the potential issues affecting the indexing of your backlinks, take the necessary steps to address them. 

Improve the quality of the content surrounding your backlink, fix any broken links or redirects, adjust the robot.txt file if needed, and ensure the correct implementation of canonical tags. 

By resolving these issues, you enhance the chances of your backlinks getting indexed faster.

Periodic Monitoring

It’s important to continuously monitor the status of your backlinks and recheck their indexing periodically. Perform regular Google searches using the exact URLs to track their indexing progress. 

If you find any persistently unindexed backlinks, revisit the troubleshooting process and identify any new issues that may have arisen.


Backlinks provide significant SEO value only when they are indexed by search engines. The speed at which your backlinks get indexed directly affects the benefits they can offer to your website’s visibility and ranking. 

By following best practices such as building high-quality backlinks, submitting URLs manually, pinging linking page URLs, leveraging social media platforms, using RSS feeds, and monitoring and troubleshooting your backlinks, you can expedite their indexing process. 

Take proactive measures to ensure that your backlinks are properly indexed, giving you a competitive edge in the SEO landscape.

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