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How To Start A Business On The Internet: 3 Essential Keys

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You plan to start a business on the Internet by developing your knowledge, and your skills. Very good initiative, examples of success are not lacking. Whether you are a beginner, a coach, or a freelance consultant, you should know from now on that your success will be compromised if you :

  • have not defined a precise VISION of your life project ;
  • do not have faith in your project and in yourself;
  • do not focus most of your time on satisfying your clients.

Let’s see why.

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How to start a  business on the internet

Let us see how the essential keys to starting a business on the internet. 

1 – The foundation of your future success

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Many tend to give up at the first sign of defeat. And for good reason…

To start a business on the Internet, it is crucial to understand that there is no hope of success for those who do not have a clear goal. So I would like to ask you a question:

What’s your real goal?

Without a dream, without a real (and visualizable) goal to reach, it will be very difficult for you to move forward and persevere.

It doesn’t have to be the “American dream”. Success is not synonymous with having a lot of money. Having money is only one component of success…

The important thing, in my opinion, is to decide what kind of work you want. And have some free time…

Think seriously about a specific dream. Again, I say. It’s not just about the money. Instead, think about the big picture of what you really want in your life, what you really want to accomplish to be happy. Isn’t that the ultimate goal!

Remember that to succeed on the Internet, it is essential to :

  • choose a project for which you will give your heart and soul WITHOUT creating an imbalance between your professional and personal life.
  • to define an ideal life goal (what you dream of doing)

Imagine that money does not exist. Think of a project you want to do in your life. Describe this life project and be as specific as possible. This will be your “big picture”.

It is from this vision (your WHY!) that you will be able to have the right state of mind to realize your dream, your mission, and your business project.

The purpose of your life is not to serve your company but to serve your LIFE!

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2 – Doing business on the Internet requires a good mindset

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To be successful on the Internet: it’s all in the mind! Everything comes from your “Big Picture”. Let’s see together, the state of mind that you must adopt in 5 essential points.

Be determined!

It is not your knowledge or the financial funds that will make you successful. Do you want to know why?

Your success on the Internet will depend above all on your determination and your ability to transform your ideas into action. You must have your goals in mind at all times, and give yourself the necessary means to achieve them.

To maximize your chances of success and not rely on luck alone, it is important to analyze your motivations.

Some motivations, such as the desire for financial independence, may not hold up over time… On the other hand, for example, if you want to put a training course online on a subject you are passionate about, you will remain motivated even if difficulties arise.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What skills do you have related to a particular passion?

What experience or knowledge do you want to share with the world around you and why?

“Always keep in mind that your own decision to succeed is more important than anything else.” Abraham Lincoln

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Control your fears of undertaking

If you don’t know how to control your doubts, your fears (fear of failure, fear of change…), you will tend to systematically put off your actions until tomorrow.

In this case, you will have no other choice than to find the cause of your inaction while stopping giving yourself excuses. One of the keys to stop procrastinating is to plan your project.

Starting a business on the Web without planning:

  • The idea of insecurity related to your uncertain project will prevent you from taking action. Your motivation to act will wither. It is inevitable.
  • You will misuse your energy, lose confidence in yourself and stop believing in the potential of your project.

Planning is like mapping out your journey. If you don’t know where you want to go, you can’t decide how to get there.

It is by setting goals and planning a development strategy that you can keep your focus on your business and take action.

“One of the keys to success is confidence. One of the keys to self-confidence is preparation.” Arthur Ashe

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Don’t be afraid of failure

Very few entrepreneurs can boast of having succeeded without first experiencing failure. Every failure must be accepted and analyzed in order to bounce back. Failures contribute to learning and progress.

Of course, after a failure, we feel frustrated and down. This is a perfectly normal feeling. At this point, it is important to ask yourself the right questions and identify why you did not succeed in what you set out to do.

This analysis will allow you to change course and thus improve your performance and results.

After a failure, ask yourself these questions?

  1. Did I do my best or could I have improved the quality of my services?
  2. Was I persistent in bringing my project to fruition?
  3. Was I too careless and wasteful of my efficiency through lack of planning?
  4. Did I make a habit of managing my time well?
  5. Was I careful with my budget?
  6. Have I chosen a job that suits me?

“Success consists in going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

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Don’t try to master everything

One of the mistakes you should not make in order to do well on the Web is to try to do everything yourself.

Whatever we do, on the Internet or not, we all face this problem of time management. Time flows inexorably and no matter what you do, nothing can stop it. Your time is therefore the most precious resource that you must use wisely.

Even if your budget is limited, it is preferable to outsource certain tasks that are not included in your areas of expertise. Why? Time is money. It is often more economical to delegate in order to capitalize on your expertise.

“Time is the scarcest capital, and if you can’t manage it, then you can’t manage anything else.” Peter Drucker

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Knowing how to evolve in order to be successful on the web

In a constantly changing world, you will have no choice but to evolve constantly, a sine qua non for a sustainable business.

Your job as an e-learning consultant trainer will lead you to :

  • Invest time in improving yourself.
  • Stay informed about new developments in your training activity.
  • Test new teaching tools to transmit your knowledge.
  • Improve your learning methods to satisfy your learners.
  • Improve your sales process.

“It’s when you’re set up that you fall apart. You have to change every day.” François Michelin

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3. Focus 80% of your time on customer satisfaction

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I note with regret that the majority of people who want to sell online training spend 80% of their time on their sales techniques to the detriment of the service provided.

In my opinion, these people have not made the right decision for the success of their online business.

The main problem of the new online entrepreneur

An entrepreneur needs a marketing strategy to sell his offerings… Nevertheless, successful online entrepreneurs have one thing in common: they are credible to their prospects.

The entrepreneur must be able to present his knowledge to his prospects while being as close as possible to their expectations so that they move to the act of buying.

This credibility is inevitably achieved through :

  • The proof that the consultant trainer has the necessary skills on a particular field.
  • Successful communication in relation to the expectations of the targeted customers.
  • The creation of a relationship of trust with the prospects, and this, from the beginning.

The N°1 problem of a person who wants to start a business online is this lack of credibility: Nobody knows him! 

Credibility is the key element to selling.  It is therefore completely unproductive to set up sales tools without having first thought of establishing a climate of trust with your potential customers.

The entrepreneur must focus on his mission: satisfying his clients. And to achieve this goal, he doesn’t need to become a marketer.

It is certain that this realization can be difficult for a person who lacks hindsight and experience.

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Are you familiar with Pareto’s Law?

It’s described as the 80/20 rule, which states that 20% of our work generally provides 80% of our results.

This rule reminds us that we should spend our time and energy on the activities that allow us to achieve 80% of our expected results.

This law is all the more true and valuable when you start out on the Internet.

Everything goes very fast and it will be impossible for a person to manage his activity on the Internet efficiently if he has not thought of setting up a communication strategy adapted to his new job as an internet entrepreneur

To start a business on the Internet, the entrepreneur must have every interest to :

  • spend 80% of his time creating content for his readers ;
  • provide solutions to meet their clients’ objectives.

the Web, however, the trend is in the opposite direction. Many people who want to do the right thing waste 80% of their time using tools that are not adapted to their skills or to their job as a trainer.

This is why I invite you to ask yourself:

  1. Is forcing your prospects’ hands by training yourself in the American way of setting up a launch really useful and effective in the long term?
  2. Spending 80% of your time on sales techniques, writing purely commercial emails, and producing low value-added courses due to lack of time, is this really the vocation of an entrepreneur?
  3. Is setting up pseudo-trainings, without being trained in techno-pedagogy, using tools that do not allow to follow the learners’ progress, the ideal solution to perpetuate one’s company?

I agree. It is true that some promises made on the web can be seductive: to make a year’s turnover in 15 days, to sell training while sleeping, the machine to automate your sales and become free…

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What is the purpose of your business?

Your time is precious. Choosing the wrong communication strategy and the wrong tools can quickly become a real handicap for your company.

Your focus should be on what adds the most value to the success of your project. It is utopian to launch on the Web by building your business on the sand.

This is the only way you can build customer loyalty and put your company on the road to success. Everything else is secondary to achieving your business goals.

To be able to focus 80% of your time on satisfying your customers, there is an alternative to scripted launches, which by the way can only be effective in the long term (in 95% of cases).

The solution is to create trust with your customers by offering a sample of your knowledge.

If you have another idea, I’m interested… An idea to give credibility to your online business offers without looking like an “aggressive” salesman, a rewarding and ethical alternative to set up?

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Entrepreneurship on the Web is above all about consistency

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One of the keys to believing in your project and persevering until success is to launch an activity that gives you pleasure.

To start a business on the Internet in good conditions, it is therefore imperative to launch a business that will stimulate you, and motivate you, even if you encounter difficulties. 

Difficulties should push you to action and not discourage you.

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In conclusion: Internet entrepreneurship cannot be improvised!

Success cannot be learned, it must be earned. Like any entrepreneur, you must :

  • have the mindset of an entrepreneur (and not the profile of a great dreamer) ;
  • have a clear idea of what you want to do with your business;
  • set up a strategy to make your offers credible and satisfy your customers;
  • choose a legal status adapted to your activity.

“The purpose of a business is to create and keep the customer”. Theodore Levitt

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