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How to start a Sports Blog & make money? (2024)

How to start a Sports Blog & make money?
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While many people enjoy sitting in front of the television and watching the passion and fun, learning How To Start A Blog can be intimidating.

However, with the right knowledge, such a blog can be a great way to earn extra money.

In this article, I’ll go over the steps you need to take to create a successful sports blog.

Whether you’re focusing on a specific sport or making it a more general blog, these steps will help you get started.

Steps to Start a Sports Blog

Here are the steps to follow to start your own sports blog.

Choose a niche for your blog

A quality blog revolves around a specific sport or sports-related topic.

When creating new posts, having a target audience in mind will help you stay focused on the topics most relevant to your readers.

The niche you have chosen also allows the new sports blog to be authoritative among its readers and potential partners.

Also, it’s easier to get followers by focusing only on a specific topic.

Find a catchy name for your blog

Your domain name represents your brand and your online identity.

If you want to make money with your blog, a professional-looking domain name will make people take you seriously as an authority in your niche.

While a free domain name can also do the trick, the features a paid domain name offers in terms of search engine optimization and engagement are invaluable to the success of a sports blog.

The best website hosts may also offer free domain names, easy-to-use website building platforms, and many other features.

Hosts like Bluehost , GoDaddy , NameCheap , and SiteGround are some of the most popular options for sports bloggers.

Otherwise, here are the best domain registrars to check out.

Install WordPress on your website

Creating an online blog requires a content management system, such as WordPress.

This free blogging platform allows your sports blog to gain popularity through content publishing.

A self-hosted WordPress site also allows you to install plugins and customize themes to suit your needs.

These plugins can help you in a variety of ways, including building a list of loyal readers who come back regularly for more content on specific topics.

With tons of information and tutorials available, setting up WordPress for your blog can be done in just a few easy steps.

Choose a suitable theme

From the look of your homepage to the layout of your posts, your theme is one of the most important elements you can choose for your WordPress blog.

As the skin for your blog, the WordPress theme you choose should match the type of site you want to create.

If your blog is about football, a themed site reflecting that topic will attract more readers.

A blog based on a specific team will also benefit from a theme that reflects the team’s logo, colors, and mascot.

With free and paid WordPress themes available, choosing the appropriate theme requires a lot of time to select its features and accessibility.

Create content for your blog

Your own blog content will attract people to your website. It is therefore essential to take the time to create exciting, engaging and quality articles.

When creating core pages (we’ll get to that later) and publishing articles on topics related to your chosen niche, it’s also necessary to use the right SEO tools .

The visibility of your blog with search engines depends heavily on the type of content you create.

Using keywords, images, and internal links in your content is a great way to help with SEO for search engines like Google.

Market Your Blog to Attract Readers

A popular sports blog is also a well-marketed blog.

Marketing activities help attract readers and keep them coming back.

You can use different marketing strategies to promote your blog.

There are many possibilities, from search engine optimization to hosting specific sporting events that draw attention to your site.

You can also create tutorials that show people how to do certain sports activities and post them on social media sites or even write guest posts for other sports websites.

The options for marketing your blog are numerous – the only limit is your imagination!

Buy a domain name and hosting

Once you have chosen your platform and domain name, the next step in learning the technical aspects of starting a sports blog is to purchase the name and hosting.

Your domain name is the online address, or URL, that visitors will type into their browser to visit your sports blog.

Along with your domain, you also need to get a domain hosting account. Avoid free domain names from web hosting platforms because you will not be able to customize your name after registering the domain name. This service will host your website files on its servers and ensure that your sports blog can always be found by online visitors.

I have created a guide to help you with the process of purchasing your domain name and hosting.

Below is a YouTube video and screenshots showing you the exact process, step by step.

First, click this link to visit Bluehost and follow the tutorial below:

Step 1

If you haven’t already, click this link , and you will be taken to the WordPress hosting page you see below.


2nd step

Then you will be taken to the hosting plan page. You can choose a “Plus” or “Choice Plus” plan, but it is not required.

The Startup plan is the cheapest at $3.95/month via my link , compared to $8.99/month normally. 

This plan has everything you need, including 50 GB of web space (plenty of room for your files), a free domain for a year, plus other standard features like free SSL and secure installation of WordPress. Don’t hesitate to browse a bit to choose the right plan, but rest assured that the basic plan will suit you perfectly if you want to minimize your investment.

Bluehost Plan

Step 3

After clicking on the plan, you will be taken to the next page where you will need to type in your new domain, or you can simply choose “I’ll create my domain later” if you haven’t chosen one yet.

The domain is the URL that people will type into a browser to view your website in the future.

Bluehost - setting up your domain

Step 4

Once you have validated, the next page will ask you for all your information. It starts with your account information, which is obvious.

account information

Step 5

Next, you will need to enter your plan information. It’s about choosing the duration of the package you want. I recommend choosing 24 months to get the discount and save money, but you can choose 12 months if you want.

bluehost - package choice

Step 6

Next, you will need to choose the “Package Extras” you want. You can scroll down to “More Info” to understand each of these, but here’s my advice.

I would take the “Domain Privacy + Protection”.

This ensures that no one can link your name to the domain name you create. The only other subscription worth considering is “Codeguard Basic”.

The other two I wouldn’t take personally. But choose what is best for you.

bluehost - adding options and add-ons

Step 7

The next step is payment information, which is self-explanatory.

bluehost - payment information

Step 8

The final step of registration is to confirm that you have read and understood the Bluehost Terms of Service , Cancellation Policy, and Privacy Notice. Click the verification button, then click “Submit.”

bluehost - legal policy

Step 9

Next, you will be prompted to create an account and password. You will use this information to log in to the Bluehost platform to manage your site and account information.

bluehost - creating passwords

Step 10

At this point, Bluehost gives you a short questionnaire to better understand your scenario.

You can answer all of these questions or click “Skip this step” at the bottom of the page.

If you are a beginner, I advise you to answer the questions as it will make your onboarding experience easier.

bluehost - wordpress support

Step 11

Once you’re done, you’ll be prompted to choose a theme. For now, you can simply choose to use a free theme. You can always replace the theme later if you want.

bluehost - choosing a wordpress theme

Step 12

You will be taken to the WordPress backend in the admin panel.

This is where you will manage your site. You can add posts/pages as you see fit, but when you’re ready, click the blue button that says “Launch your site”.

bluehost - wordpress settings

Step 13

Your blog is online.

Just go into a browser and type in your domain name. Once you have done this, you will be able to access your website!

bluehost - wordpress

Congratulations ! You officially have a website. 

Now let’s move on to the next step. 


Essential pages for your sports blog

To get started, here are the main pages that your sports blog should include.

Home page

The first page of a new domain is the home page.

For sports blogs, this page should show sports fans what your site is about, what they can expect from reading it, and how often they can expect to see new content.

A history of the sport or information about the sports niches covered by the blog can help potential readers better understand your goals as a blogger.

About us page

Whether you’re talking about just one sport or several, it’s essential to have an “About Us” page that introduces you and other team members (if you have any).

The “About Us” page should include a brief history of the website and its purpose, as well as highlight members’ backgrounds and experiences in sports.

Contact page

A contact form that tells readers how to get in touch directly is essential to the success of any website or blog.

A sports website also needs it.

The contact page should provide the following information:

  • E-mail.
  • Physical address (if applicable).
  • Phone number.
  • Other relevant information for readers who want to find out more details about your blog or get in touch with you.

Privacy policy page

Particularly if you plan to collect personal information from your visitors, having a clearly defined privacy policy page is essential.

This page should explain how you collect the information, the steps taken to protect it, and other relevant legal details.

A page of blog posts

Your blog page will be the starting point for all your written content.

As a blogger, creating quality content is essential to attract readers. It is therefore essential to ensure that this page stands out from the others.

Organizing your blog posts by theme or date can also help readers find the content they’re interested in more quickly and easily.

Using visual elements, such as featured images, with each post will also help draw attention to your content.

Choose a good theme

I previously covered some essential elements when choosing a theme for your sports blog niche site.

However, let’s take a closer look at some of the main factors to consider.

Clean and intuitive design

Finding a clean and intuitive design is essential, with both free themes and premium themes available on WordPress.

With the right web hosting plan, you can sometimes access custom themes and plugins that create a unique look and feel for your website.

A clean theme helps users and search engines quickly identify the content on each page, making it easier to find what they are looking for.

Optimized for mobile devices

Many users will access your sports blog niche site through their phones or tablets, so choosing a theme optimized for these devices is essential.

The right template will make the website look good on all devices, allowing readers to browse the content without any hassle.

Customization options is a highly customizable site that allows you to change almost every aspect of your website design without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Many themes also offer a step-by-step guide for customizing the look and feel of your website, as well as tutorials for adding additional features.

SEO friendly

From the first blog post you publish, an SEO-friendly theme can help your content rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for readers to find you online.

Since many people find your site through a Google search, a theme that encourages good SEO practices is essential.

Support provided by theme developers

If something in your theme breaks or you have questions about using certain features, access to the developer’s customer support is invaluable.

While free themes don’t typically benefit from this type of help, premium themes often benefit from extensive customer support.

Compatible with various plugins

A blogging platform makes it easy to integrate plugins that can add additional functionality to your website.

Plugins like Google Analytics , Google Adsense , social media integrations, email subscription forms, and more are essential to the success of any blog.

It is essential to ensure that the theme you choose is compatible with these popular plugins.

Ways to Promote Your Sports Blog

Here are the top six strategies you can use to promote your sports blog.

Share your blog posts on social media

When you add new content to your blog, it always helps to share it on your social media profiles.

When creating posts, including screenshots of your blog or other visual elements can also help attract readers.

Use keywords in article titles and content to maximize SEO potential.

Keywords make it easier for search engines to identify your content and display it in the right searches.

Paired with good content, keywords will help readers find you more effectively.

Additionally, using big sports names, popular sports channels, and other related terms can help you get more exposure in your niche.

If you’re talking about something that happened on ESPN, don’t be afraid to include those words or phrases in your headlines and content.

As long as they are relevant and add value to your blog posts, popular keywords can help search engine crawlers better rank your blog for higher rankings.

These keywords also apply to different types of sports; From the NBA to the NFL, there are many popular terms that can be used around each sport.

Participate in sports forums and comment on topics related to your niche.

For beginners and those who are more advanced in sports blogging, getting involved in forums can help build relationships with other passionate fans.

For example, if you are a baseball blog specializing in Fantasy Baseball, fans and professionals have created many forums around this topic.

It’s also essential to make your blog stand out in a sea of ​​successful sports blogs; connecting with active users on these sites can be valuable in attracting attention.

Write guest posts for other relevant blogs and websites.

Guest posting is writing content on another person’s website or blog to promote your brand.

This digital marketing strategy allows you to reach new audiences and showcase your knowledge and expertise in the sports industry.

Building backlinks to your blog is also essential for SEO.

This also opens up opportunities for affiliate marketing , as more people know about your blog.

As there are many affiliate programs in the sports world, writing about relevant topics on other sites can help increase sales and commissions.

Always make sure to do proper keyword research before approaching guest posting sites with your proposals to provide value.

Run contests, sweepstakes, or promotions to increase engagement and followers.

If you want your blog name to become more recognizable within the sports community, running contests or giveaways is one of the best strategies to promote it.

With the various gift hosting service options available, you can easily create unique campaigns to give away coveted prizes like team jerseys and tickets.

This strategy allows you to quickly attract new readers.

Plus, offering exciting freebies helps build loyalty among existing followers!

Reach out to influential people in your niche and ask to collaborate.

Influencers can make your blog more visible and help you get noticed quickly.

For example, those who offer online sports blogging courses may send their students to you if you write content related to their niche.

You can also partner with a sports team or athlete and large companies that sponsor sporting events.

This exposure could help you build a database of readers and devotees.


Start making money

After all the effort you’ve put into creating and growing your sports blog, it’s finally time to start reaping the rewards. But to achieve this, you need to find effective ways to monetize your sports blog. 

Here are some of the most commonly used (and profitable) ways to make money from your blog audience. Don’t forget that I also wrote an entire article on how to make money blogging.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves recommending other people’s products or services and receiving a commission for each sale you generate. 

You can sign up for affiliate programs like WP Tasty, Home Chef, Vital Choice, and Food Blogger Pro.

Then search their products to find cookbooks, kitchen products and other items to recommend to your blog visitors and instantly find your suggested recipes or your own recipes in the search results.

Accept sponsored posts

You can charge people to post on your blog (although I don’t recommend this monetization method much). 

Nowadays, many people have started ignoring traditional banners and advertisements, which is why sponsored content is becoming more and more popular for brands to establish trust and credibility among their target market. 

As your audience grows, you’ll be able to help businesses increase brand awareness by publishing creative and engaging content on your site. Just make sure this content is aligned with the interests or needs of your target audience, otherwise you risk alienating them.

Sell ​​advertising space on your own sports blog

You can also make money by selling advertising space on your site. Charge brands to advertise their products or services to your audience.

Selling advertising space directly to brands has many advantages. For example, you can keep 100% of the revenue you make, while ad networks keep a portion of your earnings for themselves. 

Additionally, sports bloggers can usually command a higher rate by negotiating directly with advertisers. At the same time, you can also establish working relationships with advertisers, which usually leads to future lucrative advertising campaigns with them.

Sign up for Google Adsense

Another easy way to monetize your sports blog is to sign up for Google AdSense. Signing up is quick and easy from this Google tool, and once your new Google account is approved, Google will start showing relevant ads to your blog visitors. In return, you will be paid for each view of the ad. 

Over time, this can create a steady stream of passive income that grows as your blog audience grows. Additionally, you can also access Google tools such as Google Analytics to analyze your website statistics in search results to reach your target audience much more effectively.

Of course, there are many other ways to make money with your blog, but the recommendations above are especially beneficial for food blogs.

I hope you enjoyed this step-by-step guide on how to start a sports blog and make money doing it. If you follow this simple strategy, you will have a fully functional and profitable blog in no time.

Tips for Creating Great Sports Blog Posts

Here are some final tips to keep in mind when starting a sports blog.

  • Do your research – Before you start writing sports blog posts, it is essential to make sure that you have enough knowledge on the topic. It is essential to research key terms and facts relating to sports before you start writing. The best thing is to read articles from other sports bloggers. All this guarantees the originality and value of your content.
  • Create a catchy title – It can be difficult to write a catchy blog post title, but it is essential to attract readers. Make sure the headlines you come up with accurately reflect the content of the article while being intriguing enough to entice people to read it.
  • Stay Interesting – Good sports blogs are about more than just stats. Add exciting anecdotes and stories that will pique the interest of your readers. Asking questions can also spark comments and conversations around the article.
  • Make it easy to read – People tend to skim through blog posts. Structure your articles so that they are easy to digest.
  • Include Relevant Visuals and Multimedia – Visuals are always a great addition to a sports blog post because they help engage readers faster than just text. Whether it’s photographs, illustrations, embedded videos or audio clips, anything can boost reader engagement and hold their attention for longer.


Sports blogging can be a great way to share your knowledge and passion for sports.

Faced with fierce competition, it is essential to stand out and differentiate yourself from others.

By following the tips outlined above, you can create high-quality blog posts that will attract more readers and help grow your audience.

More reading: Sports sites and niche sites can work well together.

With die-hard fans wanting to know the latest news, a sports blog can be a great way to do that.

You can also learn how to make money on TikTok and use it to monetize your sports blog.

If you focus on quality and create engaging content, you can get a large number of visitors and become an influential sports blogger.

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