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6 Techniques to Increase Your Facebook Reach.

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Increasing your Facebook reach is a daily challenge. I’ve found techniques that work to increase organic reach on Facebook so take note!

Organic reach on Facebook is the number of people who will naturally see your post. Reach can be measured via the statistics of your Facebook page. And we generally notice that the number of people who have seen our posts is lower than the number of followers we have… So how to increase our reach on Facebook?

I will explain here 6 techniques that I have used to improve the reach of my clients’ pages as well as my personal pages. These are techniques that work, I give them to you for free and right after, I will explain the traps in which you should not fall!

The Facebook Reach Is Calculated By The Algorithm … Of Facebook.

A quick reminder for those who have not read my article on The Secret Facebook algorithm.

The reach rate is the result of the calculation made by the Facebook algorithm to decide who will see your posts. To calculate the reach rate on Facebook, the algorithm takes into account several indicators such as the type of content published, the number of people who interacted with your publications or the time you published your post.

The calculation of the average reach is done naturally by Facebook. It is available in your Facebook page statistics where you will see how many people on average see your posts. This is an important indicator to judge the reach of your posts.

6 Techniques to Increase Your Reach on Facebook.

facebook reach

To increase your reach on Facebook you need to get your followers to react. It is their reactions (Like, comment, share) that allow you to increase the reach of your posts on Facebook. By making your audience react, you allow Facebook to understand that your content is interesting.  It will then propose it to your other followers (not those reached by the initial reach) and to the friends of those who reacted to your posts.

You will then go beyond your audience, the whole principle of Facebook for the pros. By the way, if you want to learn about Facebook for free, go to this Facebook training by Simplilearn.

1. Ask to “Tag” Friends to Extend Visibility on Facebook.

Asking to tag (or mention) the friends of your followers is the easiest shortcut to get your followers to comment (or react) to your post. Then it allows the post to appear on the news feed of your followers’ friends (since they commented) and on those of the friends of the person mentioned!

This is nowadays the most efficient action. So try to use it in the best way possible without abusing it. If you ask to tag people on a photo of a table while you are selling flowers, it has no relation.

2. Create an Album to Increase Organic Reach.

Have a bunch of photos that are similar? Put them together in an album.

I know from experience that albums allow for a considerable increase in reach. Indeed, people click or “swipe” to go to the next photo which is similar to a click for Facebook. The content is therefore considered interesting for Facebook which increases the visibility to the rest of your fans!

The statistic that will increase exponentially is the number of clicks on the post. For each photo viewed, you will get one more click in your stats. With an album of 50 photos, you can multiply by 50 the number of clicks on your post, which is great.

3. Encourage Your Community To Share Or Comment By Writing It In The Post.

techniques to increase facebook reach

This may not seem natural… But the fact is that directly encouraging your audience to like the post or comment, share makes them…do it!

It’s a kind of psychological marketing whose principle is to remind the person in front that he can do something in order to encourage him to do it, especially if it’s free!

For example, just say “Ask your question as a comment” at the end of a complex post to see more comments appear.

4. Respond to comments to perform on Facebook.

If you have a qualified audience, that means people are interested in what YOU are doing. Don’t be cold and respond to them! If they write a comment, it means they are engaged with you!

They will be thrilled to see a response from your page and it will improve your relationship. By responding to comments, you will encourage other followers to comment as well.

They will say to themselves “I want to exchange with them too”… And who says comment… says an increase of the reach! So don’t hesitate to reply to every single comment.

5. Share the posts of other popular pages to reach more people.

It is now possible to easily share publications from other pages on your pro page. If you’re on your personal news feed, you can share… so far nothing new. But the option “Share as one of your page” is possible.

Sharing a post on another page allows you to tighten the link with your niche. So don’t share a horror movie trailer if you sell children’s books of course.

If you think in a marketing way, doing this kind of sharing shows your audience that you care about the same things. “I sell children’s books by being interested in children’s books so I know your needs.”

And who knows, the page (more famous than yours) might notice this sharing and start sharing your content back. To do this, if you mention another page in your posts, make sure you use the right page tag.

To mention another page in a Facebook post, type “@” and then write the name of a page or its URL to mention another page in your posts.

6. Ask Your Audience To Turn On Notifications.

facebook reach

This option is increasingly present on all networks. Enable the option to be notified when new content is published. On Facebook, the option is well available and remains powerful to make sure your biggest fans are aware that you have published something for them.

In the same way, there is the “see first” option so that your followers, when they log on to Facebook, will see your posts on their News Feed first. Your posts will then appear first and will be more easily seen.

To Increase Reach On Facebook, Don’t Fall Into These Traps…

I insist very strongly on these 3 traps because this is what pollutes Facebook and you will risk being banned from Facebook.

Trap 1: Creating a Poll With Reactions To Get More Interactions Facebook reactions

This type of post has been around since the introduction of Facebook reactions. And it’s one of the best techniques today to get your audience to react to your posts. You can do it with a photo, but also with a Facebook live video.

But the problem is that… With the US elections for example, in 2016, Facebook decided to ban reaction polls because they distort their nature that are supposed to express emotion.

So yes, it works like a charm, but you risk losing your Facebook page if you try this type of content.

Update: Facebook has clarified the ban on voting through reactions. However, it is still possible to use feedback as part of a poll if and only if the poll asks for user feedback. For example, it is possible to make a poll to ask if your subscribers like your product, love it, are amused by it, are annoyed by it, etc. It’s kind of like asking for an opinion and not making a choice.

You can then encourage voting in the comments!

It won’t be as engaging as the feedback but at least you won’t be risking anything. For example, you could say “Vote 1 or 2 per comment” (Yes, it sounds like a Star Ac’ vote, that’s the point )

Trap 2: Using “ClickBait” Titles To Increase Reach Of A Post With More Reactions.

Click baits are extremely attractive headlines that lead to content that is either off-topic or that takes advantage of a large number of views to reap advertising revenue.

Facebook Reduces Organic and Paid Reach of Bad Sites.

Facebook is indeed doing everything to offer the most quality content to its users. And since this content is generated by the pages, it is necessary to impose rules and punish those who do not respect them.

Click baits are the first targets.

Facebook is now hunting for website links made exclusively to attract users to a site full of ads or just to make them look at 20 pages to see a top 20 where each item represents a page.

You’ve probably clicked on one of these links to look at an article that shows you one item per page, and where you see 40,000 ads on each page.

Well, Facebook wants to stop them from doing any harm! ( And so much the better! ) These sites are now considered as low-quality sites for Facebook and the social networking giant will limit the reach of these sites at the organic level but also at the paid level!

The goal: To prevent the distribution of bad content.

Indeed, if a page decides to advertise to promote its link that promises “10 miracle recipes to lose weight” that brings us to a site with 40 ads, intrusive pop-ups, porn ads, etc… Facebook will ban advertising, even if the page pays for it with Facebook ads.

Facebook shows once again its ambition to clean up the bad practices made on its service. This kind of content called “ClickBait” contributes to the bad satisfaction of users about Facebook. Many complain about seeing only this kind of content where the user is taken for a pigeon (without them knowing that they just have to unsubscribe and ban these pages to see as little as possible …)

So be very careful about what you post on Facebook, but also what you offer on your website and how you monetize it. The golden age of Top 20 with 20 subpages to display 20×3 ads + 2 pop-ups to increase revenue is over.

Offer quality content, where the user will enjoy browsing. This is true for Facebook but also for Google so you win either way.

Trap 3: Publish Fake News to get more engagement

Fake news is one of the most shared contents on Facebook because it is often shocking and leads to shares. (“I absolutely have to tell my friends”)

In 2017, some accounts were closed following Facebook’s decision to hunt down “Fake News”. These pseudo articles from online newspapers spread false information.

It was indeed the case of Pro FN pages, but not only. Many pages today publish articles that are neither verified nor proven. Facebook tries to detect these false information in order to avoid that its users fall into the trap and take the information for a real information and share it with their friends… and so on…

This can range from an article that presents “The Miracle Product to lose weight without doing anything” to claiming the death of a celebrity … All this of course to get traffic.

Facebook Warned Us About Fake News.

As the elections approached, Facebook was broadcasting important messages to warn us about the presence of false information that could circulate (at the initiative of any political party).

It explained that we should try to detect what was true and what was false when we read an article or shared a photo of a page.

I myself saw everything and its opposite during this election, and the most worrying thing was that it was shared en masse… So if the users themselves can’t do their own studies on the veracity of what they read, it’s Facebook that takes care of it by simply banning the authors of Fake News.

What should we remember about our content strategy?

We have to be very careful about what we publish. Attracting traffic to information that seems new and interesting may not be true. If we share this kind of information, Facebook can punish us too. Even if we don’t own the article or photo.

These pages are quite famous and make us laugh at what they can invent, it would be a pity that they suffer a collateral effect.

Conclusion: To increase Facebook Reach, Be Social.

After the professionalization of Facebook use, we go back to the roots of the social network. To engage our community, we must act like them, understand them. This is the link between marketing and social networking that I appreciate so much.

It’s a real strategy from A to Z.

Don’t take your audience for gold bullion. Nurture them, give them something. Users also understand that they are on media and that there is a commercial stake behind every publication (or almost).

Facebook Reach Questions

What is Facebook’s reach?

Facebook’s reach is the number of people who have seen a publication of your page on their news feed. This is the number of people who are included in the publication’s reach. When the post appears on their screen, the post is said to have “reached” them.

What is the difference between organic reach and paid reach? 

Organic reach is the reach of a publication reached naturally, or for free. Paid reach corresponds to the number of people who will see a publication, thanks to the advertising campaign set up. This statistic is important because, thanks to the paid reach, we can increase the organic reach when the ad stops.

Ask your questions about the Facebook reach below, I will answer you try to answer you as soon as possible.

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