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Keywords Everywhere: Find your keywords directly from search results

keywords everywhere Review Find keywords directly from search results
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Many people are familiar with popular keyword research tools such as SEMrush and Ahrefs, and it is likely that numerous marketers have already experimented with them. However, we have recently discovered a relatively new and highly efficient tool called Keywords Everywhere.

The way it operates is slightly different from what you may be accustomed to, as it is not a standalone web application but instead a Google Chrome extension.

In this blogpost, we will be examining important aspects, compatible functions, cost details, and additional information about the Keywords Everywhere tool.

Keywords Everywhere Review 

We want to emphasize the primary distinction of the Keywords Everywhere Chrome extension, which is its exclusive functionality for keyword research and its inability for other purposes.

Using more costly tools, you can explore various aspects such as your competition and the performance of your website in terms of DR, traffic, and other relevant information.

However, when using Keywords Everywhere, you will only find search phrases that you can utilize in your content through various platforms.

Which platforms do Keywords Everywhere support?

One major benefit of trying out this tool is that it is not restricted to Google or other search engines.

The upgraded version provides you with the ability to view information from various sources including Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Google Trends, as well as platforms like Amazon, Etsy, YouTube, UberSuggest, and eBay.

This extension is highly beneficial for individuals who have shops on Etsy, or even for those who sell products on different online marketplaces.

There is a distinction between the two types of Keywords Everywhere extension available. Free users have limited access to data whereas paid users have more extensive access.

For instance, the upgraded version provides assistance for over ten various websites. However, if you prefer not to receive any credits, you will have to rely on information retrieved from Google, Bing, and YouTube. The downside is that you won’t be able to view the search volumes for any of these keywords.

It is widely understood that the search volume of a term is highly significant and provides valuable information about how frequently people are using that term each month. Additionally, it gives an indication of the popularity and competitiveness of the keyword.

What are the steps to correctly utilize Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere is one of the best keyword research tools.

While the operation and installation of this tool may be unfamiliar to you, the overall process is straightforward. By purchasing a certain amount of credits, you can access the keyword data and visualize it. To initially get started, it is advisable to opt for the most affordable pricing plan and test the software.

By signing up, you provide Keywords Everywhere with your email address, and in return, you receive an API key. This key grants you access to utilizing your credits or accessing the tool without any charges.

You can install the extension in less than a minute and then you are ready to use it. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the Keywords Everywhere extension is compatible with both Google Chrome and Firefox, so if you don’t prefer one, you can still use it with the other.

The official website of Keywords Everywhere is the ideal destination for the installation process.

After activating the extension, the keywords will be shown on the right side of every Google search page. Due to this, many marketers prefer to deactivate it frequently to avoid being charged for credits when using Google for regular searches instead of keyword research.

The information shown on the right provides the volume, CPC, and competition of each search term. However, the greatest advantage of this tool is its ability to provide numerous suggestions, allowing you to access hidden data.

Additionally, if you prefer working on your computer without an internet connection, you have the option to export the data to a CSV file.

The amount of data in the volume is evident, but the CPC metric provides a clearer understanding of the potential expenses for your PPC campaigns.

In addition, the competition sets Keywords Everywhere apart from other competitors as it measures the number of individuals specifically aiming to target that search term through paid advertising.

Also, you have the option to utilize the extension directly within your browser instead of viewing the information on the search page of any search engine. We have discovered this to be advantageous as it provides a larger amount of data right away.

One of the standout features of the Keywords Everywhere extension is its ability to analyze your competitors’ pages, specifically those related to the search term you are targeting for yourself.

The tool accurately informs you about the specific keywords utilized on the page, which could include variations and alternatives to those search terms. This information can guide you in choosing which search terms to use.

When can Keywords Everywhere be utilized?

Keywords Everywhere

It is clear that Keywords Everywhere is a useful tool for conducting keyword research. However, there are also multiple other functions that can be performed using this tool, some of which might have been briefly mentioned earlier.

To illustrate, this tool allows you to make successful modifications to your PPC campaigns using the insights you gather from trends, competition, and CPC value.

We find another feature of the software, the Page Analyzer, quite impressive. This feature allows us to examine numerous metrics related to the keywords used by our competitors on their pages. The best part is that the tool also reveals the location of these keywords, whether they are in the headings or body text.

The paragraph states that the tool provides information about various aspects of the search terms, including their density, frequency of keyword usage, volume, cost per click, level of competition, and trends within the United States.

Ultimately, there are not many available tools that can provide you with meaningful keyword information for platforms such as eBay, Amazon, or Etsy. This suggests that Keywords Everywhere is indeed a useful tool for eCommerce applications.

It also provides a chance for you to determine the most profitable markets for selling. By conducting a simple search, you can identify your competitors, find numerous long-tail keywords that you may not have thought of, and promptly make necessary changes to your advertising campaigns.

Who qualifies as the ideal user of Keywords Everywhere?

If you have been looking for a user-friendly keyword tool that provides you with necessary data about different search terms and suggestions, it may be worth trying out Keywords Everywhere.

However, this tool has a few restrictions that we will delve into further in the upcoming section, providing a comprehensive analysis of its advantages and disadvantages.

If you have a website, online store, or make YouTube videos, you are likely the perfect fit for utilizing Keywords Everywhere.

If you are a marketer who deals with a significant amount of additional information, it may be worth considering as an option, although it will not significantly simplify your job as you will also need to be interested in other measurements, not just those associated with search terms.

In addition, it is often simple to overlook the fact that the extension is active, leading to the unintended consumption of credits. To avoid this, it is important to establish a routine of disabling the extension after each work session for your own protection.

Pros and Cons of Keywords Everywhere

There are numerous reasons to think about utilizing this tool, including the fact that its interface is extremely sleek, the overall user experience is outstanding, it can be customized easily and is uncomplicated, and it provides most of the essential keyword data you require.

In addition to this, as it is an extension, you can use it on different computers, even when you are on vacation. For instance, if you have your API key (which will be sent to you via email, so be sure to keep that message in your inbox), you can easily set it up anywhere in the world.

Another advantage that should be taken into account is its compatibility with over ten engines and platforms, which is significant considering that not all tools provide data from the current popular marketplaces.

Lastly, but certainly not of lesser importance in terms of the benefits of this tool, is its highly cost-effective nature. It is extremely affordable, as anyone can obtain 100,000 credits with a mere $15. Moreover, if you utilize Keywords Everywhere judiciously by disabling it when it is unnecessary, this credit quantity can endure for several months at the very least.

The only downside to this extension is that it is easy to forget that it is enabled, which can result in accidentally using up your credits.

Additionally, it does not provide as much data as other similar extensions, so consider checking out the alternative options listed below for more comprehensive information.


Keywords Everywhere stands out from other tools in terms of its approach. Unlike many other keyword research software, which requires users to pay for a monthly subscription regardless of their usage, Keywords Everywhere offers a completely different experience.

However, using Keywords Everywhere’s credit-based pricing allows you to potentially save a significant amount of money, particularly on those days when you do not utilize the tool.

What is the price of Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere pricing

 The most affordable option is priced at $15 per year and includes 100,000 credits. How you utilize these credits depends on the data you acquire. 

On average, a Google search requires around 30 credits, but with this tool, you not only receive information about your main keyword but also get suggestions for long-tail variations. Additionally, you can utilize the tool interface for conducting searches.

There are also pricier options available, but they don’t necessarily provide more benefits. For instance, with $48 you receive 400,000 credits compared to $240 which gives you 2,000,000 credits.  

To top it all, for $960 per year, Keywords Everywhere offers 8 million credits. Therefore, the cost calculations demonstrate that it is more practical to repeatedly opt for the less expensive plans.

How long will the credits stay valid?

The duration depends on the plan you have bought and also on your frequency of using the tool. If you ensure to deactivate the extension when not in use, the credits can last for a considerable period.

An alternative to Keywords Everywhere? Take a look at this!

There is a significant distinction between this tool and its competitors. Unlike the latter, this tool typically operates on a monthly subscription pricing system. The cost of the tool is directly correlated to its complexity and the range of functionalities it provides.

For instance, KeySearch’s monthly subscription starts at $17, while AccuRanker is priced at $99 per month. The same applies to Ahrefs, where their Lite plan costs $99 per month, and SEMrush’s basic Pro plan is priced at $119.95 per month (as of the time of writing this).

However, these latter two tools provide a greater amount of data, making them more beneficial for experienced marketers or individuals managing multiple websites regularly. In contrast, Keywords Everywhere may be less useful in these scenarios.

On the other hand, you can opt for a basic plan from any of these tools and use Keywords Everywhere simultaneously to analyze various search term data, including volume, CPC, and competition. It is important to mention that the data obtained from Keywords Everywhere may vary slightly compared to the data provided by standard Google tools like the Keyword Planner.


In the end, while  Keywords Everywhere While it may not be the most ideal tool globally, it is still quite valuable and extremely cost-effective. Hence, it is logical for you to at least attempt to use it.

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