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8 Tips to write Quality meta descriptions

How to write seo friendly meta descriptions
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Meta descriptions are an important element of on-page SEO. They are the brief snippets of text that appear under the title of a webpage in search engine results and are meant to give users an idea of what the page is about and help them decide whether to click through to it. 

Meta descriptions are important for SEO because they can help increase the click-through rate (CTR) of a webpage from search results. A higher CTR can lead to more traffic to a website, which can help improve the website’s search rankings.

The meta description is usually limited to around 155 characters, so it’s important to be concise and to the point. It’s also important to include your primary keyword or phrase in the meta description, as this can help the page rank for that term and make it more likely to show up in search results. 

In addition to including the keyword, it’s important to make the meta description compelling and informative. By using actionable language and giving users a reason to click through to the page, you can increase the chances that they will visit your website.

It’s also important to avoid spammy or deceptive tactics in your meta descriptions. Using techniques like keyword stuffing or making false claims can lead to a lower CTR and potentially even get your website penalized by search engines. 

In order to write effective meta descriptions, it’s important to focus on creating value for users and accurately reflecting the content of the page.

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Key elements of good meta descriptions:

a: Keep your meta descriptions concise

Meta descriptions should be around 155 characters in length. This may seem like a small amount of space, but it’s important to remember that the primary goal of a meta description is to give users an idea of what the page is about and entice them to click through to it.

It’s better to write a concise, clear, and compelling meta description than to try to stuff too much information into the limited space.

b: Include your primary keyword or phrase in your meta descriptions

Using your primary keyword or phrase in the meta description can help the page rank for that term and make it more likely to show up in search results.

It’s important to include the keyword early in the description, as search engines often bold the keyword in the search results if it appears in the meta description.

However, it’s also important not to stuff the description with too many keywords, as this can make the description seem spammy and could potentially lead to a lower CTR.

c: Make your meta descriptions compelling and informative

The meta description should give users a reason to click through to the page.

By making the description informative and compelling, you can increase the chances that users will visit your website.

Use actionable language and give users a sense of what they can expect to find on the page.

d: Use actionable language in your meta descriptions

Using verbs like “learn,” “discover,” or “start” can help encourage users to click through to the page.

These types of words convey a sense of action and give users a clear idea of what they can do on the page.

e: Avoid spammy or deceptive tactics in your meta descriptions

It’s important to avoid using techniques like keyword stuffing or making false claims in the meta description.

These tactics can lead to a lower CTR and could potentially get your website penalized by search engines.

It’s better to focus on creating value for users and accurately reflecting the content of the page in the meta description.

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how to write quality meta descriptions

8 Proven Tips for writing quality meta descriptions:

1. Research the keyword or phrase you want to rank for

It’s important to do your research and understand what users are searching for when it comes to your topic. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to see what keywords and phrases are popular and how much competition there is for those terms. This can help you choose the right keyword or phrase to include in your meta description.

2. Use your primary keyword or phrase early in the meta descriptions

Including the keyword or phrase early in the meta description can help it rank higher in search results and make it more likely to show up in search results. It’s also important to remember that search engines often bold the keyword in the search results if it appears in the meta description, so using it early in the description can help it stand out.

3. Write for your audience, not just for Google or search engines

While it’s important to include the keyword or phrase in the meta description, it’s even more important to write for your audience. The goal of the meta description is to give users an idea of what the page is about and entice them to click through to it. Write in a way that is clear, concise, and compelling, and focus on creating value for users.

4. Make sure the description accurately reflects the content of the page

It’s important to make sure the meta description accurately reflects the content of the page. If users click through to a page and the content doesn’t match the description, they are likely to leave quickly, which can lead to a higher bounce rate and a lower CTR.

5. Use modifiers like “best,” “top,” “exclusive,” etc. judiciously in your meta descriptions

Modifiers like “best,” “top,” and “exclusive” can help make your meta description more appealing, but it’s important to use them judiciously. Overusing these types of words can make the description seem spammy and could potentially lead to a lower CTR.

6. Consider using numbers or statistics to make your description more appealing

Including numbers or statistics in the meta description can help make it more appealing and give users a clear idea of what they can expect to find on the page. For example, “Learn about the top 10 ways to improve your SEO” is more appealing than “Learn about ways to improve your SEO.”

7. Don’t stuff the description with too many keywords

While it’s important to include the keyword or phrase in the meta description, it’s also important not to stuff the description with too many keywords. This can make the description seem spammy and could potentially lead to a lower CTR.

8. Consider using call-to-action language to encourage clicks

Using call-to-action language in the meta description, such as “click here,” “learn more,” or “find out how,” can help encourage users to click through to the page. This can be a useful technique to increase the CTR of a webpage.

Examples of good and bad meta descriptions:

Good meta descriptions:

  1. Get the best tips for improving your website’s SEO. Our comprehensive guide covers everything from keyword research to technical SEO.” (Informs users of what they can expect to find on the page, includes the primary keyword “SEO,” uses actionable language)
  2. “Learn the top 10 ways to improve your company’s online presence with our exclusive course. Sign up now and start boosting your business.” (Informs users of what they can expect to find on the page, including the primary keyword “online presence,” uses actionable language and a call to action)
  3. “Discover the best tools and techniques for creating stunning visual content for your social media campaigns. Start creating eye-catching content today.” (Informs users of what they can expect to find on the page, includes the primary keyword “visual content,” uses actionable language)

Bad meta descriptions:

  1. “Best SEO tips for improving your website’s search rankings. Get top SEO tips now.” (Keyword stuffing, overly promotional language)
  2. “Find out how to make money online with our exclusive course. Limited time offer.” (Deceptive language, overly promotional)
  3. “Cheap SEO services. Low prices, high quality. Get your website to the top of Google now.” (Keyword stuffing, overly promotional language)

Where is the SEO meta description in WordPress

In WordPress, the SEO meta description is typically added to the page or post content editor screen in the “Yoast SEO” plugin. Here’s how you can add a meta description to a page or post in WordPress using the Yoast SEO plugin:

From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the page or post where you want to add the meta description.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page or post editor and locate the “Yoast SEO” section.

Click the “Edit snippet” button to expand the snippet editor.

In the snippet editor, you’ll see a field labeled “Meta description.” This is where you can add your meta description.

where is meta descriptions on wordpress

Type your meta description into the field. Keep in mind that meta descriptions should be concise (usually no more than 160 characters) and should accurately reflect the content of the page or post.

When you’re finished, click the “Close snippet editor” button to save your changes.

Note: If you don’t see the “Yoast SEO” section at the bottom of the page or post editor, it’s possible that the plugin is not installed or activated on your site. You can install and activate the plugin by going to the “Plugins” menu in the WordPress dashboard and clicking “Add New.” Search for “Yoast SEO,” and then follow the prompts to install and activate the plugin.


In conclusion, writing good meta descriptions is an important part of on-page SEO. By keeping them concise, including the primary keyword or phrase, making them compelling and informative, and using actionable language, you can increase the chances that users will click through to your website from search results. 

It’s also important to avoid spammy or deceptive tactics and to make sure the description accurately reflects the content of the page. We encourage readers to take the time to write good meta descriptions for their own websites and to check out additional resources for further learning, such as other blog posts, books, and courses.

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