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TikTok: How Many Followers To Start Making Money

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Social networks have experienced spectacular growth and they currently allow to make money. After Facebook, TikTok has become the most coveted platform to identify a good number of followers.

It is a godsend for companies wishing to launch their brands and who are in collaboration with influencers. But how many followers do you need to have on TikTok to become a reliable source of income? The article sheds light on the subject.

Why do the number of followers determine the monetization of TikTok?

Related topic: How to make money on TikTok

The more your followers are, the more you have the chance to make money on TikTok. All the actions to earn money that you intend to realize need your TikTok followers to succeed. If not, TikTok will be only a platform of distraction.

It is possible to earn money by doing live shows on the platform. This option allows you to get closer to your fans. If they find your intervention satisfactory, they can offer you gifts that can be converted into real money. But to make your live videos profitable, you need to get 1000 followers at least.

The other alternative to earn money is to collaborate with companies. In this case, you are in charge of spreading awareness about their brands by working as an influencer. The companies pay you if your intervention is beneficial to them. However, the condition remains the same: you need to have a maximum number of followers.

Your collaborators expect your services to attract many TikTok views. This way, their products will be seen by the maximum number of potential consumers. Again, followers are a must, because a single view from them earns you $0.01 to $0.2, depending on your rate. With 100,000 followers and 100,000 views, you will earn about $1,000.

How to increase the number of followers on TikTok?

All your videos are attractive, but the subscribers and the number of views are far from satisfying you? Practice these free tips to attract more followers.

The first step is to optimize your profile. It must be complete because it is the first business card you leave to your potential subscribers. Choose an attractive profile picture, without being vulgar. Choose a short and easy-to-remember account name so that your subscribers can easily find you. Provide relevant and reliable personal information that reflects your personality. Let your visitors know that you are a content creator on TikTok and briefly introduce the types of videos you will offer.

Then, to get the maximum number of subscribers, you must stay active on social networks, especially on TikTok. Do not hesitate to participate in challenges and post videos on your account regularly. Above all, talk about your TikTok account on your other social networks (Facebook, Instagram) to ensure its visibility.

These are free tips, but there is also a paid method to get more followers. It consists in buying TikTok followers. To do this, you must :

  • choose a reliable site that allows you to buy Tik Tok followers; Our site allows you to increase your Tik Tok followers by clicking here
  • choose the number of followers you need. In general, you can get between 1000 to 10 000 followers, depending on the site in question;
  • make the payment using your credit card or via PayPal.

How to get more TikTok views?

The number of followers is crucial, but the number of views generated by your content is also important. The advantage of TikTok is that as soon as the video is read, it is counted as a view even if the subscriber does not watch it in full. Moreover, TikTok views multiply after multiple openings and looped viewings. But how to get views on TikTok to make your account profitable?

Harness the power of hashtags

Hashtags allow TikTok to clearly identify the type of content you publish. Most importantly, they allow your followers to easily discover your videos when they search. Using a relevant hashtag is therefore effective in generating more TikTok views.

Keep your videos short

Videos shorter than 30 seconds attract more followers. Moreover, the shorter the video, the more followers tend to play it in a loop. This is a good technique to get more views.

Choose the right time to post

Take the time to observe the habits of your followers. This is to know the right time to post a video. If few people are online, the video will surely get fewer views.

How many followers do I need to have to get into the Creators’ Fund?

Recently, TikTok has introduced a program to compensate content creators. It is the “Creator Fund” which has 250 million euros of funds. Your chances to be paid are large even if it is impossible to define the amount of your gain. However, access to this fund is not without conditions.

Eligibility requirements

To apply for the Creators Fund, you must

  • Be 18 years of age or older;
  • have at least 10,000 followers;
  • generate at least 10,000 views in the last 30 days.

If you meet these requirements, you can apply by submitting your application.

Change from personal account to creator account

The conversion of your personal account to a creator account is mandatory. To do this, go to “Manage Account” and click on “Switch to Pro Account”. In the profile settings, go to “Sign up for the Tik Tok Creators Fund” and choose “Author” then “Creators Fund”.

In short, TikTok allows influencers and video creators to make money online. However, you need to have enough followers to monetize your account. It is thus advised to adopt some free or paid methods to attract more followers.

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