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Home » 10 Free AI Tools that will take your business to the next level

10 Free AI Tools that will take your business to the next level

AI Tools to boost productivity
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undoubtedly become a game-changer in today’s world, revolutionizing numerous industries and transforming the way we work. In this article, we’re going to introduce you to a curated list of 10 amazing AI tools that will leave you in awe. 

These tools are so powerful that using them almost feels like having a secret cheat code to boost your work performance. 

So, get ready to explore the fascinating world of AI and discover how these tools can take your work to new heights!

1. You-tldr

you-tldr ai tools

You-tldr is a remarkable AI tool that simplifies the way we interact with YouTube videos. Its functionality goes beyond simply watching videos by offering quick summaries and convenient downloads. With You-tldr, you can effortlessly obtain concise summaries of YouTube videos in seconds, saving you valuable time and effort.

One of the significant benefits of You-tldr is its seamless video summarization feature. Instead of watching an entire video, You-tldr provides you with a condensed version that captures the main points and key information. This is particularly useful when you’re looking to get a quick overview of a video’s content without investing too much time.

Additionally, You-tldr supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience. It ensures that language barriers do not hinder your ability to understand and engage with YouTube videos. By providing summaries in your preferred language, You-tldr enables you to explore a wide range of content from various parts of the world.

You-tldr also offers a comprehensive search feature, allowing you to find specific videos with ease. Whether you’re looking for tutorials, educational content, or entertainment, You-tldr simplifies the process by narrowing down your search results and presenting you with relevant videos. Moreover, the tool enables you to interact with YouTube videos through features like comments, likes, and shares, facilitating a seamless and engaging user experience.

Furthermore, You-tldr allows you to download YouTube videos in different formats, ensuring that you can access and enjoy your favorite videos on any device, even when offline. This flexibility makes it convenient for you to consume content wherever and whenever you want, without being restricted by internet connectivity.

2. Oxolo

free ai tool Oxolo

Oxolo is an exceptional AI tool that caters specifically to e-commerce businesses, offering a range of unique services to optimize product presentation. One of its standout features is the generation of video scripts that succinctly summarize the selling points of product listings.

When utilizing Oxolo, all you need to do is copy the URL of your product listing and paste it into the website. Through the power of AI, Oxolo analyzes the product details and generates a compelling video script that highlights the key features, benefits, and unique selling points of your product. This process significantly simplifies the creation of persuasive video content, even for those with limited video production experience.

Using AI tools like Oxolo to optimize product presentation offers several advantages. Firstly, video scripts generated by AI can effectively capture the essence of your product in a concise and engaging manner. By condensing the information into a compelling script, you can grab the attention of potential customers and communicate the value of your product more efficiently.

Additionally, AI-generated video scripts can be tailored to suit different platforms and target audiences. Whether you’re promoting your product on social media, websites, or other marketing channels, Oxolo’s video scripts can be adapted to align with the specific requirements and preferences of each platform. This versatility enables you to reach a broader audience and maximize the impact of your product presentations.

Moreover, AI tools like Oxolo can expedite the process of creating video content, saving you time and resources. Instead of investing significant effort in scriptwriting and editing, Oxolo’s automated script generation streamlines the workflow, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your business. This efficiency boost enables you to produce compelling video content more consistently and stay ahead in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

3. GPT-Minus1

ai tools to boost productivity. GPT-Minus1

GPT-Minus1 is an innovative tool that provides users with a distinct method to manipulate GPT language models, allowing them to generate text with altered meaning and tone. This tool operates by replacing words in the original text with suitable synonyms while maintaining grammatical correctness.

With GPT-Minus1, users can unlock a world of creative possibilities. By substituting words strategically, they can transform the sentiment, style, or emphasis of their text. This unique approach enables users to experiment with different tones, from formal to informal, professional to casual, or even from optimistic to sarcastic. The ability to manipulate the text in this manner empowers writers to convey their ideas in a way that resonates more effectively with their intended audience.

The potential applications of GPT-Minus1 are vast, particularly in the realm of content creation and writing. Writers can utilize this tool to craft engaging articles, blog posts, or social media captions with a distinct voice tailored to their target readership. It offers the opportunity to inject humor, provoke thought, or evoke specific emotions, ultimately enhancing the overall impact of the written content.

Also, GPT-Minus1 can be valuable for creative writing projects, enabling authors to explore different perspectives, character voices, or narrative styles. By manipulating the text using synonyms, writers can breathe life into their characters, create diverse dialogues, or establish a particular atmosphere within their stories.

Furthermore, GPT-Minus1 can aid in the generation of marketing materials, such as ad copies or product descriptions. By altering the tone and emphasis, businesses can tailor their messaging to different customer segments, effectively conveying the desired brand image and capturing the attention of their target market.

4. Microsoft Designer

Microsift designer. Ai tools to boost productivity

Microsoft Designer is an intuitive graphic design app that empowers users to create professional-quality designs for a wide range of purposes. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, this tool opens up a world of creative possibilities for individuals, even those with no prior experience in graphic design.

The app offers a plethora of features and capabilities to assist users in creating stunning designs. It provides a diverse selection of templates, fonts, colors, and shapes that can be easily customized to suit individual preferences and specific design needs. Whether you’re designing social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, or graphics for presentations, Microsoft Designer has the tools to bring your ideas to life.

What sets Microsoft Designer apart is its emphasis on accessibility. The app is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to individuals who may not have extensive design expertise. Its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality simplify the design process, allowing users to experiment and iterate effortlessly.

Moreover, Microsoft Designer offers helpful design suggestions and tips along the way, guiding users in creating visually appealing compositions. The app’s built-in intelligence helps users make informed design choices, ensuring that their creations are aesthetically pleasing and professional-looking.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a social media enthusiast, or a student working on a presentation, Microsoft Designer provides a seamless and efficient way to create visually compelling designs. It empowers users to unleash their creativity and achieve professional-quality results, even without prior design experience.

5. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI, developed by OpenAI, is a powerful language model that plays a crucial role in various natural language processing tasks. This advanced AI model has been trained on vast amounts of textual data, enabling it to understand and generate human-like text.

One significant application of Perplexity AI is in text generation. The model can generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on a given prompt or input. This capability opens up possibilities for various applications such as generating articles, creative writing, chatbot responses, and more. With Perplexity AI, users can harness the power of language generation to automate content creation and enhance productivity.

Another important application of Perplexity AI is in language translation. By leveraging its understanding of multiple languages, the model can facilitate accurate and efficient translation between different language pairs. This capability has transformative implications for breaking down language barriers, enabling communication and information exchange across diverse cultures and regions.

Language models like Perplexity AI are significant in advancing AI technology because they form the foundation of natural language understanding and generation. They learn patterns, semantics, and context from vast amounts of textual data, allowing them to comprehend and produce human-like text. This advancement in language processing brings us closer to creating more intelligent and interactive AI systems that can effectively understand and communicate with humans.



Free AI tool: is an impressive website that offers users the ability to generate AI-generated wallpapers in a matter of seconds. This innovative tool provides a convenient and efficient way to create visually stunning wallpapers for personal use or digital projects.

The website offers a wide range of options for users to choose from. Users can explore various categories such as cats, anime, sunsets, space, waterfalls, forests, and more. This diverse selection ensures that there is something for everyone’s preferences and interests. Whether you’re a fan of adorable cats, captivating anime artwork, or mesmerizing landscapes, has you covered.

The convenience of creating personalized wallpapers in seconds is one of the standout features of Users can simply input their desired category or keyword, and the AI algorithm quickly generates a beautiful wallpaper based on their selection. This saves users the time and effort of searching for and editing images manually, making the process seamless and hassle-free.

With, users can effortlessly transform their devices’ backgrounds with stunning AI-generated wallpapers that reflect their unique style and interests. The website’s user-friendly interface and swift generation process make it a go-to tool for anyone looking to personalize their digital space with visually appealing wallpapers.

7. is an impressive all-in-one visual design platform that incorporates AI-powered editing tools to streamline the photo and video editing process. This comprehensive platform offers a range of features designed to enhance visual content creation.

One notable feature of is its automatic background removal tool. Powered by AI, this tool allows users to easily remove the background from images with just a few clicks. This feature is particularly useful for creating product images with transparent backgrounds or for compositing images in graphic design projects.

In addition to background removal, also offers image restoration tools. These tools leverage AI algorithms to enhance and retouch images, making them more visually appealing. Whether it’s fixing imperfections, adjusting colors and tones, or improving overall image quality, provides the necessary tools to achieve professional-looking results.

Furthermore, includes a range of graphic design tools to assist users in creating visually captivating designs. From customizable templates to a vast library of fonts, icons, and shapes, the platform offers a comprehensive set of resources to fuel creativity and streamline the design process.

The integration of AI-powered editing tools in brings significant benefits to users. AI algorithms enable efficient and accurate background removal, saving users time and effort. The image restoration tools help users enhance their visuals with professional-level retouching, even without extensive editing skills. By leveraging AI tools, empowers users to achieve high-quality results in their photo and video editing endeavors.

8. Video2Recipe


Video2Recipe is an innovative website that revolutionizes the way we utilize cooking videos by transforming them into step-by-step recipes. This AI-powered platform simplifies the process of recreating dishes from favorite cooking videos.

Using Video2Recipe is straightforward. Users can simply paste the URL or ID of a cooking video into the website, and the AI algorithm goes to work, analyzing the video to extract essential information. The algorithm identifies the ingredients used, the cooking techniques employed, and the step-by-step process followed by the chef.

Once the analysis is complete, Video2Recipe generates a detailed recipe with clear instructions and a list of ingredients needed to recreate the dish. This convenient feature eliminates the need for users to manually take notes or pause the video repeatedly, ensuring that they have all the necessary information at their fingertips.

Video2Recipe offers immense convenience for individuals who enjoy following cooking videos but prefer having a structured recipe to guide them. By converting cooking videos into step-by-step recipes, the website simplifies the cooking process, allowing users to recreate their favorite dishes accurately and effortlessly.

9. Meet Bard

bard experiment

Meet Bard is an innovative creative and productivity tool offered by Google that aims to assist users in enhancing their work and generating creative ideas. This tool acts as a helpful collaborator, providing inspiration and suggestions to take users’ projects to the next level.

Meet Bard’s primary function is to support users in brainstorming and generating creative ideas. By leveraging AI algorithms and machine learning, the tool analyzes user inputs and provides valuable suggestions, helping users overcome creative blocks and explore new directions in their work.

One of the key advantages of Meet Bard is its collaborative nature. The tool can be used in real-time collaboration with other users, fostering teamwork and idea-sharing. Users can brainstorm together, contribute their insights, and collectively refine their projects. This collaborative aspect makes Meet Bard particularly beneficial for group projects, creative teams, or individuals seeking external input on their work.

Furthermore, Meet Bard has a broad range of potential applications. It can be utilized in various fields, such as writing, design, marketing, and more. Whether you’re a writer looking for story ideas, a designer seeking inspiration for a new project, or a marketer brainstorming catchy slogans, Meet Bard provides a platform for generating fresh ideas and enhancing your creative process.

10. Prompt Vibes

Prompt vibes: free ai tools

Prompt Vibes is an engaging website that offers a collection of writing prompts to help users develop their writing skills. These prompts serve as starting points for creative exploration and can be particularly beneficial for those looking to improve their writing abilities.

One specific prompt offered by Prompt Vibes focuses on using ChatGPT as an essay-writing tool for literature analysis. This prompt encourages users to explore the capabilities of AI-powered language models like ChatGPT and utilize them as tools to analyze and interpret works of literature.

By engaging with this prompt, users can enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills while deepening their understanding of literary works. The AI-powered assistance provided by ChatGPT can offer unique perspectives, generate thought-provoking insights, and encourage users to delve deeper into the nuances and themes of the literature they are analyzing.

The benefits of using AI-powered writing prompts, such as the one offered by Prompt Vibes, are numerous. They provide an opportunity for users to sharpen their writing skills, expand their creative thinking, and explore new approaches to literary analysis. Additionally, AI-powered prompts can offer fresh perspectives and generate unique ideas, enabling users to broaden their horizons and unlock their full writing potential.


These AI tools have the power to transform productivity, creativity, and efficiency in various domains. By integrating these tools into our work, we can stay ahead in the AI revolution, leveraging their capabilities to unlock new possibilities and achieve remarkable results.

Embrace the potential of these AI tools and explore how they can enhance your workflow. The future of work is here, and by harnessing the power of AI, you can unlock new levels of productivity and creativity. Embrace the AI revolution and propel your work to new heights.

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