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Home » Small business: How To Boost Engagement On Twitter.

Small business: How To Boost Engagement On Twitter.

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Who today does not have a Twitter account! Politicians, media stars, big companies, not to mention the countless accounts of individuals.

Everyone tweets and shares their content and it’s a tidal wave of tweets that floods the social network every day!

But then, how to get attention on Twitter when you are a small or a very small company?

Rest assured, there are effective solutions that are specifically designed for entrepreneurs

Ready to stand out? Follow these tips to boost engagement and get attention on your Twitter.

1. Tweet, tweet, and retweet!


There’s no secret, to get attention on Twitter, you have to tweet a lot and regularly. You can’t engage a community of customers around you if you don’t engage yourself!

Post fresh content, several times a day, and put interaction into your tweets. Ask questions, ask for opinions… The goal is to create a connection and a dialogue with your audience.

Also, retweet your old successful publications, not everyone has seen them yet!

Here are some tips to perfect your tweets: include only one hashtag in your content, you will have more chance to be retweeted and it must be longer than 11 characters. Don’t put a URL at the beginning or end of your tweet, it is more effective if it is placed in the middle of your publication.

2. Get the attention of influencers

To get the attention of your audience, start by getting the attention of influencers. They will be your company’s advocate, they will help you gain notoriety and boost your site’s traffic. But be careful, choose the influencers who will carry your voice. To do this, check that

  • That they are experts in their field.
  • That their audience corresponds to your target audience.
  • That they are active and that their community is large enough.

Once you have selected the influencers who meet these criteria, get their attention:

  • Comment and share their tweets.
  • Talk about them in your tweets by inserting links to their publications or to their website, for example.

If you want them to be interested in you, you should show interest in them first, on Twitter, interaction is king!

3. Show them you are an expert in your niche.

how to get engagement on twitter

You know your job inside and out, so let people know! Share your blog posts on Twitter, integrate any content that highlights your know-how and expertise.

Has your company been featured in the press? Tweet it! Not only do you send a very positive image to your customers, but it’s also a great way to attract the attention of influencers.

Never forget that the best person to talk about your Enterprise is you and it’s not arrogant to be proud to tweet about your performance and successes!

 4. Add visuals to your tweets, this makes them better!

Twitter offers you the possibility to illustrate your content, take advantage of it! An image, a video, or even a GIF attracts much more attention than a simple text. In addition to arousing the interest of your audience, know that a tweet with a visual is 34% more likely to be retweeted than a tweet without an image.

 5. You don’t talk to just anyone,target your audience

To attract attention to your business, don’t spread yourself too thin! Target your audience precisely and adapt your speech according to their interests, adopt their codes and their language. 

Answer systematically to all comments and name your followers by inserting their name preceded by an @ so that they don’t miss your answer.

Also, remember to welcome your new followers. A small personalized message brings humanity and will allow you to create a strong link with your community.

6. Twitter is about tweets, but not it goes beyond that

boost engagement on twitter
source: freepik

Twitter is full of features that will be useful to draw attention to your company. Here are two to use:

Engage in conversations

  • Feel free to interact on public conversations.
  • Identify the hashtags that match your target audience. When you click on them, you’ll get a list of related conversations.
  • Participating in discussions will allow you to quickly draw attention to your company.
  • Be careful, stay neutral in your comments, only pose as an expert.

Make listings

  • Create Twitter lists to classify the people you want to follow, the professional news feeds, but also your customers, and why not your competitors.
  • Lists will save you time by displaying the stream of tweets from people you are interested in.
  • Be aware that you can set your lists to private, so that your competitors do not suspect you of spying on them!
  • Also, subscribe to other people’s lists to keep an eye on the topics where you can interact.

In conclusion, It’s hard to draw attention to your business with only 280 characters, but following these tips will help you get known easily and effectively. 

Nevertheless, be aware that being present on Twitter requires time and when you are an entrepreneur, it is a rare resource.

Leave any questions or comments below I will be happy to answer them all for you.

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