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How to Build Backlinks by Finding and fixing broken links for other websites

Broken Link Building: how to find and fix broken links
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Broken link building is a low-effort strategy for building backlinks to your website. It involves finding broken links on other websites and replacing them with links to your own content. 

This can be a very effective way to improve your website’s SEO, as backlinks are one of the most important factors that Google considers when ranking websites.

What is A Broken Link?

A broken link is a link that points to a page that no longer exists. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as the page being deleted, moved, or renamed. Broken links can be a problem for both website owners and visitors

For website owners, broken links can lead to lost traffic and SEO penalties. For visitors, broken links can be frustrating and lead to a poor user experience.

Broken link building is a way to address the problem of broken links by replacing them with links to your own content. 

This is very effective when it comes to building backlinks to your website, as it shows Google that other websites find your content valuable.

The Process of Broken Link Building

The process of identifying and building a broken link can be broken down into the following steps:

1. Identify relevant websites for broken link building.

The first step is to identify relevant websites for broken link building. This means finding websites that are in your niche and that have high domain authority. You can use a variety of tools to identify relevant websites.

How to Identify Broken Links

A-Use a broken link checker tool. 

A broken link checker tool can scan a website for broken links. This is a quick and easy way to find websites that have broken links in your niche. Some popular broken link checker tools include:

  • Broken Link Checker 
  • Ahrefs Broken Link Finder 
  • SEMrush Link Explorer
B-Use Google Search. 

You can also use Google Search to find websites with broken links in your niche. To do this, you can use the following search operators:

  •  inurl:“broken links”
  • “broken links” 
  • “broken links” filetype:pdf
C-Use a competitor analysis tool. 

A competitor analysis tool can help you to identify websites that are similar to yours and that have high domain authority. This is a great way to find websites that are likely to be interested in your content. Some popular competitor analysis tools include:

  • Ahrefs 
  • SEMrush 
  • Moz

2. Find broken links on target websites. 

Once you have identified relevant websites, you need to find broken links on those websites. There are a few different ways to do this. 

You can use a broken link checker tool, or you can also manually search for broken links.

Using a broken link checker tool

A broken link checker tool is a software application that can scan a website for broken links. This is a quick and easy way to find broken links on a website. Some popular broken link checker tools are Broken Link Checker, Ahrefs Broken Link Finder, and SEMrush Link Explorer

To use a broken link checker tool, you simply need to enter the URL of the website you want to scan. The tool will then scan the website and identify any broken links.

Manually searching for broken links

This is a more time-consuming method, but it can be more accurate. To manually search for broken links, you can use the following methods:

  • Look for 404 errors. A 404 error is an HTTP status code that indicates that a page cannot be found. If you see a 404 error when you try to access a page on a website, then the link to that page is broken.
  • Use the “Ctrl+F” keyboard shortcut. You can use the “Ctrl+F” keyboard shortcut to search for specific keywords on a website. This can be a helpful way to find broken links that are related to your content.
  • Use a sitemap. A sitemap is a file that contains a list of all the pages on a website. You can use a sitemap to quickly find all the links on a website.

Once you have found broken links on a target website, you need to evaluate them to determine if they are worth replacing.

3. Create valuable content to replace broken links.

Once you have found broken links, you need to create valuable content to replace them. This means creating content that is relevant to the broken links you found and that is high-quality. 

You can create blog posts, articles, infographics, or even videos. The content you create should be relevant to the broken links you found. And also make sure the content is high-quality. 

The content you create should be high-quality. This means that the content should be well-written, informative, and engaging.

4. Reach out to website owners or webmasters. 

Once you have created valuable content, you need to reach out to the website owners or webmasters of the websites where you found the broken links.

When you reach out to website owners or webmasters, it is essential to be polite and professional. 

You should introduce yourself and your website, and then explain why you are reaching out. 

You should also provide a link to your valuable content and explain how it would benefit their website.

Here is an example of an email you could send to a website owner or webmaster:

Dear [Website Owner or Webmaster name],

My name is [Your name] and I am the owner of [Your website]. I am writing to you today because I found a broken link on your website that I believe could be replaced with my content.

The broken link is located on your page [Page URL]. The link is to a page that no longer exists. I believe that my content, [Your content URL], would be a great replacement for the broken link.

My content is [Description of your content]. It is high-quality and relevant to the content on your page. It would be a valuable addition to your website.

I would be grateful if you would consider replacing the broken link with my content. I have attached a copy of my content for your review.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your name] 

5. Follow up with website owners or webmasters. 

After you have reached out to website owners or webmasters, it is important to follow up with them. This shows that you are serious about your broken link building campaign and that you are willing to put in the effort to get results.

You can follow up by sending a reminder email or by leaving another comment on their website. 

In your follow-up message, you should thank the website owner or webmaster for their time and consideration. You should also reiterate your request to replace the broken link with your content.

Advantages of Broken Link Building

There are a number of advantages to using broken link building as an SEO strategy. These include:

  • Low effort and time investment. Broken link building is a relatively low-effort and time-consuming strategy compared to other link building methods.
  • Opportunity to provide value to website owners. By fixing broken links on other websites, you can provide value to website owners and improve their user experience.
  • Building relationships with website owners. Broken link building can also help you build relationships with website owners, which can lead to future collaborations.

Tips and Best Practices for Successful Broken Link Building

Here are some tips and best practices for successful broken link building:

  • Conduct thorough research for identifying broken link opportunities. This includes using tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to identify broken links on relevant websites.
  • Craft compelling outreach emails. Your outreach emails should be clear, concise, and persuasive. They should also highlight the value that your content can provide to the website owner.
  • Create high-quality content to replace broken links. Your content should be high-quality and relevant to the target website. It should also be well-written and informative.
  • Track and measure the success of broken link building campaigns. This will help you determine which strategies are working and which need adjustment.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

There are a few potential challenges that you may face when using broken link building. These include:

  • A low response rate from website owners. Not all website owners will respond to your outreach emails.
  • Rejections and setbacks. It’s not uncommon to receive rejections or setbacks when using broken link building.
  • Adapting and refining your strategy. The broken link building landscape is constantly changing. You need to be prepared to adapt and refine your strategy as needed.


Broken link building is a low-effort and effective way to build backlinks to your website. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success with broken link building.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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