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GrowthBar Review: Write and optimize SEO-friendly blog content10x faster

Growthbar SEO Review
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GrowthBar is a relatively new AI tool that aims to help bloggers and content teams optimize their content. Despite its affordability, it boasts a wide range of features that make it a strong contender in the AI writing and content optimization space.

In this GrowthBar review, the features, pros, and cons of using this SEO tool will be discussed to help readers make an informed decision on whether it is the right tool for them.

The review will cover the ease of use, stability, customer service, and price of GrowthBar. Additionally, the content optimization, keyword research, and blog topic generator features will be explored.

The review will also discuss the GrowthBar Chrome extension and other AI tools included in the platform, such as email newsletters, press releases, sales emails, and product descriptions.

Finally, the review will touch on the customer support offered by GrowthBar and provide a summary of the pros and cons of using the tool.

GrowthBar review

What is GrowthBar?

GrowthBar is an AI writing tool that helps marketers, bloggers, and content teams create SEO-friendly content, blog posts, and promotional website content.

It comes with a range of content optimization features that help users create content with the best possible chance of being ranked in search engines.

GrowthBar Features

Content Generator

The Content Generator feature of GrowthBar helps users generate long-form content such as blog posts and web pages. The dashboard makes it easy to get started. You can put a rough topic or title idea into the ‘create content’ bar and click to get started.

GrowthBar review

The tool provides a suggested title and opening paragraph, which can be accepted or shuffled for another suggestion.

The tool also provides a selection of H2 and H3 headers from competitors on the right-hand side. You can drag and drop the ones they like into their article, make any changes if they wish, or leave them as they are.

GrowthBar review

Once the headers are chosen, users can generate more content by hitting the ‘Write with AI’ button under each H2 or H3 heading. The AI generates a paragraph for users based on the heading.

GrowthBar review

You can select certain sentences and/or paragraphs and ‘shuffle’ content if you want to change certain sections of what has been created.

The tool even includes suggested images for the article based on the chosen keywords. If users see an image they like, they can simply drag and drop it into the article.

The source of the image is included in a link underneath, which is a huge time saver. This feature also includes the content optimization tool.

Paragraph Generator

The Paragraph Generator feature works independently of the Content Generator tool. It helps users generate a single paragraph.

You can write a few words about what they want their paragraph to be about and shuffle sections of the text around if they want any changes to be made.

Paragraph Rewriter

The Paragraph Rewriter tool within GrowthBar allows users to change how a piece of text reads, and they can edit it until they are happy with the content.

Paragraph Rewriter tool within GrowthBar

This tool can be hit-and-miss. Sometimes it does a great job, and other times it only rewrites a few words out of the whole paragraph.

However, this can be pretty standard for rewriter tools.

Crafting Meta Descriptions

With GrowthBar, you can effortlessly generate effective meta descriptions. Simply provide a brief description of your page or post, and let the power of AI work its magic.

This invaluable tool can save you precious time and effort, especially if you find yourself endlessly pondering over meta descriptions.

Content Optimization

Creating excellent content is essential, but it’s not enough. To truly succeed in the online realm, your content must be optimized for search engines.

GrowthBar steps in to help you in this endeavor by providing you with the following insights:

  • 1. Optimal Headings and Structure: It advises on the ideal number of headings, ensuring your content is well-structured.
  • 2. Target Word Count: GrowthBar suggests the right word count range for your content, striking the perfect balance.
  • 3. Image Recommendations: Guidance on the number of images to include for better engagement.
  • 4. External Links: Suggestions for the incorporation of external links to enhance the credibility of your content.
  • 5. Paragraphs and Readability: The tool offers recommendations on the number of paragraphs, ensuring your content’s readability.

The readability score, a feature unique to GrowthBar, further aids you in creating content that is both informative and easy to digest.

Keywords Research

GrowthBar is not limited to crafting meta descriptions and optimizing content. It also houses a potent keyword research tool, which is pivotal for effective SEO.

This tool enables you to examine keywords, assess search volumes, and gauge the difficulty of ranking for them.

Additionally, it provides a list of related queries to broaden your keyword horizons.

While GrowthBar may not offer the extensive depth of tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, it is a valuable option for basic search engine optimization.

Blog Topics Generator

Bloggers will find the blog ideas tool an invaluable resource. By entering a couple of words related to your chosen topic, GrowthBar provides you with a list of captivating blog title ideas.

This feature empowers you to kickstart your creative process, making it easier to develop engaging content.

Site Inspector

The Site Inspector feature is a versatile tool, allowing you to analyze any domain in detail. It provides insights on domain authority, backlink analysis, estimated traffic, ranking keywords, and paid keywords.

For those seeking a comprehensive understanding, the ‘see more backlinks’ option unveils a detailed backlink report, complete with the linking site’s domain authority.

GrowthBar’s ability to reveal Google ads campaigns and their cost-per-click details is an added bonus. This tool also lists the keywords a specific site ranks for.

It’s important to note that the backlink list is capped at 500 entries, and the tool lacks functionality for broken link building, a minor drawback compared to dedicated tools like Ahrefs and Semrush.

Website Rank tracker

With GrowthBar’s Rank Tracker, you can effortlessly monitor keyword rankings and assess your site’s performance.

This feature provides a monthly estimate of site traffic, keyword rankings, and the difficulty rating for ranking your chosen keywords.

It is instrumental in keeping tabs on your competitors’ performance, helping you formulate a strategy to enhance your own site’s SEO.

the GrowthBar Chrome Extension

GrowthBar goes the extra mile with its Chrome extension, offering real-time insights into SEO and ranking for Google search results.

Each search result, reveals keyword research difficulty scores, domain authority, organic traffic, backlinks, and information about Google and Facebook ads.

The extension also suggests related searches, complete with monthly Google search volume and CPC data.

This extension doesn’t just streamline your daily SEO research; it also allows you to harness the power of AI software directly within WordPress. This dual functionality is a significant time-saver, simplifying the content creation process.

GrowthBar’s Pricing plans

For those considering the adoption of GrowthBar, understanding the pricing options is paramount. This section will walk you through the available subscription plans, helping you choose the one that aligns best with your needs.

1. Standard Package – $29 per month

  • User Accounts: You get two user accounts, allowing collaboration within your team.
  • AI Content Outlines: With this package, you have access to 25 AI content outlines, streamlining your content creation process.
  • AI Paragraph Generations: Generate content effortlessly with 200 AI paragraph generations.
  • Keyword Tracking: This plan enables you to track up to 25 keywords across a single site.
  • Competitor Keywords: Keep an eye on 300 competitor keywords to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Google Ads: Access Google ads insights to enhance your advertising strategy.
  • Backlinks: Gain insights into your backlinks, crucial for SEO success.

2. Pro Package – $79 per month

  • User Accounts: The Pro Package extends to five user accounts, fostering collaboration within a larger team.
  • AI Content Outlines: This plan boosts your content creation capabilities with 100 AI content outlines.
  • AI Paragraph Generations: Enjoy 500 AI paragraph generations for more extensive content generation.
  • Keyword Tracking: Track up to 1,000 keywords, providing a broader perspective on your SEO efforts.
  • Competitor Keywords: Keep tabs on competitor keywords, an essential part of strategic planning.
  • Backlinks: Access insights on backlinks for a more comprehensive SEO strategy.
  • Google Ads: The Pro Package enhances your Google ads query results to a maximum of 1,000.

3. Top Agency Package – $129 per month

  • User Accounts: The Top Agency Package is ideal for larger teams, offering ten user accounts to facilitate teamwork.
  • AI Content Outlines: This plan provides 300 AI content outlines, catering to the demands of extensive content creation.
  • AI Paragraph Generations: Unlock the potential of 2,000 AI paragraph generations for robust content generation.
  • Keyword Tracking: Track a substantial 5,000 keywords across 25 sites, gaining a comprehensive overview of your SEO landscape.
  • Competitor Keywords: Access insights on 2,000 competitor keywords per query.
  • Backlinks: Gain insights into 1,500 competitor backlinks for in-depth SEO analysis.
  • Google Ads: Maximize your Google ads query results to 2,000.

Regardless of the plan you choose, all GrowthBar packages come with live support to assist you in making the most of the tool.

Exploring Beta Features

GrowthBar continues to evolve, introducing features that are currently in Beta testing. These include:

1. Email Newsletters

Crafting engaging email newsletters can be challenging, and GrowthBar is working on a tool to streamline this process. While still in Beta, it aims to help you create content that is both wordy and efficient, simplifying the task of engaging your subscribers.

2. Press Releases

GrowthBar is developing a press release content creator, designed to assist you in crafting informative yet promotional content. This feature is invaluable if you’re looking to gain visibility on platforms like Google News or in local newspapers.

3. Sales Emails

Sales emails can significantly boost your business revenue when executed effectively. GrowthBar’s Beta version of a sales email content creator holds promise, particularly in areas like cart abandonment emails and touchpoint communication.

4. Product Descriptions

GrowthBar recognizes the importance of product descriptions in influencing purchasing decisions. As part of its commitment to aiding content creation, it is working on AI-powered product description options to help businesses succeed.

Customer Support

For users seeking assistance, GrowthBar offers customer support via live chat on their website.

While the response time is estimated at a few hours, they also provide an email address for inquiries. However, the expected response time for email inquiries is not specified.

Pros and Cons

In the world of software, every tool has its strengths and limitations. Here are the main pros and cons to consider from this GrowthBar review:


  • Ease of Use: GrowthBar is user-friendly, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Affordable Plans: The basic subscription is budget-friendly, and a 5-day free trial is available.
  • Image Recommendations: It suggests relevant images for your content, aiding visual engagement.
  • Chrome Extension: The extension enhances your day-to-day SEO research and content optimization.
  • Support for Analyzing Ads: GrowthBar supports the analysis of both Facebook and Google ads.


  • Safari Compatibility: GrowthBar may not work optimally with Safari browsers.
  • Basic Keyword Research: While effective, the keyword research features are not as advanced as some specialized tools.
  • AI Content Generation: Although beneficial, the AI content generation may not match the capabilities of tools like Jasper.

Conclusion: Is GrowthBar Worth the Investment?

GrowthBar offers exceptional value for your investment. Its user-friendly interface, affordability, and ability to optimize content directly within WordPress make it an ideal choice, especially for those with budget constraints. The tool empowers bloggers and small business owners to create high-quality, SEO-optimized content through the use of AI.

As with any software, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons and consider your specific needs. However, for those looking to maximize their SEO strategy without breaking the bank, GrowthBar is a compelling choice.

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