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How to Outsource Link Building in 2023?

How to outsource linkbuilding
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In today’s digital landscape, having a robust website with a strong backlink profile is essential for businesses to stay ahead of the competition in their respective markets. However, not all companies have the means or expertise to implement a successful link-building strategy. 

This is why an increasing number of businesses are turning to professional agencies for link-building services. Despite this trend, many businesses remain uncertain about how outsourced link building operates and whether it’s the best option for their needs. 

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of link building, the process of outsourcing it, and the potential benefits that come with it, including the possibility of reaching new heights for your business.

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What does it mean to outsource link-building?

Link-building outsourcing involves engaging a third-party company to manage the entire process of building links for your business.  By outsourcing this task, you can reap all the rewards of link building, such as enhanced domain authority, improved visibility, and a boost in traffic and sales, without having to handle the labor-intensive tasks yourself.

 In essence, you are delegating the hard work of link building to a team of experts, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

Why do Businesses Outsource Link-Building?

Outsourcing link-building has become a popular option for many businesses that find it challenging to allocate the necessary time, resources, or expertise to develop and execute an effective link-building strategy. In such cases, companies often choose to focus on their core business goals while outsourcing the link-building process to an agency. This can offer several benefits including

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Cost and time savings 

Hiring an in-house link builder can be a significant financial burden, with salaries ranging from $20,000 to $100,000 annually, not to mention the costs of onboarding and training. Outsourcing link building to an agency, on the other hand, can help companies save on these costs, as they can pay a monthly fee or negotiate a flat rate.

Faster acquisition of quality links

Experienced link-building agencies have established strategies in place and can deliver high-quality links faster than an in-house team that needs to research and develop its own strategy from scratch. Additionally, agencies typically have a larger team, providing more manpower for link-building efforts.

Consistent link maintenance

Link building does not end with acquiring links. Maintaining a healthy backlink profile requires ongoing efforts such as identifying and fixing toxic links, optimizing anchor texts, and ensuring a diversity of link types. Agencies have the resources to monitor and maintain link profiles, reducing the risk of spammy links damaging a business’s backlink profile.

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Which Kinds of Businesses Opt for Link Building Outsourcing?

Link-building outsourcing can be done by anyone looking to establish a robust backlink profile. However, it’s mainly businesses and marketing agencies that tend to opt for this strategy.

Reasons for Businesses to Outsource Link Building 

Businesses that do not have an in-house link builder often resort to outsourcing link building to save time and resources. Additionally, some businesses that already have an in-house SEO specialist may want to expand or hasten their link-building efforts. The main reason why businesses outsource link building is a lack of expertise in the field. They seek the services of professionals who have:

  • Advanced skillset
  • Extensive experience in the niche
  • Connections with potential prospects
  • Proven strategies
  • Proficiency in link building and outreach tools Furthermore, businesses that outsource link building have the opportunity to network with other companies and industries through their link building partner.

Reasons for Marketing Agencies to Outsource Link Building 

Surprisingly, even marketing agencies sometimes outsource link building. This is because not all marketing agencies specialize in SEO, and not all SEO agencies have the required manpower for quality link-building. In such cases, agencies may outsource link building to other specialized agencies, freeing up time and resources to take on more clients or handle larger projects.

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Hiring In-House vs Outsourcing Link Building: A Comparison 

how to outsource link building

The choice between hiring in-house or outsourcing link building can be a difficult one. To assist in your decision, let’s examine the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. 

Advantages of In-House Link Building 

Companies that choose to hire in-house enjoy full control over their SEO and link-building efforts. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that value transparency and have ample resources at their disposal. In-house link builders can also tailor their strategies to meet the specific needs of their employers. 

Disadvantages of In-House Link Building 

The primary disadvantage of in-house link building is cost. Hiring just one specialist can cost over $100,000 annually, not including benefits, office space, software, and other associated expenses. 

In-house specialists may also require additional support if the company is looking to scale, which can result in the need to hire more specialists, assistants, or freelancers. 

Additionally, it takes time for in-house specialists to develop a customized approach to link building, so results may not be immediate. 

Advantages of Outsourced Link Building 

Outsourcing link-building can be more cost-effective in the long term compared to hiring in-house. This is due to the speed at which results can be achieved. When outsourcing link building to an agency, you have a team of experts working to secure links, rather than just one person. 

Agencies already have the necessary tools, software, and strategies in place, so they are ready to start acquiring links from day one. Additionally, the flexibility to scale up or down as needed is a significant advantage, with many link-building agencies offering pay-per-link, flat rate, or hourly fees. 

Disadvantages of Outsourced Link Building 

When outsourcing to a link-building agency, there is less transparency compared to working with an in-house specialist. If 24/7 visibility into the process is important, an in-house hire may be a better option. 

Additionally, outsourced link building may not be as customizable as working with an in-house specialist, as quality agencies have already established strategies that have proven to be effective.

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Considerations before Outsourcing Link Building 

Are you ready to delegate your link-building efforts to an experienced professional? Here are four aspects to reflect on before hiring an agency.

#1: Determine your budget 

It’s important to clarify your financial constraints before approaching any agencies. Establish a clear budget, and be sure to inquire about any additional charges for services like consultations, follow-ups, and others. Additionally, decide if you prefer to pay for a one-time service package or a recurring monthly campaign. 

#2: Consider Quality vs. Quantity 

When it comes to link building, the quality of links is just as significant as their quantity. Although some agencies may promise to deliver numerous links in a short amount of time, these links may not be of high quality. Remember, your backlink profile’s strength is determined by the quality of the links. Prioritize quality over quantity, even if it takes a little longer. 

#3: Consider the agency’s  Approach 

Another factor to keep in mind when selecting an agency is the approach they take toward link building. For some businesses, a pre-packaged service may suffice. However, if you prefer a more hands-on approach, look for an agency that offers managed link-building campaigns. 

Before making a decision, also review the agency’s track record and make sure they don’t use any unethical methods such as black hat techniques, PBNs, or cloaking, which can result in penalties over time. 

#4: Service Transparency 

Link building is a long-term investment in SEO, and the agency you choose will play a crucial role in determining your success. Ensure that the agency you work with values trust, open communication, and transparency, as organic link-building requires patience and persistence.

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Tips for Choosing a Reliable Outsourced Link-Building Provider 

outsource linkbuilding

When outsourcing link-building, one of the biggest challenges is finding a reputable vendor who will deliver quality links and not harm your website. To help you navigate this process, here are five best practices to follow:

  1. Examine Case Studies: Don’t just take a vendor’s word for it. Look at the case studies they’ve completed to see the kind of work they’ve done, their problem-solving skills, and if they’ve worked with businesses in your niche. A good case study should include information on the strategies used and goals achieved, and provide links to the websites they’ve worked on (which you can verify).
  2. Check Company Ratings: It’s important to see what others are saying about the company online. Do they have positive ratings on websites like Glassdoor or G2? What do the reviews say? Personal experiences from other companies that have used the vendor’s services can be very helpful. Additionally, if someone you trust refers this provider, that can add extra trust points.
  3. Demand Transparency: Link building is not an easy process, and some vendors may offer unethical or untransparentable deals. As a client, it’s your right to know the strategies and processes used by the vendor and where they obtain their links. A reputable vendor should be open and transparent about these details.
  4. Focus on Quality over Quantity: Numbers are important for results, but consistency, predictability, and quality are even more crucial. If a vendor offers packages that promise a certain number of links per month (e.g. 50, 100, or 500 links), they may not be putting much emphasis on the quality. Avoid vendors who overpromise and claim to have magical links.
  5. Avoid Shady Schemes: There are many link-building schemes out there, such as excessive outreach that gives spammy vibes, automated links, or suspiciously cheap prices. These can be signs of black hat SEO practices, which you should avoid at all costs.

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Effective Strategies for Outsourcing Link Building 

After conducting thorough research and finding a reputable vendor, it’s time to start your link-building plan. Here are some key tips to ensure smooth and successful collaboration:

  1. Clarify provider services. Take the time to ask questions, listen to the vendor’s expertise, and discuss the specific needs and expectations of your company.
  2. Manage your expectations. Focus on quality and expertise, not just the quantity of links you can receive in a short amount of time. This will avoid raising red flags with Google and ensure long-term success.
  3. Diversify your approach. While link building is an important aspect of building referral traffic and boosting domain authority, it should not be the only strategy employed. Consider other tactics such as content marketing, on-page SEO, and social media marketing to achieve comprehensive results.

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