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How To Run Your Marketing On WhatsApp

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Have you thought about integrating WhatsApp into your marketing strategy? The messaging application has 1.5 billion active users in 180 countries worldwide. And the least we can say is that WhatsApp is addictive: 58% of users consult the application more than 23 times a day.

Facebook, which bought the app in February 2014, has identified the potential of this channel and launched WhatsApp Business, a version aimed at VSEs/SMEs. The business version has over 3 million accounts. 

The application allows you to go beyond simple interaction with consumers, in order to optimize your marketing campaigns and increase your sales.

How do you do it? That’s what we will see in this article!

A business platform in its own right

5 tips to boost your sales on WhatsApp

WhatsApp Business offers a new communication channel to your customers: SMS. A real boon for your brand, the application helps you establish a close link with the customer thanks to several functions.

 A complete business card

Your WhatsApp Business page allows you to gather all the useful information about your company: your services, your stores (or the address of your headquarters), and your website… 

You can even program a welcome message that provides assistance on your products or services and thus unclog your after-sales service (while increasing customer satisfaction!).

Powerful automation features

Thanks to its message automation function, you can take your communication to the next level! Many companies use it to replace their email campaigns. Indeed, on WhatsApp Business, you can create different mailing lists, segmented according to your own criteria.

You then have the possibility to schedule targeted campaigns. The advantage? The deliverability rate is close to 100% and the open rate is exceptional: 70% of the messages sent on WhatsApp are read.

The creation of a product catalog

Earlier this year, Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of a new feature on WhatsApp Business: the product catalog. It allows companies to offer their products and services directly through the application. Users can discover what a brand offers, but also buy directly on the platform.

The main advantage is that in case of questions, the prospect can directly contact the company for advice. If the company guides him correctly during his purchase process, then sales can increase exponentially!

Useful statistics

With the statistics offered by the application, you can see how many messages have been sent, received, and read. This allows you to analyze your exchanges and campaigns, to improve your future marketing operations.

5 tips to boost your sales on WhatsApp

5 tips to boost your sales on WhatsApp

How can you take advantage of WhatsApp’s features to acquire new prospects and generate more leads? 

1. Promote your WhatsApp account

Given the features offered by the application and its exceptional open rate (70%, remember!), it’s in your best interest to attract your current leads to this platform. Add a link to your WhatsApp number on your website, your blog, and your social networks. 

In fact, consider publishing a post on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, and all your pages to announce your availability on WhatsApp.

In order to convince people to join you, use an engaging verb on your calls to action: “write to us”, “contact us personally”…

2. Adopt a close, conniving tone

The convenience of WhatsApp makes the conversation with the customer seem more playful. Writing what is similar to a text message allows you to reinforce your closeness with him, which influences his engagement.

Never stop a conversation before a sale is made. Always be positive, upbeat, helpful, and ready to work with the prospect.

3. Create chat groups

With WhatsApp Business, you can create groups of up to 256 people. You can segment your prospects according to their profile, their needs, and their loyalty. For example, you can create a chat group with your most loyal customers to offer them exclusive information, unique discount codes, contests, etc.

The fact of regularly exchanging with a qualified community generates relevant feedback for your company. This feedback can be used to improve your following products, campaigns, and customer relations.

4. Create campaigns tailored to the app

WhatsApp is not a platform like any other. You won’t be able to recruit leads via an advertisement, as you can on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, or TwitterSmall business: How To Boost Engagement On Twitter.. To acquire potential customers, you will have to be imaginative and creative.

For example, if you organize a contest, the condition to participate will have to be to send a message to your WhatsApp number. You can also launch a referral campaign and offer a reward to those who encourage their friends to contact you via the application.

5. Publish only relevant and useful content

Be careful not to turn your WhatsApp account into a spam factory! When contacting your customers, be sure to help them achieve their goals. 

Avoid untimely promotions and prefer relevant content that helps them move forward: video, webinar, white paper, blog post… 

You can then bounce on the answers and questions generated by your community, in order to help your interlocutors in their buying process

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