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8 Link-Building Strategies to Help Your Site Rank Higher

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In today’s digital age, building inbound links is crucial for boosting your website’s visibility and driving more traffic to your site. However, with so many link-building strategies out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 8 tried-and-true inbound link-building strategies that are sure to help you rank higher in search engines and attract new visitors.

From creating compelling content to leveraging social media platforms, read on for our expert tips on how to build high-quality backlinks and take your online presence to the next level!

8 Proven link-building strategies to get more backlinks

1. Maintain a steady blog with great content.

Maintaining a steady blog with great content is the foundation of any successful link-building strategy. When you regularly publish high-quality content that engages your audience and offers value, other websites are more likely to link back to your site.

But what does “great content” actually mean? To start, it should be original, informative, and well-written. Your readers should find it interesting enough to share with their own networks. Additionally, focus on creating evergreen content that stays relevant over time and can continue attracting inbound links for months or even years after its publication.

Another key element of maintaining a steady blog is consistency. Set a schedule for yourself (whether it’s daily, weekly or monthly) and stick to it as best as possible. This helps build trust with your readership by establishing expectations about when they can expect new content from you.

Don’t forget about optimizing your blog posts for search engines using keywords and meta descriptions. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of being found by potential linking partners who are searching online for related topics in your industry.

2. Link to other blogs on your blog.

Linking to other blogs on your own blog is one of the most effective yet underused link-building strategies. By providing external links, you are not only adding value to your content but also helping readers discover new and relevant information.

When linking to other blogs, make sure that they are high-quality and authoritative sources. Doing so can improve your own website’s credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines.

Additionally, reaching out to the bloggers whose work you’ve linked can be a great way to build relationships as well as encourage them to share your content with their audience.

However, don’t overdo it with outbound links. Too many external links may dilute the focus of your post or even cause readers to leave your site altogether.

Linking out to other blogs is a simple yet effective way of improving both user experience and SEO ranking. So next time you’re crafting a blog post, remember that there’s value in sharing the love for others’ work too!

3. Write guest blog posts.

Guest posting for link building is beneficial because it allows you to obtain high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

These backlinks improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more traffic. Guest posting also enhances brand visibility and authority by reaching a wider audience and establishing expertise.

It offers networking opportunities and helps diversify your link profile. However, it’s important to prioritize quality, relevance, and value in your guest posts.

4. Curate and publish helpful resource lists.

One of the most effective inbound link-building strategies is curating and publishing helpful resource lists. This involves creating a list of valuable resources related to your industry or niche that others can benefit from.

To start, research and gather a variety of high-quality resources such as blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, tools, or guides. Organize them into categories and create a visually appealing format for easy reading.

Once you have created your resource list, publish it on your website or blog. Promote it through social media channels and email newsletters to reach out to potential readers. You can also pitch it to other bloggers or websites in your industry who may be interested in linking back to your page.

Curating resource lists not only attracts inbound links but also establishes yourself as an authority in your field by providing value to others. It’s an excellent way to build relationships with other content creators while boosting traffic and credibility for your website too!

5. Do expert roundups to build relationships.

Expert roundups are a great way to build relationships in your industry, while also creating valuable content for your audience. By gathering insights and opinions from experts in your field, you can provide unique perspectives on important topics.

To start an expert roundup, reach out to influencers in your industry and ask them to contribute their thoughts on a particular topic or question. Make sure the topic is relevant and interesting to your audience, as well as the experts themselves.

Once you have received responses from several experts, compile their answers into one cohesive article or blog post. Be sure to include each contributor’s name and website/social media handles so that they receive proper credit and exposure.

By involving influencers in this way, you not only create high-quality content but also establish valuable connections within your industry. These relationships can lead to future collaborations or partnerships down the line.

Expert roundups are a win-win situation for both parties involved – providing value for readers while building strong networks within the industry.

6. Write newsjack posts.

Newsjacking is a term coined by David Meerman Scott, which refers to the act of leveraging current events or news stories to gain attention for your own brand or website. By writing news jack posts, you can tap into trending topics and attract more inbound links.

To start off, keep an eye on breaking news in your industry or niche. Once you find a story that aligns with your expertise or interests, craft a unique angle that adds value to the conversation. Avoid simply regurgitating the same information everyone else is sharing.

When you publish your post, be sure to share it on social media and tag relevant journalists or influencers who may want to cover the story further. This can increase exposure for both your post and its coverage.

However, it’s important to note that not all news stories are appropriate for newsjacking. If something tragic or controversial occurs, it’s best not to try and capitalize on it for personal gain. Use discretion and always prioritize empathy when considering whether to write about current events in your content strategy.

Writing news jack posts requires creativity and quick thinking but can lead to valuable inbound links if done correctly.

7. Create case studies about your most impressive clients.

Creating case studies about your most impressive clients is one of the best ways to showcase your strengths as a business. By highlighting specific examples of how you helped clients achieve their goals, you can demonstrate your expertise and build trust with potential customers.

When creating a case study, it’s important to focus on telling a compelling story. Start by outlining the client’s challenge or problem and then describe the solution or strategy that was implemented. Use data and metrics to show the impact of your work and include quotes from the client to add authenticity.

One key benefit of case studies is that they can be repurposed in a variety of ways. You can share them on social media, feature them on your website, or even use them as part of a sales pitch.

In addition to showcasing your capabilities, creating case studies also helps strengthen relationships with clients. By involving them in the process and giving them an opportunity to share their success stories, you’re reinforcing their commitment to working with you.

If done well, creating case studies can be an effective way to build inbound links while sharing valuable insights about how you’ve helped others succeed in their businesses.

8. Volunteer to be the subject of a case study.

One effective way to build inbound links is by volunteering to be the subject of a case study. By doing so, you’re not only providing valuable information for others in your industry but also increasing your own exposure and credibility.

To start, reach out to companies or individuals who create case studies in your field and express your interest in being featured. Be sure to highlight what sets you apart from others and why you would make a great subject for their study.

Once selected, provide detailed information about yourself or your business that showcases how you have achieved success or overcome challenges. Share specific metrics if possible, as this will add credibility to the case study.

After the case study is published, share it on social media and link back to it on your website. This will not only drive traffic back to the original source but also increase visibility for yourself or your business. Volunteering as a subject of a case study can be an effective inbound link-building strategy with numerous benefits.


These are just a few of the strategies to inbound link-building strategies. We still will be adding more as time goes on.

Till then if you have a strategy that you wish us to put on this list you can list it in the comment section or just hit me up via our contact page. We will be glad to study them and include them in our list

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